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Status Webhook API

minhazur9 edited this page Apr 19, 2023 · 14 revisions


The purpose of this webhook API is to give Caseflow a way to receive real-time updates from VA Notify so the notification statuses are kept current and to also avoid losing information due to the notifications "expiring" in VA Notify and being removed from their API.


When certain events trigger in Caseflow a request will be sent to the VA Notify API to generate and send the notification while sending the info back over to Caseflow. The webhook will be directly connected to the VA Notify Platform to track any status changes to notifications and send that over to Caseflow which would then update the corresponding status in the database.

VA Notify Status Sequence Diagram


Notification Update Diagram


Data and Routes

The webhook will be using POST /idt/api/v1/va_notify_update endpoint to send the payload over to Caseflow with the updated status.


  "id": "string",
  "body": "string",
  "completed_at": "string",
  "created_at": "string",
  "created_by_name": "string",
  "email_address": "string",
  "line_1": "string",
  "line_2": "string",
  "line_3": "string",
  "line_4": "string",
  "line_5": "string",
  "line_6": "string",
  "phone_number": "string",
  "postage": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "recipient_identifiers": [
      "id_type": "string",
      "id_value": "string"
  "reference": "string",
  "scheduled_for": "string",
  "sent_at": "string",
  "sent_by": "string",
  "status": "string",
  "subject": "string",
  "template": {
    "id": "string",
    "uri": "string",
    "version": number
  "type": "string"

Data Definitions

Data Description
id ID of the notification
body The body of the notification
completed_at The timestamp on when the notification was delivered
created_at The timestamp on when the notification was created
created_by_name Name of the person who sent notification if sent manually
email_address Email address of recipient if type is email
line_1 First line of address if type is letter
line_2 Second line of address if type is letter
line_3 Third line of address if type is letter
line_4 Fourth line of address if type is letter
line_5 Fifth line of address if type is letter
line_6 Sixth line of address if type is letter
phone_number The phone number of the recipient is type is sms
postage First or Second class if type is letter
postcode Postcode of recipient is type is letter
recipient_identifiers[].id_type The type of ID used to lookup recipient info
recipient_identifiers[].id_value The ID that will used to lookup recipient info
reference Optional reference string
scheduled_for Timestamp on when notification will be sent
sent_at Timestamp of when notification as sent
sent_by The person who sent the notification
status The status of the notification
subject The subject of the notification
template[].id The ID of the template being used
template[].uri The URI of the template being used
template[].version The version of the template being used
type The type of notification being sent

Status Dictionary

Payload Status Caseflow Status
sent Pending Delivery
temporary-failure Pending Delivery
delivered Delivered
permanent-failure Failed Delivery
technical-failure Failed Delivery
preferences-declined Opted-out


Generate a token and place it onto the Authorization tab and select Bearer Token from the dropdown. Copy from the result of this command

key=ApiKey.create!(consumer_name: "new")

Make sure to have a notification that exists with this ID. You can create a new notification using this command in the console


Notification.create(appeals_id: Appeal.find_by_id(10).uuid, appeals_type: "Appeal", event_date:, event_type: "Hearing scheduled", notification_type: "Email", email_notification_external_id: "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa9")


Notification.create(appeals_id: Appeal.find_by_id(10).uuid, appeals_type: "Appeal", event_date:, event_type: "Hearing scheduled", notification_type: "SMS", sms_notification_external_id: "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6")

These are example payloads.


  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "body": "string",
  "completed_at": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "created_at": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "created_by_name": "string",
  "email_address": "",
  "line_1": "string",
  "line_2": "string",
  "line_3": "string",
  "line_4": "string",
  "line_5": "string",
  "line_6": "string",
  "phone_number": "+16502532222",
  "postage": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "recipient_identifiers": [
      "id_type": "VAPROFILEID",
      "id_value": "string"
  "reference": "string",
  "scheduled_for": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "sent_at": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "sent_by": "string",
  "status": "created",
  "subject": "string",
  "template": {
    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "uri": "string",
    "version": 0
  "type": "email"


  "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "body": "string",
  "completed_at": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "created_at": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "created_by_name": "string",
  "email_address": "",
  "line_1": "string",
  "line_2": "string",
  "line_3": "string",
  "line_4": "string",
  "line_5": "string",
  "line_6": "string",
  "phone_number": "+16502532222",
  "postage": "string",
  "postcode": "string",
  "recipient_identifiers": [
      "id_type": "VAPROFILEID",
      "id_value": "string"
  "reference": "string",
  "scheduled_for": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "sent_at": "2023-04-17T12:38:48.699Z",
  "sent_by": "string",
  "status": "created",
  "subject": "string",
  "template": {
    "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "uri": "string",
    "version": 0
  "type": "sms"
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