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cohabo edited this page Apr 23, 2018 · 30 revisions

#. Welcome to the FreeWork wiki!

FreeWork is a shared-agency ecosystem that sponsors value-forming relationships.

#. What’s at Stake?

Envision a socio-economic system, in which any person, willing and able to do worthwhile work, can access unlimited work opportunities and the tooling, to do the work that they choose to do, and be monetised for that work.

Such a value-stream can theoretically produce the hyper-collaboration and coordination of total-factor productivity needed to undertake the abundant work that remains undone in villages, towns and cities anywhere in the world. It will incentivise goal setting, assignment of things to-do, assure project completion, unitise work quantities, account for the effort and ascribe that value within the system. The economic agents in the system will be able to and be responsible for producing and allocating the wealth potential in the system freely and openly to their own benefit.

The economic system described above is possible but only where economic-agents:

  • can be relied upon not to undermine the system, through: equivocation (double-spend) actions, sybil (identity-fraud) attacks and byzantine (collusion) attacks.
  • always have the initiative to participate and undertake activities that generates positive outcomes within the network.

#. “Mumbo Jumbo”

“The FreeWork open-source project was born in 2017 to address the uncertainty, underutilisation and wastage of total-factor-productivity in value-formation systems. By deriving the resolution of the principal-agent problem (consistent with Misses regression theory) a consequence of permissionless blockchain’s proof-of-work consensus, the FreeWork team was able to conceptually demonstrate a shared agency-ecosystem where an economy of utility-maximizing agents can attain macroeconomic equilibrium.

Since then, we have developed an open assurance and valorisation protocol. Here, digital versions of real-world entities have a valorisation data structure based on a belief-desire-intention paradigm and develop social network characteristics in a web-of-trust. The agents instantiate goals based on their desires and then offer and undertake services which are instantiated intentions. Upon computationally provable task completion, each agent is uniquely monetised based on their belief (a composite of qualification, experience, reputation and talent).

Our protocol libraries provides a smart contract abstraction layer for project management, accounting, registrars and consumer-facing applications. The off-chain front-end caters to everyday users comfortable with the basic skillset of using mobile and web applications as well as an Application programming interface toolkit allowing deployment of standard business logic and workflows without lower level tinkering on the consensus layer.

Kazini protocol is designed to realise socio-economic development outcomes for societies with the overall goal of effectively guaranteeing all actors abide by the rules, are incentivised to have the initiative and deliver expected outputs.

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