DI container provides a seamless way to wire up your application's components, making it easy to manage dependencies and promote better code organization.
This package expects a functions that returns a structure object or a pointer to a structure object. Optionally, the second return value must be an error.
go get github.com/eliofery/dicontainer
type FooStruct struct {}
type BarStruct struct {}
type BazStruct struct {val int}
di := dicontainer.New()
err := di.Set(
func(bar BarStruct) *FooStruct {
// Do something.
_ = bar
return &FooStruct{}
func() BarStruct {
return BarStruct{}
func(foo *FooStruct) (BazStruct, error) {
if rand.IntN(2) == 1 {
return BazStruct{}, errors.New("baz error")
// Do something.
_ = foo
return BazStruct{123}, nil
if err != nil {
baz := di.Get("BazStruct").(BazStruct)
I was inspired to write this package by the uber-go/fx.