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Stanislav Vorobiov edited this page Jul 2, 2014 · 4 revisions

General information

From libdrm_freedreno's README:

Current msm kernel driver is a bit strange. It provides a DRM interface for GEM, which is basically sufficient to have DRI2 working. But it does not provide KMS. And interface to 2d and 3d cores is via different other devices (/dev/kgsl-*).

Drawing contexts

Drawing contexts are created via IOCTL_KGSL_DRAWCTXT_CREATE, it requires a single argument - set of context flags, these are:

#define KGSL_CONTEXT_SAVE_GMEM 0x00000001
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_NO_GMEM_ALLOC 0x00000002
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_SUBMIT_IB_LIST 0x00000004
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_CTX_SWITCH 0x00000008
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_PREAMBLE 0x00000010
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_TRASH_STATE 0x00000020
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_PER_CONTEXT_TS 0x00000040
#define KGSL_CONTEXT_TYPE_MASK 0x01F00000

Freedreno creates a single drawing context for each pipe, i.e:

struct fd_pipe * kgsl_pipe_new(struct fd_device *dev, enum fd_pipe_id id)
    struct kgsl_drawctxt_create req = {
        .flags = 0x2000, /* ??? */
    ret = ioctl(fd, IOCTL_KGSL_DRAWCTXT_CREATE, &req);

it doesn't set any flags currently, but you can change that if you have problems with your particular kgsl kernel driver (see below)

IB submission

IB submission is done via IOCTL_KGSL_RINGBUFFER_ISSUEIBCMDS, user defines an IB chain using struct kgsl_ibdesc like this:

struct kgsl_ibdesc ibdesc[] = {
        .gpuaddr = kgsl_ring->bo->gpuaddr + offset,
        .hostptr = last_start,
        .sizedwords = ring->cur - last_start,
struct kgsl_ringbuffer_issueibcmds req = {
     .drawctxt_id = kgsl_pipe->drawctxt_id,
     .ibdesc_addr = (unsigned long)&ibdesc,
     .numibs = sizeof(ibdesc)/sizeof(ibdesc[0]),

Depending on drawing context flags kgsl will handle IBs differently:

  • By default IBs are executed as is, i.e. one after another
  • If KGSL_CONTEXT_PREAMBLE was specified then IB 0 is handled differently, it doesn't get executed right away, instead it serves as a state-restoration IB, when a context changes inside kgsl kernel driver it'll first execute IB 0 to setup the state and then move on to IB 1, 2, so on.

The default way has its own implications, it builds gpu state shadow and uses it to save context information, some kernel drivers have it broken and qcom blob always uses the preamble approach. But since currently freedreno always uses single IB and provides enough information to setup the gpu state you can easily change command submission to use preamble by providing IB 0 with a single CP_NOP instruction, i.e. in kgsl_ringbuffer_new:

kgsl_ring->tmp_bo = kgsl_rb_bo_new(to_kgsl_pipe(pipe), 0x10000);

ptr = kgsl_ring->tmp_bo->hostptr;

 * CP_NOP instruction with payload of 1 dword.

*ptr = 0xc0001000;
*(ptr + 1) = 00000000;

then in kgsl_ringbuffer_flush:

struct kgsl_ibdesc ibdesc[2] = {
        .gpuaddr = kgsl_ring->tmp_bo->gpuaddr,
        .hostptr = NULL,
        .sizedwords = 2,
        .gpuaddr = kgsl_ring->bo->gpuaddr + offset,
        .hostptr = last_start,
        .sizedwords = ring->cur - last_start,
struct kgsl_ringbuffer_issueibcmds req = {
    .drawctxt_id = kgsl_pipe->drawctxt_id,
    .ibdesc_addr = (unsigned long)&ibdesc,
    .numibs = 2,

And of course, you'll need to set KGSL_CONTEXT_PREAMBLE flag in kgsl_pipe_new.

upd: you might also need to pass FD_MESA_DEBUG="direct" so that shaders get embedded within the IB, if you won't use it then you may need to have shader loading code in IB 0

Power management

kgsl cares about power management, so one have to be careful when doing IB submissions. struct kgsl_device has active_cnt field which indicates number of active GPU users (this is NOT /dev/kgsl open count, this is something that indicates that GPU is actually being used and needs to run some tasks), if this count goes to 0 - GPU goes to sleep. In sleep mode GPU doesn't execute IBs, so it's important to keep this above 0 if you're waiting for IB to finish. kgsl kernel driver should have something like this in IOCTL_KGSL_DEVICE_WAITTIMESTAMP handler:

    // do the wait

if it doesn't, then your driver probably manages power some other way, you'll have to find out how qcom's blob does this and do something similar, keeping active_cnt above 0 as needed