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131 Winlink 2000 on D Rats

Greg AB8RG edited this page May 23, 2020 · 1 revision

Few notes about using Winlink on D-Rats:

  1. configuring D-Rats: a) your callsign in D-Rats must be identical to your id in Winlink (i.e. if you signed into winlink with IZ2LXI, you cannot use a callsign like “IZ2LXI/P” b) in “messages” fillin your winlink password

  2. to send emails via winlink you must a) compile the destination field inserting “WL2K:destination email” b) pay attention to the small drop down list at the right of “send receive” button, in that list you have to select WL2K before pushing the sending button (I have not looked if this is needed once or each time, … )

##Notes on LZHUF " lzhuf_1.exe is the compression routine used by Winlink. The version included in the D-RATS download will run on 32 bit computers AND Win 64 bt.

Notes from Glen: Using D-Rats with Winlink. You have to already have your account set up in order to use this feature. Once you have it, copy your Winlink email address and password into the appropriate sections of Preferences, Messages. To send an email to another station that YOU KNOW has a Winlink account address the message n the Destination Callsign as "WL2K: Callsign". On the Subject line place "//WL2K" and then the message subject. This way the program knows to send the message out via Winlink and having the //WL2K in the subject line lets Winlink know it is not a Spam message that they should refuse to accept. If you want to use Winlink to send a message to a regular email address, you just need the //WL2K in the subject line to send the message, You may get a confirmation response depending on how you have your account at Winlink set up. Be aware that D-Rats uses the Internet to send messages to Winlink via Telnet. If the Internet goes down in your area you would need to revert to an RF means of sending the messages using Winlink Express in Windows or one of the other Winlink clients to send the message either by Packet or HF.

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