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Finding neighboring polygons #234

tiernanmartin opened this issue Feb 27, 2017 · 62 comments

Finding neighboring polygons #234

tiernanmartin opened this issue Feb 27, 2017 · 62 comments


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I use spdep::poly2nb to identify neighboring polygons, but this necessitates a conversion back to sp - is there a way to do this without that conversion?

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edzer commented Feb 27, 2017

st_intersects gives the sparse matrix; you'd have to filter out the diagonal elements, and set the class attribute.

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tiernanmartin commented Feb 27, 2017

Disclaimer: If Stackoverflow is the preferred venue for this sort of question please let me know and I'll post there.

Below I have a reprex showing the type of polygon neighbor calculation I do regularly. The blue county has several intersecting neighbors which are identified using sf::st_intersects, but the southeastern-most county (light brown in color) only shares a single point with the target county and I may want to exclude it; sp::spdep has the queen = FALSE argument which allows me to easily exclude such counties.

Could someone demonstrate a way to do this using sf-verbs? If no simple method for filtering the diagonal elements exists, could one be added?


demo(nc, ask = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(rep(0.75, 4)))

# Target county
plot(nc[1], col = "red", main = "Target county")
plot(nc[50, "AREA"], add = TRUE)

# Using sf verbs
spare_mtx <- st_intersects(nc, nc)
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, it is assumed that they are planar

plot(nc[1], col = "red", main = "Neighbors: st_intersection")
plot(nc[spare_mtx[[50]], "NAME"], add = TRUE)
plot(nc[50, "AREA"], add = TRUE)

# Using the 'rook' method from spdep::poly2nb
spare_mtx_rook <- poly2nb(as(nc, "Spatial"), queen = FALSE)

plot(nc[1], col = "red", main = "Neighbors: poly2nb")
plot(nc[spare_mtx_rook[[50]], "NAME"], add = TRUE)
plot(nc[50, "AREA"], add = TRUE)

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edzer commented Feb 27, 2017

Look into st_relate, it gives you the dimension of the intersection of the boundaries of two geometries; this is 1 for a line, 0 for a point.

(It does give you a dense matrix, though; in case memory is a problem you could do st_intersects first, then loop through each nbh set with st_relate.)

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Got it.

st_relate does return the result I needed but I would suggest that there's still room for a simpler, high-level verb to do this.

Using the example above, I loop through the result of st_intersects which returns a list of matrices containing DE-9IM Matrix strings (which I had never seen before and take a bit of work to understand):

spare_mtx <- st_intersects(nc, nc)

#> [1] 39 40 42 50 69 70 71

spare_mtx[[50]] %>% 
map(~nc[.x, ]) %>% 
map(~st_relate(x = nc[50, ], y = .x))

#> [[1]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "FF2F11212"
#> [[2]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "FF2F11212"
#> [[3]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "FF2F11212"
#> [[4]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "2FFF1FFF2"
#> [[5]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "FF2F11212"
#> [[6]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "FF2F01212"     <- Note: this is the diagonal neighbor county from the example above
#> [[7]]
#>      [,1]       
#> [1,] "FF2F11212"

I think a convenience function similar to poly2nb would be a worthwhile addition to the sf canon.

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tiernanmartin commented Mar 1, 2017

On a related note, I'm a bit puzzled by the following error:


demo(nc, ask = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

# Loop over nc$geom with st_intersects() and save the results in a new list-col: nc$INTERSECT

nc %>% mutate(INTERSECT = map(.x = geom, .f = st_intersects, y = st_geometry(nc)))
#> Error in mutate_impl(.data, dots): st_crs(x) == st_crs(y) is not TRUE

In this example, it appears that the classes of the two objects are different:

#> Browse[2]> map(list(x,y),class)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "XY"           "MULTIPOLYGON" "sfg"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "sfc_MULTIPOLYGON" "sfc"

... and therefore x lacks crs metadata:

#> Browse[2]> map(list(x,y),st_crs)
#> [[1]]
#> $epsg
#> [1] NA
#> $proj4string
#> [1] NA
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "crs"
#> [[2]]
#> $epsg
#> [1] 4267
#> $proj4string
#> [1] "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD27 +no_defs"
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "crs"

I find it confusing (and inconvenient) that a sfc passed to map results in a sfg, while st_geometry(nc) returns a sfc. In the example above this class mismatch causes st_intersects to return an error.

It seems like a vignette demonstrating the recommended way of manipulating sfcs within a piped workflow could help resolve this type of question.

