a simple static website* built using jekyll and some handcrafted stylesheets
* /(personal|webbased|cv-letter|resume)/g
install a full ruby development environment
install jekyll and bundler gems:
$ gem install jekyll bundler --user-install
clone git repository and change into repo directory:
$ git clone https://github.com/dotWee/dotWee.github.io.git dotwee-github-io && cd dotwee-github-io
through devcontainer
open this repository in a devcontainer-supported-ide (like visual studio code or GitHub Codespace):
clone git repository and change into repo directory:
$ git clone https://github.com/dotWee/dotWee.github.io.git dotwee-github-io && cd dotwee-github-io
open the git repository in Visual Studio Code & install the Remote-Containers extension
Visual Studio Code will detect the devcontainer configuration and prompt you to reopen the project in a devcontainer: click on "Reopen in Container" and you're done
run site locally using jekyll
install required dependencies:
$ bundle install
build the site and make it available on a local server:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
now browse to localhost:4000
run site using docker
$ docker run --rm \
--name dotwee-github-io \
-p 4000:4000 \
--volume="$PWD:/srv/jekyll" \
-it jekyll/jekyll:latest \
jekyll serve --force_polling --livereload
alternatively using docker-compose:
note: see ./compose.yml for reference
$ docker compose up -d
update ruby gems dependencies
$ bundle update
$ bundle exec jekyll clean
this resume makes use of the json resume schema by jsonresume.
copyright (c) 2015 lukas 'dotwee' wolfsteiner lukas@wolfsteiner.media
licensed under the do what the fuck you want to public license