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Stackbit Nextjs V2

The NextJs core starter for Stackbit.


npm install
npm run dev

Add a new page

Create a new markdown file content/pages/ with the following frontmatter.

title: "New Example Page"
layout: "AdvancedLayout"
  - type: "HeroSection"
    variant: "variant-a"
    width: "wide"
    height: "auto"
    alignHoriz: "left"
    badge: "Brand New"
    title: "My Heading"
    text: "a long description"
      - type: "Button"
        url: "/"
        label: "Home"
        style: "primary"
      type: "ImageBlock"
      imageUrl: "/images/hero.png"
      imageAltText: "Image alt text"
      imageCaption: "Image caption"

Visit http://localhost:3000/new-page/ to see the new page.

Note: The pages url will match the file path - content/pages/ will resolve to /new-page. A nested folder like content/pages/blog/ will resolve to /blog/

Add a menu item

Menu items are configured in content/data/config.json. Edit the config file and add a new menu object to the primaryLinks array.

// content/data/config.json
  "navBar": {
    // ...
    "primaryLinks": [
      // ...
        "type": "Link",
        "label": "My New Page",
        "url": "/new-page",
        "altText": ""
    // ...

Adding more sections to the page

Add a 🧩 CtaSection to the page by adding the component to the the sections array.

# content/pages/
title: "New Example Page"
layout: "AdvancedLayout"
sections: # sections array
  - type: "HeroSection"
    # ...
  - type: "CtaSection"
    variant: "variant-a"
    width: "wide"
    height: "auto"
    alignHoriz: "center"
    title: "Let's do this"
    text: "The Stackbit theme is flexible and scalable to every need. It can manage any layout and any screen."
      - type: "Button"
        url: "/contact"
        label: "Get Started"
        style: "primary"

Component Library: The Stackbit Component Library has full documentation on each component including the available props and frontmatter.

Component Examples

Understanding Layouts

Explain how layouts work.

  • How does the layout field work?
  • How does the layout field effect which frontmatter fields can be used?
  • The layout is dependant on a stackbit.yaml model. The model defines which components can be used in the sections array. Explain how the layout and model are used.

Adding your own components

Explain how to add your own component

Extending a Stackbit component

Explain how to extend an existing Stackbit component.

Advanced Guide


Every page in content/pages must have a layout field. The layout is both a component and a content model.

The layout will determine what frontmatter fields can be used in the page based on it's stackbit.yaml model. The AdvancedLayout uses the AdvancedLayout.yaml model shown below:

type: page
name: AdvancedLayout
label: Advanced page
layout: AdvancedLayout
hideContent: true
  - type: string
    name: title
    label: Title
  - type: list
    name: sections
    label: Sections
      type: model
        - ContactSection
        - ContentSection
        - CtaSection
        - FeaturedPostsSection
        - HeroSection
        - TestimonialsSection

The AdvancedLayout is a page model with a title and sections field. The sections field is a list (an array of objects) with each object being it's own object model. The AdvancedLayout can use the following components from the Stackbit Components Library:

  • ContactSection
  • ContentSection
  • CtaSection
  • FeaturedPostsSection
  • HeroSection
  • TestimonialsSection


Content is sourced from the filesystem using Sourcebit. It loads markdown and json files stored in content/pages and content/data and tranforms them into page objects which are used by getStaticProps().

  • This theme comes with a pre-configured sourcebit config sourcebit.js
  • This theme comes pre-configured to use sourcebit.fetch() in the next.config.js
// next.config.js

const sourcebit = require('sourcebit');
const sourcebitConfig = require('./sourcebit.js');


module.exports = {

Whenever you run npm run dev or npm run build Sourcebit fetches content and outputs the .sourcebit-nextjs-cache.json file which contains an array of page objects.

Inside a Nextjs page route like src/pages/[[...slug]].js you can load page data by it's path using the sourcebitDataClient.getStaticPropsForPageAtPath(path) function inside of getStaticProps

// src/pages/[[...slug]].js

export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
  const props = await sourcebitDataClient.getStaticPropsForPageAtPath(params.slug);
  return { props };


This theme uses the Stackbit component library

  • This theme comes pre-configured to use withStackbitComponents() in the next.config.js
// next.config.js

const withStackbitComponents = require('@stackbit/components/with-stackbit-components');

module.exports = withStackbitComponents({
  componentsMapPath: '.stackbit/components-map.json',

withStackbitComponents generates a dynamic import map for the Stackbit component library. This provides a framework to override existing Stackbit components and add your own new components. This approach reduces the bundle size by only importing components that are used.

  • Generates .stackbit/components-map.json - Edit this file to override or add new components
  • Generates .stackbit/dynamic-components.js - This file is dynamically generated from components-map.json and should not be edited or committed to git.

You can now use getDynamicComponent(ComponentName) in a Nextjs page.

// src/pages/[[...slug]].js 
import { getDynamicComponent } from '@stackbit/components/components-registry';

function Page(props) {
  const { page, site } = props;
  const { layout } = page;

  const PageLayout = getDynamicComponent(layout);

  return <PageLayout page={page} site={site} />;


You can edit the tailwind config in tailwind.config.js

The Stackbit component library includes a number of Tailwind preset configurations which will dramatically change the themes look and feel.

Use the presets option to change the configuration.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  presets: [require('@stackbit/components/themes/tailwind.bold.config')],
  // ...


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