For instance, this is how I solved the problem above but I have no idea if my approach uses these tools in the way they're intended to be used - some guidance would go a long way here:


demo(nc, ask = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

nc %>% 
  select(NAME) %>% 
  mutate(NB = st_intersects(geom, geom)) %>% 
  mutate(NB_GEOMS = map(NB, ~st_geometry(nc[.x, ]))) %>% 
  mutate(GEOM_LST = map(geom, ~st_geometry(.x) %>% st_set_crs(st_crs(nc)))) %>% 
  mutate(RELATE = map2(.x = NB_GEOMS, .y = GEOM_LST, .f = ~st_relate(.y, .x))) %>% 
  mutate(RELATE_LGL = map(RELATE, str_detect, pattern = "^[[:alnum:]]{4}1")) %>% 
  mutate(NB_ROOK = map2(.x = NB, .y = RELATE_LGL, ~.x[.y])) %>% 
  select(NAME, NB, NB_ROOK, dplyr::everything()) %>% 
  slice(50) %>%    # Rowan County is the one highlighted in the example above
#> # A tibble: 1 × 8
#>     NAME        NB   NB_ROOK         NB_GEOMS         GEOM_LST
#>   <fctr>    <list>    <list>           <list>           <list>
#> 1  Rowan <int [7]> <int [6]> <simple_feature> <simple_feature>
#> # ... with 3 more variables: RELATE <list>, RELATE_LGL <list>,
#> #   geom <simple_feature>

edzer added a commit that referenced this issue Mar 1, 2017
if we call a geometry predicate like st_intersects, do not require
that x and y have identical crs when one of them (or both) is an sfg,
since sfg's don't have a crs. Adresses #234
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edzer commented Apr 30, 2017

Your example above

> nc %>% mutate(INTERSECT = map(.x = geom, .f = st_intersects, y = st_geometry(nc))) %>% print(n=2)
Simple feature collection with 100 features and 15 fields
geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
dimension:      XY
bbox:           xmin: -84.32385 ymin: 33.88199 xmax: -75.45698 ymax: 36.58965
epsg (SRID):    4267
proj4string:    +proj=longlat +datum=NAD27 +no_defs
First 2 features:
1 0.114     1.442  1825    1825      Ashe 37009  37009        5  1091     1
2 0.061     1.231  1827    1827 Alleghany 37005  37005        3   487     0
  NWBIR74 BIR79 SID79 NWBIR79    INTERSECT                           geom
1      10  1364     0      19 1, 2, 18, 19 MULTIPOLYGON(((-81.47275543...
2      10   542     3      12  1, 2, 3, 18 MULTIPOLYGON(((-81.23989105...

now works, but the simpler way to do this is

nc %>% mutate(INTERSECT = st_intersects(.))

I am not so sure I can follow your misunderstanding of purrr::map; although I don't think its current documentation explains well what map does, I believe it basically redoes lapply: apply a function to elements of a list, return a list with return values. Since list elements of an sfc are of class sfg (see first vignette), this is to be expected. What had you expected it to do?

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Thanks for adding d9d0af3 🎉

Regarding your question: I believe that my mistake was that I should have used map2(.x = geom, .y = st_geometry(nc), .f = st_intersects) so that both sets of elements passed to st_intersects() were class sfg. In retrospect, that example is pretty confusing and it is unclear in the post that I was using debug() in the second part, so thanks for even giving any thought at all.

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I'd like to know your thoughts (as the package developer) on the approach I demonstrated in the edit - is this the way you intend for users to step through the creation of a spatial analysis variable (such as identifying nearest neighbors)? Or do you think it's more suitable for users to compose functions that do this sort of task?

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edzer commented May 3, 2017

With admittedly limited knowledge of spdep, I have never seen someone create geometries with the actual neighbours, as you seem to do in NB_GEOMS, rather than indices of the actual neighbours as in my example above. Why would you do so?

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You certainly could use the indices - it's probably more computationally efficient to do it that way.

But that is not the focus of my question. My question is a bit more general: how should an sf user approach a multi-step spatial operation like this?

Using the existing sf tools, finding "rook" neighbors requires at least two steps: st_intersects() then st_relate(). I demonstrated an approach that makes heavy use of dplyr::mutate() and purrr::map*(), saving intervening variables in columns. I suspect this type of operation might also be approached by writing a single function that performs all of the steps. But maybe you have a different approach altogether?

I think that relatively new R-users like myself who are starting to tackle spatial problems (or spatial datasets) would benefit from a vignette demonstrating how to go about a multi-step spatial operation using sf tools.

