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Obligation and Risk Administration

EttingerK edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 1 revision

Many licenses have additional license obligations, restrictions, risks or rights. Often these license obligations and risks are the same for different licenses. So it makes sense, to create different license obligations and link them to the specific licenses, where they can be applied.

1. Add Obligation


  • Active: Standard is 'yes' but the obligation can also be set to 'not active'
  • Obligation Topic: ??
  • Type of obligation: Obligation, Restriction, Risk or Right
  • Obligation text: the obligation text shall be formulated by Legal, but understandable by the project management
  • Level of attention this obligation should raise in the clearing process: This is optional but helpful when reading the License Clearing documents: These levels come with colors, which must be defined by your organization.
  • Does this obligation apply on modified source code?: This also an optional field. It is helpful to know if the obligation applies only on modified source code. Then the obligation can be skipped easily, if the source code is not modified.
  • Associated Licenses: Select all licenses which do have this obligation, Restriction, Risk or Right
  • Associated Candidate Licenses: Select all candidate licenses where this obligation applies to.
  • Comment: add a comment if relevant
  • Text updatable: Yes or no. If only Legal is allowed to write the License Obligations, it perhaps makes sense not to make the text updatable.

Add Obligation

2. CSV Export

A download of License obligations is downloaded as a CSV file.

3. CSV Import

A CSV File with all license obligations can be uploaded.


4. Select Obligation (and Risks)

Administration of License Obligations and Risks. All License obligations can be searched in the section by the topic (or name).

The following fields are shown:

  • Edit: every obligation can be edited from here.
  • Type: Obligations, Risk, Restriction or Right
  • Topic: this the short description of the obligation
  • Text: The text of the obligation
  • Classification: this is referenced with colors
  • Apply on modified code: yes, if the obligation must be applied on modified code
  • Comment: any comment which is relevant
  • Associated License: all Licenses where the obligation applies to.
  • Associated Candidate Licenses: all candidate Licenses where this obligation applies to.


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