A curated list of awesome tools, utils and projects using Playwright
Playwright is a Node.js library to automate Firefox, WebKit and Chromium based browsers via a single API.
- jest-playwright - Jest adapter for running Playwright.
- CodeceptJS - Supercharged End 2 End Testing Framework for Node.js.
- Chromium for Serverless platforms - Chromium for Serverless platforms.
- playwright-chrome-recorder - Export Playwright tests from Google Chrome DevTools' recordings programmatically.
- Playwright Chrome Recorder Extension - Export DevTools Recordings as Playwright Tests directly from the DevTools Recorder Panel.
- playwright-github-action - GitHub Action to install all the required dependencies.
- playwright-pytest - Official Pytest plugin for using Playwright pages with fixtures.
- heroku-playwright-buildpack - Heroku buildpack for running Playwright on a Heroku Dyno.
- @axe-core/playwright - Official Axe integration with Playwright.
- axe-playwright - Inofficial integration of Axe with Playwright.
- expect-axe-playwright - Expect matchers to perform Axe accessibility tests in your Playwright tests.
- cucumber-playwright - A starter repo for writing E2E tests based on Cucumber with Playwright using Typescript.
- artillery-engine-playwright - Load testing with Playwright.
- playwright-bdd - BDD testing with Playwright runner and CucumberJS.
- Serenity/JS - Acceptance testing, reporting, and test integration framework for Playwright, implementing the Screenplay Pattern.
- @guidepup/playwright - VoiceOver and NVDA screen reader driver integration for Playwright.
- playwright - Official Playwright in Node.js (JavaScript and TypeScript).
- playwright-python - Official Playwright port to Python.
- playwright-dotnet - Official Playwright port to .NET.
- playwright-java - Official Playwright port to Java.
- playwright-go - Playwright port for Golang.
- playwright-ruby-client - Playwright port for Ruby.
- playwright-cr - Playwright port for Crystal.
- playwright-rust - Playwright port for Rust.
- playwright-perl - Playwright port for Perl.
- automated-Playwright-UI-tests - Auto-generated, run & maintained with AI-assisted test case discovery.
- Ask Playwright - Accurate answers to Playwright questions provided by LLM trained on the latest Playwright documentation.
- Try Playwright - Interactive playground for running Playwright tests.
- playwright-fluent - Fluent API Wrapper around Playwright.
- TestingBot - Connect your Playwright tests with browsers in the Cloud.
- expect-playwright - Expect utility matcher functions to simplify expect statements for the usage with Playwright Test or Jest Playwright.
- eslint-plugin-playwright - ESLint plugin for your Playwright testing needs.
- Moon - Tools for executing Playwright tests in parallel in a Kubernetes cluster.
- playwright-test-coverage - Plugin to collect code coverage from running Playwright tests.
- Playwright Test for VSCode - Official Playwright test extension for VS Code.
- Maestro for IntelliJ - Playwright plugin for IntelliJ.
- playwright-elements - Playwright test extension for more powerful page object implementation.
- Playwright-cleanup - A Playwright cleanup tool that simplifies test cleanup by undoing any changes to the testing environment.
- Playwright-performance - A plugin that helps you optimize the speed and efficiency of web applications by measuring and analyzing the performance of ANY tested flow using Playwright.
- playwright-python-language-injection - Language injection definitions for CSS/JS syntax highlighting when using
in PyCharm. - playwright-ui5 - Custom selector engine for sapui5.
- playwright-xpath - Custom selector engine for xpath 2 and 3.
- ZeroStep - AI actions and assertions for Playwright.
- playwright-tesults-reporter - A library for uploading test results to Tesults from Playwright.
- monocart-reporter - A playwright test reporter, shows suites/cases/steps in html grid.
- allure-playwright - Allure integration with Playwright Test framework.
- playwright-xray - Playwright Xray Reporter, send test executions to Jira / Xray.
- testomatio-reporter - Runs and sends test executions to the TCMS testomatio, Jira / Linear / Azure DevOps task management.
- currents-dev - A Cloud Dashboard to debug, troubleshoot and analyze parallel Playwright CI tests.
- Demo.Playwright - Various testing scenarios with Playwright, using the official test-runner and scripts authored in TypeScript.
- playwright-jest-examples - Examples of the Jest Playwright tools in combination to test popular sites.
- VS Code - Playwright is used to run cross-browser tests on their web builds.
- TypeScript - Playwright is used test typescript.js across browsers.
- Elastic APM JS agent - Playwright is used to run benchmark tests across browsers.
- Blockstack - Playwright is used to run cross-browser UI tests.
- xterm.js - Playwright is used to run cross-browser integration tests.
- Heroku Playwright Example - Example using Playwright on Heroku.
- Todo App with Playwright - Comprehensive Todo app with APIs, E2E tests with GitHub Actions enabled.
- theheadless.dev - Practical guides and runnable examples on Playwright (and Puppeteer).
- playwrightsolutions.com - Curated Selection of Playwright Automated Test Problems and Solutions.
- serenity-js.org - Learn how to write acceptance tests in business language using Playwright and the Serenity/JS Screenplay Pattern.
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