Configuration and setup for the tools and utilities I use regularly.
- vim
- tmux
- zsh
- typography
Simply run ./install
This take-anywhere configuration works MacOSX The installation will:
- Install key software using brew
- Install a tweaked out vim
- Install zsh
- Install tmux
- Symlink dotfiles to this directory
Make sure the vim folder is symlinked to ~/.vim and vimrc is symlinked to ~/.vimrc
I use Vundle to manage vim packages. Check out the list of packages at the start of the vimrc file. Some categorized packages I use include:
- Powerline: Souped-up satus line
- CSS Color: Colored hex codes in CSS/LESS files
- CSS3 Syntax: CSS3 syntax highlighting
- HAML SASS SCSS: HAML, Sass, and Scss sytax highlighting
- Less: Less syntax highlighting
- Coffeescript: Coffeescript support for vim
- Markdown: Markdown syntax highlighting
- Grep: Grep plugin to vim
- NerdTree: File explorer in vim
- Rails: Ruby on Rails power tools
- Matchit: Extends % operator to match html and others
- Peepopen: Fast and fuzzy finder.
- Surround: Surround text easily
- Repeat: Repeats complex commands like regular ones
- Snipmate: Easy auto-filling snippets
- Sparkup: Super fast html writing
- TComment: Comment in and out lines
- EasyMotion: Motions on speed. Replaces in
- Fugitive: Awesome git wrapper
Terminal multiplexing ftw Take close note a the .tmux.conf file. Be sure it's symlinked to ~/.tmux.conf
Some significant sections of my tmux.conf
- The prefix is mapped to C-w. This is to make motions between tmux panes similar to moving between vim panes
- Motion mappings remapped to be very vim-like
- The reattach-to-user-namespace patch is needed to make copy and paste work on mac OSX
(Readme coming soon)
(Readme coming soon)