Releases: ent/contrib
What's Changed
- all: update gqlgen pkg by @ronenlu in #583
- entgql/template: improve goimports time by adding missing imports by @a8m in #584
- ci: use node20 actions because node16 actions are deprecated by @Arthur1 in #588
- all: bump ent and atlas to latest version by @giautm in #596
- entgql: add annotation Deprecated for deprecated field by @luantranminh in #595
- entgql: support SkipMutationCreateInput (and update) on entity by @freb in #598
New Contributors
- @ronenlu made their first contribution in #583
- @Arthur1 made their first contribution in #588
- @luantranminh made their first contribution in #595
- @freb made their first contribution in #598
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- feat(entoas): added field annotation for skip flag by @badygin-yakov in #329
- entgql: reduce edge code by call Paginate by @giautm in #356
- entgql: cleanup Paginate totalCount by @giautm in #357
- entgql: preload edge with alias by @giautm in #355
- entgql: fixed incorrect example by @giautm in #360
- entgql: enable feature via options by @giautm in #362
- entgql: fixed cursor type in nested pagination by @giautm in #363
- ci: basic composite gh action for ent by @rotemtam in #365
- build(deps): bump from 0.1.10 to 0.1.12 by @dependabot in #359
- entgql: added Description() for adding meta data to a field by @Albert-Gao in #364
- entgql: skip immutable edge for update mutation by @giautm in #367
- all: bump by @rotemtam in #368
- build(deps): bump from 1.17.0 to 1.23.0 by @dependabot in #370
- entgql: fixed edge loading for non-relay field by @giautm in #373
- go: update ent version by @a8m in #374
- entgql: auto generate builtin scalar types (e.g. Time) by @a8m in #376
- entgql: improve the RelayConnection doc by @a8m in #378
- entgql: Use nil to check that a generated enum satisfies interface by @Adam-Mustafa in #375
- feat(entgql): support child value list for directive annotation by @calmonr in #380
- entgql: allow mapping field to others name via
by @giautm in #382 - entgql: always skip sensitive fields by @giautm in #384
- entgql: support append on update mutation by @giautm in #383
- entgql: accept non-gql context in generated edge methods by @a8m in #385
- entgql: clone the query for
by @giautm in #386 - entgql: create field Map example by @giautm in #387
- entgql: fixed query field camelCase by @giautm in #396
- build(deps): bump from 0.2.11 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in #399
- build(deps): bump from 1.14.15 to 1.14.16 by @dependabot in #402
- entgql: support setting edge-schemas as relay connections by @a8m in #403
- entgql: support generate array for custom JSON type by @nzlov in #401
- fix(entproto): generate service implementation with custom id by @vietdoan in #394
- entgql: add required imports to templates by @a8m in #408
- entgql: added WithOutputWriter option by @giautm in #352
- entgql: fix outputWriter non-order dependencies by @giautm in #409
- entgql: opt-in for
api by @giautm in #410 - bc: entproto: prefix pb enums with their field name by @rotemtam in #415
- entgql: add example for create edge with mutation input by @giautm in #416
- entgql: add support for clearing non-unique edges by @a8m in #418
- entgql: remove blank lines between imports by @a8m in #419
- entgql: support optional description for mutation inputs by @tankbusta in #421
- entoas: handle nillable fields by @masseelch in #423
- entoas: add boundaries for
pagination params by @masseelch in #424 - schemast: fix support for generating JSON fields (#3005) by @C-Deck in #389
- entgql: fixed panic with latest ent by @giautm in #428
- entgql: fix problem with types that the underlying type is array/slice by @crossworth in #430
- build(deps): bump from 1.47.0 to 1.52.3 by @dependabot in #431
- entgql: fixed pulid example by @giautm in #436
- entproto: support including external grpc services by @rotemtam in #437
- entgql: allow exposing the ID field as OrderField by @a8m in #439
- entgql: multi order support using annotation by @a8m in #442
- change collectField parameter name by @tsingsun in #441
- entgql: run codegen to fix broken ci by @a8m in #443
- fix multiOrder template by @amrnt in #444
- entgql: Fix duplicate import present in
by @Adam-Mustafa in #452 - build(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.7.0 by @dependabot in #451
- feat(entgql): Allow comments on edge fields by @tankbusta in #457
- entproto: configure target dir with extension api by @rotemtam in #462
- entgql: add support for query fields selection by @a8m in #463
- entgql: fixed enum import for graphql package by @giautm in #464
- entgql: revert add support for query fields selection by @giautm in #465
- entgql: add support for query fields selection by @giautm in #466
- fix(entgql): check fields RType for Map and use Map scalar if possible by @tankbusta in #455
- entoas: doesnt respect custom spec; fixed that by @thmeitz in #471
- go: update version by @a8m in #472
- go: update by @a8m in #473
- go: update ent to v0.12.0 by @a8m in #474
- entgql: only generate clear fields for optional edges by @kranex in #459
- entgql: support ordering by edge count/field by @a8m in #481
- Merge by @a8m in #483
- entgql: loads referenced edge-fields when fields selection is enabled by @giautm in #485
- entgql: append order fields to selection only if custom one was set by @a8m in #490
New Contributors
- @badygin-yakov made their first contribution in #329
- @Albert-Gao made their first contribution in #364
- @Adam-Mustafa made their first contribution in #375
- @calmonr made their first contribution in #380
- @nzlov made their first contribution in #401
- @vietdoan made their first contribution in #394
- @tankbusta made their first contribution in #421
- @C-Deck made their first contribution in #389
- @kranex made their first contribution in #459
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.3
We're very happy to announce the release of the next version Ent Contrib: v0.3 🎊
Please, see the release summary in the Ent repository.
