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656 lines (512 loc) · 51.4 KB

0.7.0 (January 13, 2022)


  • Source variable values from remote systems: The default value for input variables can now use the configdynamic function to source data from Vault, Consul, Terraform Cloud, and more. This is a pluggable system. [GH-2889]
  • Workspace and Label-scoped Configuration: Build, registry, deploy, and release configurations can now be changed depending on the current workspace or label sets. This can be used to alter configurations between environments (staging, production, etc.) or metadata (region, etc.). [GH-2699]
  • core: Introduce RunTriggers to Waypoint Server and CLI. Triggers can be configured ahead of time to execute lifecycle operations on demand through the Waypoint API. Currently, only the gRPC API is supported, but in the future an HTTP endpoint will be added to be used within CI. [GH-2840]
  • ui/auth: users can now authenticate through the UI using an OIDC provider [GH-2688]
  • ui: Add Exec Terminal to the web UI [GH-2849]
  • ui: Added a tab with an overview of the resources provisioned by operations [GH-2777]
  • ui: Added timeline component to artifact details pages [GH-2793]
  • ui: Update UI of builds and releases tab [GH-2852]
  • ui: add workspace switcher to app pages [GH-2674]
  • ui: reformatted app overview page and header of artifact details page [GH-2606]


  • cli: Add alias for -app and -workspace flags [GH-2700]
  • cli: Add new workspace create command [GH-2797]
  • cli: Deprecate -remote flag for operations, replace with -local flag [GH-2771]
  • cli: Enhance warning for project flag mismatches when project parsed from config [GH-2815]
  • cli: Report where each operation runs (locally vs remotely) [GH-2795]
  • cli: Warn if about to perform a remote operation with a dirty local git state [GH-2799]
  • install/nomad: Ensure static runner has started during install by validating its running status for a few seconds once it is in a "running" state. [GH-2698]
  • plugin/docker: inject arm64 Waypoint entrypoints for arm images [GH-2692]
  • plugin/ecs: Implement the destruction of AWS resources created when deploying a workspace [GH-2684]
  • plugin/pack: detect non-Intel Docker server and show a warning [GH-2692]
  • serverinstall/ecs: Add permissions to the ECS runner IAM policy to allow the removal of security groups and de-registration of task [GH-2684]
  • serverinstall: Set Nomad's ODR profile name to "nomad" [GH-2713]
  • ui: Improved UX of screen readers' transition between pages [GH-2837]
  • ui: Updated list items UI on deployments tab [GH-2879]
  • ui: Updated the deployments tab UI/UX [GH-2773]
  • ui: upgraded icons to flight icons library [GH-2681]


  • core: configdynamic has been renamed to dynamic. The existing function name continues to work but is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. [GH-2892]
  • plugin/docker: img-based Dockerless builds are no longer supported. Dockerless builds are still fully supported via Kaniko and on-demand runners that shipped in Waypoint 0.6. Static runners without access to a Docker daemon can no longer build images. [GH-2534]


  • cli: Added check for empty deployUrl in output for release switch case [GH-2755]
  • cli: Fix issue where users could not disable project polling from the CLI [GH-2673]
  • core: fix issue where runners would fail but not shut down [GH-2571]
  • ui: Fix edge case issue where users would not be redirected to the authentication screen if no api token was set [GH-2696]
  • ui: Logs & Exec Terminals resize smoothly [GH-2890]

0.6.3 (December 10, 2021)


0.6.2 (November 4, 2021)


  • plugin/nomad: Introduce Nomad On-Demand Runner support for Waypoint server. Launch tasks to build containers in short lived runners. [GH-2593]


  • cli/login: Allow login from-kubernetes command to work with non-default namespace installations [GH-2575]
  • serverinstall/nomad: Update install helper to always setup a Consul service with a backend and ui service tag. [GH-2597]


  • cli: Use values from filter flags when listing deployments and releases [GH-2672]
  • cli: waypoint status and waypoint status -app no longer display destroyed deployments [GH-2564]
  • core: Fix a panic where a custom Waypoint plugin would panic if the plugin did not properly implement a Registry component with AccessInfoFunc() [GH-2532]
  • serverinstall/k8s: Clean up rbac resources on uninstall, and do not error when existing rbac resources are detected during server upgrade. [GH-2654]
  • ui: avoid loading all status reports [GH-2562]
  • ui: improve docker reference parsing [GH-2518]

