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Bob Gobeille edited this page Apr 23, 2015 · 1 revision


After the introduction of Composer the configuration of PSR-4 style autoloading is quite simple. Here are some links to provide background:

What is autoloading?

Autoloading helps to avoid management of require statements to load depending classes. It can be configured by adding Namespace -> Path mapping to the file composer.json.

How to use autoloading?

Each call of composer install/update creates or updates the autoloading configuration.

Content of composer.json:


    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {"Fossology\\Lib\\": "lib/php"}

If you have a class on the path lib/php/Foo/Bar.php


namespace Fossology\Lib\Foo;

class Bar

you can now instatiate an object of type Bar everywhere just by using

$bar = new \Fossology\Lib\Foo\Bar();

The autoloader takes care of reading the file Bar.php once to ensure a defined class Bar.

How to enable autoloading?

Just include the autoloader initialization file


Currently this is done in src/lib/php/common.php.

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