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010.020 Installation of D‐Rats on Microsoft Windows with MobaXterm

John E. Malmberg edited this page Dec 3, 2023 · 11 revisions


It is possible to install D-Rats 0.4.x on Microsoft Windows in a simplified way using MobaXTerm. Here is a short recap of the steps detailed below:

  • Download and install lzhuf
  • Download and install MobaXterm
  • Start MobaXterm and Download Script
  • Setup D-rats.

Optional Install of LZHUF

If you intend on communicating with Winlink, you will need to install the lzhuf program.

The LZHUF program is pre-build as either a 64 bit or 32 bit Windows MSI package. Since only 64 bit Microsoft Windows is supported by MSYS2 and MobaXterm, you only need to install the 64 bit image.

Log into and download the file lzhuf_x64.msi. Once the file is downloaded, just double click it to install it.

Download and install MobaXterm

  • Go to MobaXterm and install the Home Edition software with the "Installer Edition". The portable version edition has not been tested at this time, but there is no reason why it should not work.

  • The installer is contained into a zip file: once downloaded, it must be extracted into another directory or it will not install.

  • Double click on the msi file to install.

Installing Or Updating D-Rats

  • Start MobaXterm and Download Script

  • From Windows menu launch MobaXterm.

  • Starting it up for the first time, you'll probably have to allow MobaXterm access through the Windows firewall.

  • Click on Start local terminal

  • In a local terminal, the first time try the mouse right click, you will get a popup requesting you select a right click action. Recommend choosing the context menu and click paste.

  • If you are upgrading d-rats or the MobyXterm local emulation environment, you need to make sure that an older installation file is not present

  • Due to a bug the file may be named That is in the process of being fixed. Once it is fixed, then you should download the file with the correct name below and run it to git fixes that are needed.

  • paste rm -f d-rats_in_mobax* and key in enter. This is only needed if that file is already present.

  • Paste wget and key in Enter.

  • Paste chmod 0755 and key in Enter.

  • ./` and key in Enter.

  • The install will run for a quite while as it will first install all the additional packages needed for D-Rats to run.

Setup D-Rats

D-Rats is set to launch with the command ./d-rats. This is a script. Do not modify it, if you want to customize it, create a script with a new name, as updates to d-rats may replace the './d-rats' script.

launch D-Rats and proceed to configure it as usual: First Time Config

If you want to use existing directories in your Microsoft Windows systems, they are in the /drives directory, for example /drives/c/Users is used for accessing C:\Users.


Because of the differences in paths, you can not use the --config option to reference your old config file.

The first time that you open the map for display, it will may take some time to cache the tiles needed, Changing the zoom level or location of the map will make the time needed even longer.

D-Rats repeater has not been tested in this environment and not planned to be tested.

Pull Request testing

Pull Request are D-Rats updates that are in processes and need testing before they are landing.

To test a PR simply need to fetch it and switch it to the target branch.

For example to test pull request 283, you issue the following command, which creates a local branch named "pr_283". You will need to change the number to the pull request you are actually testing.

Start in the home directory of the MobaXterm: \home\mobaxterm

git -C d-rats-git fetch origin pull/283/head:pr_283

Once you have fetched it, then you can switch to that branch with the command.

git -C d-rats-git checkout pr_283

If there are any changes since you fetched the PR, you will need to pull them down. Pull requests may get many updates during the review cycle, so if any significant time has gone by or you have seen an update notice for the pull request, you will need to pull down the update.

git -C d-rats-git pull origin pull/283/head

Remove incorrectly name script if it is present.

rm -f d-rats_in_mobax*

Update the setup script and run any changes that are in it.

cp d-rats-git/ .


When if you want to go back to the master branch of D-Rats

git -C d-rats-git checkout master

To get any updates to master since you last updated you can run

git -C d-rats-git pull

Once you are done testing the pull request, it can be deleted with

git -C d-rats-git branch -d pr_283

You may need to use this command if the above command fails

git -C d-rats-git branch -D pr_283

Known Issues seen

There is some extra log noise about ffmpeg not being found, which means that sounds probably do not work. We do not know the reason for that.

and "GLib-GIO-CRITICAL" and "Gtk-Warning in the startup messages. Those are very hard to track down as the line numbers in message are imaginary. So far these messages do seem to affect D-Rats from running.

D-Rats not re-connecting after disconnect from repeater

If you change the map location or zoom before it completes caching the tiles for a new location and zoom level combination, D-Rats may hang for a while or crash. This is a known issue and requires a complete redesign of the tile downloading to fix, and not a new bug with this installation method. Once the tiles are cached, this problem should not be seen often.

Additional Notes

While the MobaXterm project uses code from the Cygwin project, they have made local changes so even though Cygwin is mentioned, for the purpose of issue reporting and other discussions, this must be referred to as MobaXterm, not Cygwin, even though a Cygwin install should be very similar to MobaXterm.

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