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Install Fossology on a Jenkins Server

Michael edited this page Apr 21, 2016 · 5 revisions

This is some overview how to setup Jenkins with the fossology to have daily builds, daily testing, and building packages to install.

After, the Jenkins could be configured to check for updates in the repo / github.

Install Jenkins

  • Jenkins it self can be installed by adding the Jenkins debian package server to the list of packages (see homepage)
  • for use within a company Intranet: proxy can be set with Acquire directive in apt-get
  • example. has worked well in /etc/apt/apt.conf:
Acquire::http::proxy "";
Acquire::https::proxy "";
  • it is necessary to configure Jenkins with proxy because the plugins need to be downloaded
  • Jenkins - mind that the proxy host is entered in Jenkins settings is without protocol prefix


  • for checkout use the github plugin
  • Tipp: if deployment key authentication was not successful, try personal credentials to get it working and then go ahead with deployment key later
  • mind the right branch, the setting field in Jenkins / github plugin is somewhat hidden

Building fossology

  • install postgresql-dev and other things by fossologyng/utis/fo-installdeps (must be executed with sudo)
  • do not go away from the computer after the first two "yes", because there will be several confirmations asked for

Running the php tests

  • run fo-postinstall (to create the database ...)

  • you will need to sudo make install to prepare fo-postinstall

  • install composer

  • see composer website

  • ie. with curl -sS | php

  • install sqllite

  • using sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite

  • then you will need to make php vendors manually once to check for further dependencies to install

siemagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/$ sudo su jenkins
jenkins@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/jobs/$ make phpvendors
  • successful output of this looks like this:
jenkins@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64:~/jobs/$ make phpvendors
make -C ./src phpvendors
make[1]: Entering directory `/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/'
composer install -q
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/'
  • running the tests will fail at some occasions likely

  • most likely it is an execution rights problem

  • adding user jenkins to group fossy for solving execution context

  • sudo usermod -G fossy jenkins

  • add the setting in the jenkins config file (there is a setting to set the user and group at job execution)

  • should be user jenkins, group fossy

  • installing & building ninka

  • ninka must be installed manually, since there is no package available for download from and build it with

# first install `DBD::SQLite` and `Spreadsheet::WriteExcel` via `cpan`
$ sudo cpan DBD::SQLite; sudo cpan Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
$ perl 
$ make
# after that, one has to make shure that `ninka` is somewhere in PATH, for example with
$ sudo cp -r lib/Ninka /etc/perl
$ sudo cp lib/ /etc/perl
$ sudo cp bin/ninka /usr/bin

Running the c-based tests

Code style check for php

Doing the package installation

  • edit sudoers file to add jenkins in the group of no-password enterers

  • normally if a user is in sudo, he may need to enter the password still to become sudo

  • that will not work in jenkins runs

  • install the dependencies

  • dpkg-checkbuilddeps: will bring unmet build dependencies: debhelper postgresql-server-dev-all

  • if there are missing dependecies then

  • sudo apt-get install -f

Trouble Shooting

The composer is generally an element that requires special care when it comes to running the build integration. Assume that you are going to run the PHP tests in a Jenkins target, failing composer could look like the following:

+ make phpvendors
make -C ./src phpvendors
make[1]: Entering directory `/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/FossologyNG.30.test.php/workspace/fossologyng/src'
composer install -q
make[1]: *** [phpvendors] Error 2

The you try to check if composer works with logging into the shell of the integration server and:

$ sudo composer update

Then the following error could show up:

Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - guzzle/guzzle v3.9.3 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.

Possible solution:

$ sudo apt-get install php5-curl
$ sudo composer update
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