For my research internship I wrote some code to explore the design space of Ed25519 implementations. Intended for the CrypTech HSM.
We are able to compute signatures on 256-bit messages, given some private key and the corresponding public key.
The code synthesises, maps, and routes at 50MHz.
TODO: run on the actual hardware, requires defining the pins etc etc.
- Install Xilinx ISE 14.7
- Add a new project:
Family: Artix7
Device: XC7A200T
Package: FBG484
Language: Verilog
- Add source:
(simulation) and if you want to do synthesised25519_sign.ucf
. - Generate test cases:
in the foldersrc/model
- Now you can run the simulation (in the simulation tab select the testbench and
Simulate Behavioral Model
). All tests should pass. Else you may create an issue.
For synthesis select the top module in the implementations window and
doubleclick synthesise XST
and when it is done implement design
Computing a signature takes ~5000 clock cycles.