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Shaheem Azmal M MD edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 5 revisions

The different jobs can be managed from the UI, all the details are logged for all the jobs. Jobs run when uploading a component. Depending on your configuration, the agents process the source code. But also every bulk scan is a job. Other jobs ???

1. My recent jobs


All your jobs will be shown in that list. How long are they stored ??

  1. The name of the component which was processed.
  2. Job number, that processed a specific agent. (By clicking on that number, details of that job are presented) What means 'dependency' here??
  3. Status of the job, either paused, finished or failed.
  4. Name of the agent or job which ran.
  5. Number of items which were processed with start time and date and finish time and date.
  6. Average items which were processed per second.
  7. ETA (Estimated time of job completion) it will be visible only when job is scheduled. (excluding ununpack and adj2nest agents)

2. All recent jobs

Similarly, like managing your own jobs, you can manage all jobs from the groups you are part of. Like this you can see, what is running right now, from you as well as from your group. you may also manage decisions download reports etc..

In addition, the system load can be made visible top left corner in the Head bar. Then you may upload the big packages based on system load metrics. In addition information can be given in the head bar (e.g. maintenance work).

3. Schedule agents

Even after uploading components additional analysis can be done. The options are the same as upload page. For further details check in the section 'Uploading files'.



To start the job, please check the 'Analysis' button on the very bottom of the page.

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