It looks like you've started a vignette to-do list - perhaps you might consider adding this request to your list. Thanks!

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edzer commented May 3, 2017

I now understand it - sorry, took a while. What I think we need is to add a pattern variable to st_relate, just like rgeos::gRelate, which lets you select neighbours based on a pre-defined pattern, and in that case returns the indices list of st_intersect. You could then trivially write a function st_rook. Will look into.

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edzer commented May 3, 2017

Pls test; you should now get rook neighbors with

st_rook = function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***1****")
nc %>% mutate(NB_ROOK = st_rook(.))

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This is fantastic! I've tested and it works. By extension, to get queen's case neighbors as well you can do:

st_queen <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***T****")
nc %>% mutate(NB_QUEEN = st_queen(.))

which constitutes an improvement on using st_intersects for that purpose as it eliminates self-intersections.

For anyone coming across this, the Wikipedia page for DE-9IM strings is quite helpful:

edzer added a commit that referenced this issue May 11, 2017
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edzer commented May 11, 2017

Thanks @walkerke , I've added this to the documentation of st_relate_pattern.

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I am creating a function, st2nb, to compute adjacencies from sf-objects using the the code in poly2nb() using all st_rook() and st_queen(), as explained in earlier posts in this thread. However, poly2nb() takes an additional argument called snap:

snap: boundary points less than ‘snap’ distance apart are
considered to indicate contiguity

Is there any way to include this in the call to st_relate?



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edzer commented Jun 22, 2017

I can think of two solutions:

  1. you can use st_distance to compute distances, and compare these with snap; this however gives you a dense matrix,
  2. set the precision, which should round away (most?) differences smaller than snap.

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becarioprecario commented Jun 22, 2017 via email

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Somewhere I should have an object that needed non-default snap that might help. I'll try to find it next week - may we talk about this at useR!?

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becarioprecario commented Jun 22, 2017 via email

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edzer commented Jun 22, 2017

> p = st_polygon(list(rbind(c(0,0),c(1,1),c(0,1),c(0,0))))
> st_distance(p, p + c(2,2))
[1,] 1.414214

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becarioprecario commented Jun 22, 2017 via email

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edzer commented Jun 22, 2017

If they do not overlap, they can be still snap distance apart... The st_buffer approach sounds good, if you insist on supporting snap.

@edzer edzer mentioned this issue Oct 6, 2017
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I found this approach worked in a use case from sp, as documented in #210. The question is a) does this generalise to other instances where the dimension of the relation is important and b) how to make the code more user-friendly and concise? If there's no quickfire answer I can open a new issue but just wanted to check I'm not missing something obvious and easy to teach first (from an R for spatial data course where people are asking about this!):

g = SpatialGrid(GridTopology(c(0, 0), c(1, 1), c(3, 3)))
p = as(g, "SpatialPolygons")
#> Linking to GEOS 3.5.1, GDAL 2.2.1, proj.4 4.9.2, lwgeom 2.3.3 r15473
#> Loading tidyverse: ggplot2
#> Loading tidyverse: tibble
#> Loading tidyverse: tidyr
#> Loading tidyverse: readr
#> Loading tidyverse: purrr
#> Loading tidyverse: dplyr
#> Conflicts with tidy packages ----------------------------------------------
#> filter(): dplyr, stats
#> lag():    dplyr, stats
p_sf = st_as_sf(p)
st_rook = function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***1****")
st_queen <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***T****")
p_queen = p_sf %>% mutate(NB_ROOK = st_queen(., b = p_sf[5, ])) %>% filter(NB_ROOK == 
#> [1] 8
p_rook = p_sf %>% mutate(NB_ROOK = st_rook(., b = p_sf[5, ])) %>% filter(NB_ROOK == 
#> [1] 4
p_minDim2 = p_sf %>% filter(st_within(., y = p_sf[5, ], sparse = FALSE))
#> [1] 1

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rsbivand commented Oct 6, 2017

Notes so far on spdep's R-forge SVN site. This is very much work in progress, as poly2nb is pre-SF (the definition) and thus processes invalid geometries without protesting (and is much faster, even using very primitive scanning for potential neighbours). The same holds for trying st_buffer() to find distance neighbours - the vignette will have timings.

Edzer has added a class ("sgbp" - sparse geometry binary predicate), and row.names, and what predicate made the object attributes to lists returned by sf_relate and friends; this will make it much easier to use sf objects inside poly2nb, dnearneigh, knearneigh, and the graph neighbours, as well as helper functions and methods.

