This is an environment for AT Protocol built in Glamorous Toolkit (GT).
GT is the moldable development environment through which we can construct dedicated experiences. This specific project offers such a dedicated experience for the AT Protocol.
It covers several things at different levels of abstraction.
- Creating posts and threads from inside the knowledge management system.
- Working with a server through AT Protocol.
- Streaming and pagination support out of the box.
- Inspecting and visualizing results.
- Code generation from lexicons to Smalltalk code.
- Dedicated styling and completion support for exploring and editing lexicon JSON files.
Read the announcement blog post.
To install, download GT for your platform, open a playground and execute the following script:
Metacello new
repository: 'github://feenkcom/gt4atproto:main/src';
baseline: 'Gt4AtProto';
#BaselineOfGt4AtProto asClass loadLepiter
This will load the code specific for AT Protocol, and the associated knowledge base.