This script creates a backup of a Wordpress Blog instance.
It generates a compressed tar archive containing a dump
of the wordpress database and a copy of the wordpress filesystem.
positional arguments:
path path to wordpress instance
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose enable log messages
-d, --debug enable debug messages
-q, --quiet do not print status messages
--dry perform dry run: do not store or delete any archives
--database backup wordpress database
--filesystem backup wordpress filesystem
--thinning STRATEGY thin out backups at targets (except local target) using
the specified strategy
database backup options:
--db NAME name for wordpress db
--dbhost HOST hostname for wordpress db
--dbport PORT portnumber for wordpress db
--dbuser USER username for wordpress db
--dbpass PASS password for wordpress db
--dbprefix PREFIX prefix for table names in wordpress db
local target:
options for storing the backup archive on local filesystem
--attic [DIR] local directory to store backup archive
s3 target:
options for copying the backup archive to a s3 service
--s3 HOST host for s3 server
--s3accesskey KEY access key for s3 server
--s3secretkey KEY secret key for s3 server
--s3bucket BUCKET bucket at s3 server
report options:
--mail-from MAIL sender address for report mails
--mail-to-admin send report to wordpress administrator
--mail-to MAIL recipient address for report mails
This script will try to load the wordpress configuration file at
the given path and read the database configuration for the given
wordpress instance from that file.
The database parameters from the configuration file can be overwritten
by specifing the correspondent command line options.
- Python 3
- PyMySQL (MIT) -
- boto (MIT) -
- dateutil (BSD) -
- humanfriendly (MIT) -
- coloredlogs (MIT) -