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My personal Vim installation, following the same procedures as the Janus project

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My personal Vim installation, which is basically a customised fork of the Janus Project.


Installing Vim from source on OSX

Use Mercural to download the Vim source:

Now configure Vim. Please note that if you have tried to configure Vim previously you will need to do a clean:

make distclean

Configuration and Compilation:

./configure CFLAGS="-arch x86_64" CXXFLAGS="-arch x86_64" \
--with-features=huge  --enable-multibyte --with-tlib=ncurses \
--enable-pythoninterp --enable-rubyinterp

make install

VimBen set up

To install VimBen, please use this automatic installer , which backups up any Vim files found in your home folder and installs VimBen.

curl -Lo- | bash

Useful Commands

Switch to command line: Ctrl-z Switch Vim to foreground: fg Move forward one screen: Ctrl-F Move backward one screen: Ctrl-B Jump to the last insertion point: gi or two back ticks Jump to insertion point history: g; or g, Jump list: :jumps Record a macro into register 'a': qa Stop recording the macro: q Get from register 'a': @a Quit all, including open windows: :qall Show history of commands: q: Resize a horizontal split window:

Ctrl-w +
10Ctrl-w -
:res +10

Verticle split to fullscreen: Ctrl-w | Resize a verticle split window:

Ctrl-w <
Ctrl-w >
:30winc <

Horizontal split to fullscreen: Ctrl-w _ Equal width split panes: Ctrl-w = Create a new window pane: Ctrl-w n Quit a window pane without quitting the buffer: Ctrl-w q Rotate a window pane to a different position: Ctrl-w r Column select with mouse: Ctrl + Alt + Cmd then mouse click Column select Ctrl-v Replace the text in a column:

Select a column append new text to the end of each column,
then select the original column and delete it.
1. block-select (with Ctrl-V + cursor movement)
2. A3<Esc>
3. re-select with gv
4. delete with d or <Del> k

Use vim bindings in the console (

$ set -o vi
or back
$ set -o emacs


~~Added a simple 'Dark Room' toggle: F1 ~~

Plugins & Submodules

Plugins are generally added using Git Submodules. Please add and remove them like so:

###Git Submodules

Add a submodule

Add a submodule, into your directory:

git submodule add MY_URL MY_PATH
.vim$ git submodule add ./vimben/vim/bundle/emmet-vim

Updating submodules

Updating the submodules:

git submodule update --init

Remove a submodule

To remove a submodule you need to:

  • Delete the relevant lines from the .gitmodules file.
  • Delete the relevant section from .git/config.
  • Run git rm --cached path_to_submodule NB: (no trailing slash).
  • Delete the unwanted directories: rm -rf .vim/vimben/vim/bundle/my_module
  • Commit the now untracked submodule files.

Pathogen Pathogen is used to load all the plugins. Note that plugins are loaded from the bundle directory. To install a new plugin try and use a Git Submodule and put this module into the bundle directory. e.g.

git submodule add


Vivid Chalk The Vivid Chalk color scheme.

Color Sampler Pack Contains all the usual Vim color scheme suspects.

Vim ir_black

Added the IRBlack color scheme.

colorscheme: ir_black

Vim Rails

  • :Rfind my_model - will find models and related components, just keep pressing Tab
  • gf - go to file under the cursor
  • :Rake - run RSpec tests from a spec file
  • :Rgenerate migration add_foo_to_bar - run script/generate command

From a model file:

  • :Runittest - run unit tests
  • :RVunittest - run unit tests in a verticle split
  • :RSunittest - run unit tests in a horizontal split
  • :RTunittest - run unit tests in new tab
  • Rcontroller -
  • Rfunctionaltest -

Vim Surround

"Hello world!" to 'Hello world!' - cs"' 'Hello world!' to <q>Hello world</q> - cs'<q> "Hello world!" to Hello world! - ds" "Wrap whole line in parentheses" - yss" <em>Hello</em> world! - ysiw<em>

Vim Commentary

  • \\\ - comment out a line
  • 3\\\ - comment out 3 lines
  • \\ap - comment out a paragraph
  • vv\\ - comment out a line in visual mode

Buffer Explorer

  • \be normal open
  • TAB is also mapped to \be
  • \bs horizontal split open
  • \bv vertical split open
  • t or Shift Enter open in tab
  • d deletes the buffer



Vim EndWise

This plugin automatically adds the end statement when you create new class, module, def definitions. Note that you will need to have the following settings to ensure that the end is appropriately indented.

filetype on
filetype indent on
filetype plugin on


Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder for Vim.

Press <c-p> or run :CtrlP to invoke CtrlP in find file mode. Or run :CtrlPBuffer or :CtrlPMRU to invoke CtrlP in buffer or MRU mode.

Once CtrlP is open:

  • Press <c-f> and <c-b> to switch between find file, buffer, and MRU file modes.
  • Press <c-d> to switch to filename only search instead of full path.
  • Press <F5> to purge the cache for the current directory and get new files.
  • Use * or | in the prompt to submit the string as a Vim’s regexp pattern.
  • Or press <c-r> to switch to regexp mode.
  • End the input string with a colon : followed by a command to execute after opening the file. e.g. abc:45 will open the file matched the pattern and jump to line 45.
  • Submit two dots .. as the input string to go backward the directory tree by 1 level.
  • Use <c-y> to create a new file and its parent dirs.
  • Use <c-z> to mark/unmark files and <c-o> to open them.