0.6.1 (October 21, 2021)


  • cli: Fix project apply to set runner profiles by name [GH-2489]
  • cli: Fix displaying config variables set with pre-0.6.0 Waypoint [GH-2535]
  • cli: Fix panic in logs and exec commands [GH-2526]
  • cli: Fix issue where sending ctrl-c to the CLI could block all subsiquent operations on the app/project/workspace for two minutes [GH-2513]
  • serverinstall/ecs: Fix potential panic in some ECS On-Demand Runner releases [GH-2533]
  • serverinstall/ecs: Update ODR role permissions to enable status reports [GH-2543]

0.6.0 (October 14, 2021)


  • cli: Add new commands workspace inspect and workspace list to view and list workspaces. [GH-2385]
  • cli: Allow install cmd to support pass-through flags to server run [GH-2328]
  • config: Specify configuration (env vars and files) for runners while executing operations related to a specific to that project or application. [GH-2237]
  • config: Specify configuration that is scoped to deployments in certain workspaces or label sets. [GH-2237]
  • config: labels variable for accessing the label set of an operation [GH-2065]
  • config: New functions selectormatch and selectorlookup for working with label selectors [GH-2065]
  • core/server: Allow exporting of grpc server traces and stats by introducing OpenCensus and DataDog telemetry for Waypoint Server by request [GH-2402]
  • core: Runner configuration can now write to files [GH-2201]
  • core: Runner configuration can use dynamic configuration sources [GH-2201]
  • platform/nomad: Add persistent data volumes to nomad deploy [GH-2282]
  • plugin/docker: Add ability to build images with kaniko inside an ondemand runner [GH-2056]
  • plugin/helm: A new plugin "helm" can deploy using Helm charts. [GH-2336]
  • plugin/k8s: Report events on failed pods when a deployment fails [GH-2399]
  • plugin/k8s: Allows users to add sidecar containers to apps using the k8s plugin config. [GH-2428]
  • plugin/pack: Add ability to build images with kaniko inside an ondemand runner [GH-2056]
  • runner: Add ability to build images without needing a containarization API [GH-2056]
  • runner: Adds ondemand runners, single job runner processes launched via the task API [GH-2056]
  • ui: Allow config variables to be managed in the browser UI [GH-1915]
  • ui: Deployment resources [GH-2317]
  • ui: Release resources [GH-2386]
  • ui: Overview section added + Docker container information displayed [GH-2352]


  • cli/serverinstall/k8s: Add new cluster role and binding to allow nodeport services to work [GH-2412]
  • cli/serverinstall/k8s: Fix a problem where deployments would be marked as "Degraded", but were actually fine. [GH-2412]
  • cli: Add new context subcommand "set" to set the workspace value for the current context. [GH-2353]
  • cli: Remove unused arg and use sequence ID for CLI message in release [GH-2426]
  • cli: Return help on malformed command [GH-2444]
  • cli: Update base commands to default to all apps within the project if project has more than one application [GH-2413]
  • cli: Use default log level of debug instead of trace on server install [GH-2325]
  • cli: server run can now create a non-TLS HTTP listener. This listener redirects to HTTPS unless X-Forwarded-Proto is https. [GH-2347]
  • cli: login subcommand defaults server port to 9701 if it isn't set [GH-2320]
  • config: gitrefpretty no longer requires git to be installed [GH-2371]
  • config: Input variables (variable) can now use an env key to specify alternate environment variable names to source variable values from [GH-2362]
  • core: Automatically remotely init projects with a Git data source [GH-2145]
  • core: HTTP requests from Kubernetes probes are logged at a trace level rather than info [GH-2348]
  • core: Easier to understand error messages when using incompatible plugins [GH-2143]
  • core: Server with custom TLS certificates will automatically reload and rotate the TLS certificates when they change on disk [GH-2346]
  • plugin/docker: Add support for multi-stage Dockerfile builds [GH-1992]
  • plugin/k8s: Add new ability to release by creating an ingress resource to route traffic to a service backend from an ingress controller. [GH-2261]
  • plugin/k8s: Introduce a new config option autoscale, which creates a horizontal pod autoscaler for each deployment. [GH-2309]
  • plugin/k8s: Introduce a new config option cpu and memory for defining resource limits and requests for a pod in a deployment. [GH-2309]
  • plugin/k8s: Use sequence number in k8s deployment name for improved traceability to waypoint deployments. [GH-2296]
  • ui: Display project remote initialization state [GH-2145]
  • ui: Gitops users not using Git polling can run "Up" from the browser [GH-2331]
  • ui: Improve design of status row on Build/Deployment/Release detail pages [GH-2036]
  • ui: Improve tab styles for dark mode [GH-2053]
  • ui: Toggle checkboxes are nicely styled in dark mode [GH-2410]
  • ui: Improve the input field for server-side HCL file on the settings page [GH-2168]
  • ui: The rendering of the Application and Operation Logs has been greatly improved [GH-2356]