Because spdep (on R-forge) now suggests sf (and may import from), it has stopped checking and building on R-forge (but rgdal and rgeos build and check OK??). The report:

Quitting from lines 35-38 (nb_sf.Rmd) 
Error: processing vignette 'nb_sf.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
there is no package called 'sf'

But you can download the Rmd file, or checkout SVN.

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edzer commented Oct 6, 2017

Does r-forge have GDAL >= 2.0 ?

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nuest commented Oct 7, 2017 via email

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rsbivand commented Oct 7, 2017

Thanks for the offer of help! Is this a reasonable representation of transfer?

I see that gstat is not in r-spatial, so I think I would do the same, keeping r-spatial for shared infrastructure, does that make sense?

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edzer commented Oct 7, 2017

r-spatial welcomes modern and actively maintained spatial R packages.

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nuest commented Oct 7, 2017

@rsbivand yes, that looks like a complete list of steps. This one I have used and contributed to myself a while back, includes some more steps around tags and branches, and removing large files from history (if any of these are needed).

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rsbivand commented Oct 7, 2017

@edzer spdep isn't modern, but is actively maintained. It also invites modularisation and rationalisation, but it isn't clear that modularisation in-place (in r-spatial) is the only choice. For example, I do not use roxygen and am not convinced that it is helpful; I feel further that mechanical code coverage is not better than help page examples showing the relationship between implementation and the published books/articles with their examples. So if modern means roxygen and testthat, spdep isn't modern. If modern is without such constraints, maybe r-spatial is viable.

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edzer commented Oct 7, 2017

With modern I was more thinking of modern, state-of-the-art methods, not of coding styles.

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rsbivand commented Oct 7, 2017

Aha, then yes, spdep and code/packages depending on spdep are modern ... like the recent Wagner & Zeileis spatial and tree regression two-step package, and others ...

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@Nowosad : may I upload a newly imported NY8 GPKG to spData? This will let me continue with the neighbour object vignette, and start a transition to importing data from spData into spdep, then spdep to github.

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Nowosad commented Oct 10, 2017

@rsbivand Yes, of course. Do you prefer to make a pull request or should I give you a push access to the repository?

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Thanks, when I get to it, I'll make a PR.

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The vignette at:

and attached now runs, see the summary section.

You'll also need spData from; I haven't made a PR yet for this, so it isn't in Jakub Nowosad's repo. Maybe you can just try out the suggestions in the vignette summary without needing the data. I've been using the most recent sf development version.

Please let me know if this is clear, and if it helps.

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edzer commented Oct 26, 2017

When installing spdep from r-forge, after installing your spData fork, I'm seeing:

* creating vignettes ... ERROR
Error in CPL_geos_binop(st_geometry(x), st_geometry(y), op, par, pattern,  : 
  Evaluation error: TopologyException: side location conflict at 411447.38362785219 4768469.9111850867.
Quitting from lines 430-433 (nb_sf.Rmd)

any ideas?

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Checks cleanly here (two different Fedora machines). This looks like about line 269: try(NY8_sf_old_1_sgbp <- st_queen(NY8_sf_old)), the cited line numbers don't seem relevant. This has to be on the MULTIPOLYGON object, it can't be on the POINT object.

Can you run it with spdep from CRAN free-standing? I'll try ... success. The error message is shown as:

Error in CPL_geos_binop(st_geometry(x), st_geometry(y), op, par, pattern,  : 
  Evaluation error: TopologyException: side location conflict at 411447.38362785219 4768469.9111850867.

in chunk 31. I've added ", silent = TRUE" to the try lines to remove the verbatim error message from the output, but R CMD build worked for me anyway when it was there.

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edzer commented Oct 26, 2017

The error came from RANN not being installed; it now runs.

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Will now run without RANN too.

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rsbivand commented Nov 1, 2017

spdep now on r-spatial on github, 0.7-2 submitted to CRAN

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rikudoukarthik commented Jan 24, 2023

This is fantastic! I've tested and it works. By extension, to get queen's case neighbors as well you can do:

st_queen <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***T****")
nc %>% mutate(NB_QUEEN = st_queen(.))

which constitutes an improvement on using st_intersects for that purpose as it eliminates self-intersections.

