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050.000 D Rats Road Map for planned work

John E. Malmberg edited this page Oct 19, 2022 · 3 revisions

050.000 D-Rats Road Map for planned work

Realistic goals

  • Set up the ham-radio-software github organization. (Done)
  • Fix some compliance issues with existing Python 2 D-Rats. (Done)
  • Create a branch to split off the the Python 2 D-Rats from master. (Done)
  • Fix up the WB8TYW Python 3 fork to reference the ham-radio-software github organization. (Done)
  • Merge in the WB8TYW Python 3 fork. (Done)
  • Set up for an Alpha release for Python 3 D-Rats.
  • Continue improvements on the D-Rats for master branch.
  • Split off lzhuf c code to its own repository and upgrade it. (done)
  • Add repositories for D-Rats data that may need to be updated in D-rats.
  • Modify D-Rats to be able to download updated configuration data.
  • Use GitHub actions for packaging D-Rats releases and possibly simple tests. (Some not practical)

Stretch Goals

  • Setup up Linux VMs or Containers and for Windows 10/11 VMs for D-Rats testing.
  • Come up with a Sikuli-X script to test D-Rats GUI.
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