  • cli: Fix a panic in waypoint status when no successful release is available [GH-2436]
  • cli: Fix logic on when a rocket indicator shows in release list [GH-2426]
  • config: Fix dynamic config vars targeting files. [GH-2416]
  • entrypoint: Fix issue injecting waypoint-entrypoint multiple times [GH-2447]
  • plugin/docker: Resolve image identifiers properly [GH-2067]
  • plugin/docker: Support SSH hosts for entrypoint injection [GH-2277]
  • plugin/k8: Setup Kubernetes services for different workspaces properly [GH-2399]
  • server: Adds API validation to ensure server doesn't panic when given an empty request body [GH-2273]
  • server: Validate GetDeployment request has a valid request body to avoid a server panic. [GH-2269]
  • ui: Fixed config variable duplication when renaming [GH-2421]
  • ui: Notification messages display nicely when containing long words such as URLs [GH-2411]

0.5.2 (September 09, 2021)


  • cli: Add a new command for inspecting project information, waypoint project inspect. [GH-2055]


  • cli/status: Include a way to refresh project application statuses for deployments and releases with a '-refresh' flag before showing the status view [GH-2081]
  • cli: Add functionality to list releases with waypoint release list command [GH-2082]
  • core: App status polling will always queue status reports refresh jobs for latest deployment and release if present [GH-2039]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Allow configuration of ALB subnets independently of service subnets [GH-2205]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Allow public ip assignment for tasks to be disabled [GH-2205]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Deployments delete their resources on failure. [GH-2098]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Error messages contain additional context [GH-2098]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Improve security of ECS tasks by restricting ingress to the ALB [GH-2098]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: More complete list of resources displayed in waypoint deploy logs [GH-2098]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Support for status reports, enabling waypoint status for ECS deployments [GH-2098]
  • plugin/aws: Add ability to pass IAM policy ARNs for attaching to task role [GH-1935]


  • internal/config: Fix parsing of complex HCL types in -var-file [GH-2217]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Fix panic when specifying a sidecar without a health check [GH-2098]
  • plugin/nomad: Only use non-empty job.StatusDescription for HealthMessage [GH-2093]
  • server/singleprocess: Stop returning error when polling an app with no deployment or release [GH-2204]
  • ui: Fix leaky project repository settings being reused when creating a new project [GH-2250]

0.5.1 (August 19, 2021)


  • cli/status: Display '(unknown)' when the time a status report was generated is not known [GH-2047]
  • cli/uninstall: Remove hard requirement on platform flag, attempt to read server platform from server context. Platform flag overrides anything set in a server platform context [GH-2052]


  • plugin/aws/alb: Always set the generated time for a status report [GH-2048]
  • plugin/aws/ecs: Fix destroy non-latest deployments in ECS [GH-2054]
  • ui: Prevent deletion of git/input variable settings when saving the other [GH-2057]

0.5.0 (August 12, 2021)


  • Status Reports: Waypoint now has multiple improvements to support status checks for deployed resources. See Improvements for more.
  • Input variables: Waypoint now allows users to parameterize the waypoint.hcl file through an input variable system. [GH-1548]
  • OIDC Authentication and User Accounts: Waypoint now has a user account system and can be configured to sign up and log in users using any OIDC provider such as Google, GitLab, etc. [GH-1831]
  • cli: can login with a token using the new waypoint login command [GH-1848]
  • cli: new "waypoint user" CLI for user management [GH-1864]
  • core: platform plugins may now advertise deployment-specific URLs [GH-1387]
  • ui: Show deployment URL if available [GH-1739]
  • ui: added button on individual artifact (deployments + releases) page for on demand health checks [GH-1911]