Just press Tab after typing a snippet keyword e.g.

cla [TAB]
def [TAB]
defs [TAB]
defmm [TAB]
: [TAB]
beg [TAB]
req [TAB]
case [TAB]
if [TAB]
r [TAB]
w [TAB]
rw [TAB]
app [TAB]
ea [TAB]
ead [TAB]
eak [TAB]
patfh [TAB]
tas [TAB]

Note the Ruby snippets can be found here:


Also I have added a new custom snippets directory which is where you should add all your snippets:



Git for vim:


Exuberant CTags

Install Exuberant CTags: brew install ctags-exuberant

Build your tag index file against your source:

ctags -R --exclude=.git --exclude=log *

Creates a tags file. Add it to your .gitignore


Ctrl ]
Ctrl t
:tag some_method_name
:tag /validates_presence_*
  • You can use the 'tag' ex command. For example, the command ':tag ' will jump to the tag named .
  • You can position the cursor over a tag name and then press Ctrl-].
  • You can visually select a text and then press Ctrl-] to jump to the tag matching the selected text.
  • You can click on the tag name using the left mouse button, while pressing the key.
  • You can press the g key and then click on the tag name using the left mouse button.
  • You can use the 'stag' ex command, to open the tag in a new window. For example, the command ':stag func1' will open the func1 definition in a new window.
  • You can position the cursor over a tag name and then press Ctrl-W ]. This will open the tag location in a new window.

Effortless ctags with Git

Use Git to create your Ctags.



Align your statements on equals, comments or some other declaration. So to align along the '=':

something = anther
s = b
forty = twenty

Visually select and :Align =

something = anther
s         = b
forty     = twenty

Note that you can add multiple separators: :Align = # , (


Add Ack search functionality to vim:

:Ack [options] {pattern} [{directory}]

In the quick fix window:

o    to open (same as enter)
go   to preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results)
t    to open in new tab
T    to open in new tab silently
v    to open in vertical split
gv   to open in vertical split silently
q    to close the quickfix window


In navigation mode the current cursor is set at 0 making it easy to work out how many lines to delete etc. In insert mode the line numbers revert to normal line numbers.

Vim Arduino Ino

Ensure ino is installed: Using Python: pip install ino

Install Picocom for serial control with Arduino: brew install picocom Picocom commands can be run from ino e.g.:

ino serial # start serial monitor

Ctrl+a Ctrl+x # to quit serial monitor
Ctrl+a Ctrl+a Ctrl+x # to quit serial monitor from tmux

Vim Arduino Ino can be run using the following keys:

<Leader>ac - Compile the current sketch.
<Leader>ad - Compile and deploy the current sketch.
<Leader>as - Open a serial port in screen.

Also install arduino-vim syntax higlighting: Put the downloaded syntax file into your /bundle directory e.g.


More notes:


A Vim plugin for highlighting and indenting JST/EJS syntax.


This project adds CoffeeScript support to the vim editor. It handles syntax, indenting, compiling, and more. Also included is an eco syntax and support for CoffeeScript in Haml and HTML.

The full signature of the command is:

:[silent] CoffeeMake[!] [COFFEE-OPTIONS]...

By default, CoffeeMake shows all compiler output and jumps to the first line reported as an error by coffee:



Plugin to highlight nested parentheses differently. Commands:

:RainbowParenthesesToggle       " Toggle it on/off
:RainbowParenthesesLoadRound    " (), the default when toggling
:RainbowParenthesesLoadSquare   " []
:RainbowParenthesesLoadBraces   " {}
:RainbowParenthesesLoadChevrons " <>

Vim Puppet Add syntax highlighting etc. for puppet.

Emmet-vim (ZenCoding)

A simple set of commands for generating HTML.

For more examples see:

In index.html type:


Then type "," (Ctrl + y + ','), you should see:

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">

You can also apply HTML to existing text, by using visual select to select this text, from the bottom type v[:


Now type Ctrl+y+, and type in your zencode tag: ul>li* - Remember the * as this will apply the text to each <li></li> element. Producting:



Elixir support for vim. This plugin also adds support for Elixir's templating language, EEx.

Features included so far:

Syntax highlighting for Elixir and EEx
Filetype detection for .ex, .exs and .eex files
Automatic indentation


Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.


Edit text in multiple places by positioning multiple cursors on your text.

In normal mode find a piece of text and hit Ctrl-n, this will highlight the current word in visual mode pressing Ctrl-n again will highlight the next occurrence of that word, placing the virtual cursor at the end of that word.

Ctrl-p will remove the current virtual cursor and go back to the previous cursor location

Ctrl-x will remove the current virtual cursor and will jump forward to the next selection.


Access Dash API documents from the Vim.



    Will search for the word under the cursor in the docset corresponding to the current filetype.

    :Dash printf

    Will search for the word 'printf' in the docset corresponding to the current filetype.

    :Dash setTimeout javascript

    Will search for the word 'setTimeout' in the 'javascript' docset.

    Tip: You can use to complete the keyword names.


    Will search for the word under the cursor in all docsets (globally).

    :Dash! func

    Will search for 'func' in all docsets.


Used by Tmux-resurrect to save the current Vim session

Pending plugins

Additional plugins that may be useful:

Unsure of but potential plugins


Key mappings:

\td     Mark task as done
\tx     Mark task as cancelled
\tc     Show all tasks with context under cursor
\tp     Fold all projects
\ta     Show all projects and tasks



My personal Vim installation, following the same procedures as the Janus project






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