For anyone coming across this, the Wikipedia page for DE-9IM strings is quite helpful:

I created a grid using st_make_grid() and converted to an sf object. Now I am trying to create neighbours using the abovementioned st_rook() and st_queen() but I am getting the following error:

Error in xj[i, , drop = FALSE] : incorrect number of dimensions

I am not sure what exactly is the issue here. Am I inputting the wrong spatial object here? Or is it because the number of cells in X direction is not the same as that in Y direction? I also tried looking at the code of st_relate() to see if I could gather anything, but failed.

I wonder if you all have some obvious solution to my issue. If not, I can share a reprex for the same.

Edit: sharing reprex
The necessary shapefiles can be found here


country_path <- "data/in_2011/"
country_file <- "India_2011"
grid_sizes_km <- c(25, 50, 100, 200)
grid_sizes_deg <- grid_sizes_km*1000/111111

india_sf <- st_read(dsn = country_path, layer = country_file) %>% mutate(DISTRICT = NULL) %>% 
  st_set_crs("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")

# creating grid
g1_sf <- india_sf %>% 
  st_make_grid(cellsize = grid_sizes_deg[1],
               n = (c(diff(st_bbox(india_sf)[c(1, 3)]), diff(st_bbox(india_sf)[c(2, 4)]))/grid_sizes_deg[1]) %>% 
                 ceiling()) %>% 
  st_as_sf() %>% 
  rename(geometry = x)

# neighbours
st_rook <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***1****")
st_queen <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***T****")

g1_sf %>% mutate(NB_ROOK = st_rook(.),
                 NB_QUEEN = st_queen(.))
# returns error

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Always minimal reprex. Note that this is a very old issue, and that spdep fully supports most sf objects.

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Always minimal reprex. Note that this is a very old issue, and that spdep fully supports most sf objects.

Thanks for the very quick response. I've updated my post with a reprex. Like the OP, I would like to find a way to achieve this using only sf, without having to convert to and from sp.

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rsbivand commented Jan 24, 2023

Please avoid any tidyverse and pipes in all reprex, as they prevent access to intermediate objects, in which misunderstandings typically occur. Do not use the st_rook() etc. functions, use functions in spdep.

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Do not use +towgs84 ever. Do not expect spherical geometries as planar. Consider reading if this seems hard to grasp. s2 does not behave like GEOS. See what happens in your (corrected) reprex with sf_use_s2(FALSE).

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@rikudoukarthik there is no problem at all in the example:

country_file <- "India_2011.shp"
india_sf <- st_read(country_file)
st_crs(india_sf) <- "OGC:CRS84"
grid_sizes_km <- c(25, 50, 100, 200)
grid_sizes_deg <- grid_sizes_km*1000/111111
n <- ceiling(c(diff(st_bbox(india_sf)[c(1, 3)]), diff(st_bbox(india_sf)[c(2, 4)]))/grid_sizes_deg[1])
g1_sf <- st_make_grid(india_sf, cellsize = grid_sizes_deg[1],  n = n)
st_rook <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***1****")
system.time(NB_ROOK <-  st_rook(g1_sf))
system.time(NB_ROOK1 <- poly2nb(g1_sf, queen=FALSE))
all.equal(NB_ROOK1, NB_ROOK, check.attributes=FALSE)
st_queen <- function(a, b = a) st_relate(a, b, pattern = "F***T****")
system.time(NB_QUEEN <- st_queen(g1_sf))
system.time(NB_QUEEN1 <- poly2nb(g1_sf))
all.equal(NB_QUEEN1, NB_QUEEN, check.attributes=FALSE)

spdep does a lot more checking (in particular for no-neighbour entities) and prepares the output object for use in spatial analysis. It does not use sp objects.

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there is no problem at all in the example:

Thanks @rsbivand for the detailed responses. I now understand the issue with using +towgs84, and have changed it as you have suggested. However, I am still facing an issue in the example. NB_ROOK <- st_rook(g1_sf) runs with no error message, but when I try to view it head(NB_ROOK) the same error I referenced in my first post pops up again (incorrect dimensions). This does not happen when using the spdep approach.

Would you be able to shed light on what is happening here? I figure it might have to do with the fact that st_relate() assumes planar coordinates, which brings back the original issue. I thought sf now has shifted to using S2 methods in these functions, but maybe not, considering some of the discussion here. In this case, does spdep also use S2 methods or not? If not, although it does not return an error it can potentially cause issues, can it not?

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Only c("intersects", "contains", "within", "covers", "covered_by", "disjoint", "equals", "touches") are handled by s2, even if spherical, c("relate_pattern", "relate") go through GEOS, not s2.

Simply stop using st_rook() or st_queen(), they have been abandoned. spdep uses s2 for spherical data.

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