What's Changed
- entoas: add annotation to support custom oas types by @masseelch in #168
- all: update go version to 1.17 by @masseelch in #170
- entoas: integration test for custom oas types by @masseelch in #169
- all: reduce CI to only run on master and PR by @masseelch in #172
- entoas: more verbose error when an OAS type is missing by @masseelch in #171
- entproto: support o2o relations for grpc by @rotemtam in #173
- [BC]: entoas: use ogen spec definitions instead of custom ones by @masseelch in #181
- all: upgrade ent to latest master by @masseelch in #183
- entoas: use integer without format unless specified and make use of n… by @masseelch in #184
- entoas: edge views references wrong schema by @masseelch in #185
- Added missing import in entgql pagination template by @UnAfraid in #188
- entgql/internal/todo: add strings type to example schema by @a8m in #189
- ci: ignore go.sum file in generate check by @a8m in #190
- entproto: add Skip annotation by @iivankin in #187
- entoas: export some methods for implementation generators by @masseelch in #186
- entoas: make error response code and status required, add conflict re… by @masseelch in #192
- Deterministic behaviour for NodeOperations and EdgeOperations by @masseelch in #193
- entoas: patch operation has no required fields by @masseelch in #194
- entoas: HTTP Conflict can occur in every operation by @masseelch in #195
- entoas: pagination params to Int instead of Int32 by @masseelch in #196
- entoas: export EdgeViewName to make it accessible for implementation … by @masseelch in #197
- entoas: add 404 response to create-sub operation by @masseelch in #198
- entoas: pagination params to Int instead of Int32 by @masseelch in #200
- feat: load gqlgen plugins during parse schema by @giautm in #199
- entgql: update gqlgen version to latest master by @a8m in #208
- fix: remove package name for the error by @giautm in #205
- Added support to generate byte fields. by @anivanovic in #219
- entgql: enable bind by default by @giautm in #217
- entoas: remove sub-resource create and delete operations by @masseelch in #221
- Add support for UUID fields. by @anivanovic in #225
- entoas: remove sub-resource filter for implementing packages by @masseelch in #226
- fix: type ID check should run on non-skipped nodes by @giautm in #229
- fix: fixed ID type in node and pagination template by @giautm in #230
- entgql: change enum receiver to
by @giautm in #233 - Add support for generating JSON fields by @anivanovic in #227
- entgql: update gqlgen version to latest master by @giautm in #236
- entgql: remove unnecessary
call by @giautm in #234 - entgql: create plugin for gqlgen [Stage1] by @giautm in #241
- entgql: adjust latest code with ent style by @a8m in #246
- entgql: use goModel directive for mapping by @a8m in #247
- entgql: support builtin JSON types by @giautm in #250
- entgql: add goModel directive to generated enums by @a8m in #249
- entgql: add OrderDirection to builtin types by @giautm in #252
- entgql: added new annotations by @giautm in #251
- entgql: cleanup source code by copy content to a single file by @giautm in #255
- bc: entproto: convert field.Int into int64 proto fields by @maorlipchuk in #254
- added field annotation for read only flag by @rolandknight in #260
- chore: upgrade ent to latest master by @giautm in #263
- ci: fixed issue for entproto by @giautm in #264
- entgql: remove unused gqlconfig by @giautm in #266
- entgql: initial work for adding nested pagination by @a8m in #269
- .github: fix ci and use same lint version ent/ent uses by @a8m in #272
- entgql(WhereInput): remove graphql-go/graphql by @giautm in #267
- entgql: update GQL output indent by @giautm in #274
- entgql: move the order-fields logic to template function by @a8m in #273
- entgql: refactor Skip annotation by @giautm in #268
- build(deps): bump from 0.1.9 to 0.1.10 by @dependabot in #276