  • Status reports: server: Continuously generate a status report for an application after the initial deployment or release for projects backed by a git data source [GH-1801]
  • cli: Adds a -git-path flag to waypoint project apply [GH-2013]
  • core: git poller setting to optionally ignore changes outside of the configured project path [GH-1821]
  • entrypoint: Can disable waypoint exec only by setting the WAYPOINT_CEB_DISABLE_EXEC environment variable to a truthy value. [GH-1973]
  • plugin/aws/alb: Update ALB Releaser to use new SDK Resource Manager [GH-1648]
  • plugin/aws/ecs: Add ability to specify security group IDs [GH-1919]
  • plugin/docker: Enables image build for specified platform [GH-1949]
  • plugin/google: Add non-blocking alert if unable to delete revision [GH-2005]
  • plugin/google: Implement DestroyWorkspace to cleanup all created resources [GH-2005]
  • plugin/google: Update Google Cloud platform to use SDK Resource Manager [GH-2005]
  • plugin/google: Update error message to be more helpful [GH-1958]
  • plugin/k8s: Include deployment and release resources in waypoint status output. [GH-2024]
  • plugin/k8s: Update K8s Releaser to use SDK Resource Manager [GH-1938]
  • plugin/k8s: Updates release status report to check k8s service status [GH-2024]
  • plugin/nomad: Add consul service optional flags [GH-2033]
  • plugin/nomad: Update Nomad platform to use SDK Resource Manager [GH-1941]
  • ui: Add ability to add input variables in the project settings UI [GH-1658]
  • ui: Add dynamic page titles [GH-1916]
  • ui: Add git commit SHAs to operations in the browser UI [GH-2025]
  • ui: Update authentication page with new supported waypoint user token command. [GH-2006]


  • plugin/aws-alb: Fix issue destroying when Target Group still in use [GH-1648]
  • plugin/docker: Fix docker buildkit build failures [GH-1937]
  • plugin/nomad: Fix case where nomad error would be ignored during a status check [GH-1723]
  • plugin/k8s: Fix ports configurability [GH-1650]
  • serverinstall/ecs: Handle errors when resources are already destroyed [GH-1984]
  • ui: Display and read/write base64 strings correctly in SSH and Hcl inputs [GH-1967]

0.4.2 (July 22, 2021)


  • plugin: Allow debugging of plugins with tools like delve [GH-1716]


  • serverinstall/k8s: Add information to cli output for upgrade path [GH-1886]
  • ui: Incorporate pushed artifacts into build display [GH-1840]


  • plugin/aws/ecs: Validate memory and cpu values [GH-1872]
  • plugin/nomad: Fix broken -nomad-runner-memory and -nomad-server-memory flags [GH-1895]
  • serverinstall/ecs: Validate memory and cpu values [GH-1872]

0.4.1 (July 1, 2021)


  • config: Add ${} variable [GH-1709]


  • cli: Fix incorrect description for hostname list command [GH-1628]
  • core: Correct parsing of boolean environment variables [GH-1699]
  • plugin/aws-alb: Update ALB Releaser to use new SDK Resource Manager [GH-1648]
  • ui: Add reporting on status of a release [GH-1657]


  • builtin/k8s: Fix ports configurability [GH-1650]
  • cli: Fix issue parsing string slice inputs [GH-1669]
  • cli: Ignore error on Unimplemented for health checks [GH-1596]
  • cli: Fix crash that could occur when running commands outside the context of a project with an hcl config file. [GH-1710]
  • cli: Prevent use of operation flags on runner agent command [GH-1708]
  • cli: Set runner poll interval default for runner defined in waypoint.hcl [GH-1690]
  • cli: List deployments shows status for each deployment [GH-1594]
  • core: Fix crash that could occur when using templatefile with certain HCL files [GH-1679]
  • plugin/aws-alb: Fix issue destroying when Target Group still in use [GH-1648]
  • plugin/docker: Fix issue falling back to img for builds when docker daemon not present [GH-1685]
  • plugin/nomad: Fix case where Nomad error would be ignored during a status check [GH-1723]
  • server/client: Configure keepalive properties to RPC connections to persist connections even after inactivity [GH-1735]
  • server/runner: Correctly exit liveness listener when connection is closed [GH-1732]
  • serverinstall/k8s: Accept k8s-namespace when uninstalling server [GH-1730]

