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Cases Tied to Judges No Longer with the Board or Otherwise Ineligible

calvincostaBAH edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 2 revisions

Policy Objective

Caseflow should re-direct appeals that are tied to a judge who is no longer with the board so that the appeal can be released into the genpop category for distribution according to already established rules regardless of affinity days.

Ineligibility within VACOLS and Caseflow

  1. A user is marked as Inactive in VACOLS when STAFF.SACTIVE has a value of "I"
  2. A user is not a Judge or Acting Judge in VACOLS when STAFF.SVLJ does not have a value of "J" or "A"
  3. A user is not active in the Caseflow users table when users.status is not equal to "active"

Querying for Ineligible Judges

A new class called CaseDistributionIneligibleJudges is used to query for ineligible judges inside of VACOLS and Caseflow. The class also cross validates these users by mapping them with #vacols_judges_with_caseflow_records and #caseflow_judges_with_vacols_records:


This can be found within app/services/case_distribution_ineligible_judges.rb

Ineligible Judges Job

A scheduled job called IneligibleJudgesJob is ran once a week every Monday at 1am EST. The job caches the list of ineligible judges gathered from CaseDistributionIneligibleJudges into a cache called "case_distribution_ineligible_judges" that is updated weekly. The cache is then used for case distribution use.


This can be found within app/jobs/ineligible_judges_job.rb

Implementation of Ineligible Judges Job

The cache is used within the Hearings Docket as well as the Legacy Docket.

Feature Toggle

To enable the functionality, the :acd_cases_tied_to_judges_no_longer_with_board FeatureToggle must be set to true.

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