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Meeting minutes 2015 04 02

Robert D Anderson edited this page Apr 2, 2015 · 4 revisions

Attendance: Robert, George, Roger, Kris, Jarno

Item 1: Any updates about prior releases?

No known concerns at this time.

Item 2: DITA-OT 2.1 status and updates

Jarno has been refactoring table code. Eliot had pull request about changing HTML tables; it improves CALS tables that mix relative and absolute widths, but does this by setting absolute table widths, which doesn't work well for responsive tables. Jarno added preprocess step to massage tables by adding new attributes in ditaot namespace - coordinates of a cell, plus col spanning. Didn't do this for simple table, properties table is a quirky one that lets you skip columns. Also removed legacy support for a couple of CALS items (spanname, tfoot element), which were never part of OASIS DITA, only part of the beta in IBM. Related: spec is missing a reference to the OASIS Exchange Table Model spec.

Jarno going to take another pass at bug fixing, which hasn't been biggest priority so far.

Item 3: Feedback or updates about markdown plugins?

Jarno hoping for feedback on plugins, not much so far. No way to track who is using, how often, or what they think unless they come back to say something.

Still looking to Roger to help write it up as a blog post or similar.

George and Radu are presenting at DITA North America, will be discussing some of their updates around Markdown, using protocols to take that (or other formats) in a map for publishing as DITA. Gave a quick demo during today's call.

Item 4: Doc updates and plans

Lots of notes flying this week about extension points, Kris found old topics that still need some polishing. Roger merging the updates, while doing an edit for accuracy against current tools.

Moved SourceForge HTML plugin to new github repository this week, for publishing our help. Also removed the "build site" task from the normal build.xml, so it's only in that plugin.

Item 5: Other topics

Next meeting is same time and day of week: May 7. Speak to y'all then...

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