- golangci: force to use go 1.17 by @a8m in #279
- schemast: proper float field conversion by @zeevmoney in #278
- entgql: move generate WhereInput logic to single hook by @giautm in #275
- entgql: initial work for nested pagination in templates by @a8m in #277
- entproto/cmd/protoc-gen-entgrpc: support keyword field names by @rotemtam in #280
- entgql: generate edge fields by @giautm in #256
- entgql: refactor schema by @giautm in #281
- entoas: fix merge bug by @omarhachach in #282
- entproto: support field.Strings by @rotemtam in #285
- #2479 entproto fix - removed 'return nil, nil' from method_get.tmpl by @thmeitz in #286
- entoas: add minimum property to uint types by @masseelch in #287
- entoas: uint to int with minimum in OAS by @masseelch in #288
- entgql: expose the Entity connection on the Query type by @giautm in #289
- entgql: cleanup queryField annotation by @giautm in #293
- build(deps): bump from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in #291
- build(deps): bump from 1.42.0 to 1.46.0 by @dependabot in #292
- entgql: support whereInput on the edge by @giautm in #290
- entgql: adds support for custom predicates on where structs by @crossworth in #294
- entgql: fixed conflict name with receiver by @giautm in #298
- entgql: Unmarshal whereInput using graphql package by @giautm in #297
- entgql: fix example code in comment by @stoikheia in #296
- entgql: hotfix whereInput is not defined by @giautm in #299
- entoas: uint to int with minimum and maximum in OAS by @masseelch in #300
- entproto: implement BatchCreate method by @JeremyV2014 in #295
- entgql: extend docs for OrderField annotation option by @dorlib in #301
- Tarrencev feat/stringerid by @a8m in #302
- entproto: use ent custom pluralizer by @rotemtam in #303
- entgql: prepare for stable version by @giautm in #305
- entgql: fixed entgql.Skip bug by @giautm in #307
- entgql: support to skip OrderField in mixin by @giautm in #308
- entgql: update examples to using schema generator by @giautm in #306
- entgql: extend docs for Bind and Unbind annotation options by @dorlib in #310
- entgql: update gqlparser to latest master by @a8m in #311
- entgql: improve error reporting in case type is not set as Relay connection by @a8m in #312
- entgql: update godoc by @giautm in #313
- entgql: optional fields should be nullable fields by @giautm in #314
- all: upgrade ent to latest by @giautm in #315
- entgql: generate create/update mut...
We're excited to share the v0.2.0
This release contains some new functionality on all modules as well as a slight change in the default behavior of the entproto
gRPC integration (see below).
Special thanks goes to everyone that contributed to this release: @tsingsun, @rotemtam, @yonidavidson, @a8m, @JeremyV2014, and @masseelch!
- upgrade gqlgen to v0.14.0 (#136)
- add back fields collection for node template
- support field.Float and field.Float32 (#153)
- documenting local dev flow (#159)
- implement service method generation control (#158)
- entproto: implement list service method (#162)
- support field.Time (#139)
Changes to default behavior
With #162 (contributed by @JeremyV2014), we added support for the List
method on
code generated by protoc-gen-entgrpc
. The method signature looks like:
service AttachmentService {
// ..
rpc List ( ListAttachmentRequest ) returns ( ListAttachmentResponse );
Where the input is:
message ListAttachmentRequest {
int32 page_size = 1;
string page_token = 2;
View view = 3;
enum View {
BASIC = 1;
This method is generated on all services by default. If you would like to control which methods get generated, support for method generation control was added (by @JerembyV2014 as well) in #158. As you can see in the docs, you can now configure this in your schema, for instance, by using:
func (User) Annotations() []schema.Annotation {
return []schema.Annotation{
entproto.Methods(entproto.MethodCreate | entproto.MethodGet),