0.4.0 (June 03, 2021)


  • Mutable Deployments: Waypoint now supports the concept of "mutable" deployments where a deployment updates an existing resource rather than creating something new. New plugins in this release include deploying from a Nomad job file, Kubernetes apply from a directory or file, and more. [GH-1298]
  • Status Reports: Waypoint now supports a new feature for reporting on the health of deployments or releases. Waypoint surfaces a deployment and or releases status by relying on an existing platform for health checks. A status is responsible for reporting the health of a deployed service by representing its states as Ready, Alive, Partial, Down, or Unknown. Platform health reporting lets teams take action quickly depending on the health of their applications. Currently, the Kubernetes, Nomad, AWS ALB, and Docker built-in plugins support the new Status reporting, with more support on the way! [GH-1488]
  • config: Add ability to define internal variables and compose variables together via templating [GH-1382]
  • config: Add ability to write configuration values as files rather than environment variables. [GH-1395]
  • config: jsonnetfile and jsonnetdir functions for processing Jsonnet files and converting them to JSON. [GH-1360]
  • plugin/aws-alb: Report on status of releases [GH-1567]
  • plugin/docker: Add reporting on status of a deployment [GH-1487]
  • plugin/k8s: A new plugin "kubernetes-apply" that is able to deploy any typical directory of YAML or JSON files to Kubernetes [GH-1357]
  • plugin/k8s: Add reporting on status of a deployment and release [GH-1547]
  • plugin/nomad: A new plugin "nomad-jobspec" for deploying a Nomad job specification directly. [GH-1299]
  • plugin/nomad: Add reporting on status of a deployment [GH-1554]
  • server/ecs: Use --platform=ecs to install waypoint server to AWS ECS using Fargate [GH-1564]
  • ui: Add reporting on status of a deployment [GH-1559]
  • ui: Mutable deployments support on web dashboard. [GH-1549]


  • internal/config: add ${workspace} variable [GH-1419]
  • plugin/pack: Support for non-default process types [GH-1475]
  • plugins/docker: Add support build context [GH-1490]


  • plugin/k8s: destroy deployment on error [GH-1528]
  • plugin/pack: Upgrade pack package to fix downloading remote buildpacks [GH-1452]
  • server: Fix a bug that sometimes sends duplicate cancellation messages [GH-1538]
  • server: fix order of log lines when showing logs from multiple instances [GH-1441]
  • ui/checkbox-inputs-safari: Custom Inputs in the browser Ui now render properly on all supported browsers [GH-1312]
  • ui: unread log count resets after scrolling [GH-1373]


  • plugin/netlify: Removed the netlify plugin [GH-1525]

0.3.1 (April 20, 2021)


  • cli: Make purge default and remove flag for Nomad uninstall [GH-1326]
  • cli: Show usage example on waypoint context use command [GH-1325]
  • cli: version command now shows the server version [GH-1364]
  • entrypoint: can change log level using the WAYPOINT_LOG_LEVEL env var, which can also be set with waypoint config [GH-1330]
  • entrypoint: default log level changed to DEBUG [GH-1330]
  • plugin/nomad: Add CPU and Memory resource options for server and runner installs, and app deploys [GH-1318]
  • plugin/nomad: Allow for auth soft fail on serverinstall for server image [GH-1106]
  • ui: Improve the design of the Project Settings forms [GH-1335]


  • cli: connections with TLS without insecure flag properly connect [GH-1307]
  • cli: server bootstrap will not give auth token errors [GH-1320]
  • plugin/aws/ecs: Route 53 "A" Type record properly created when not found for domain name [GH-1256]
  • plugin/nomad: use namespace config option for deploy [GH-1300]

0.3.0 (April 08, 2021)


  • ui: dropped support for Internet Explorer [GH-1075]


  • GitOps: Poll for changes and automatically run waypoint up. Waypoint can now trigger a full build, deploy, release cycle on changes detected in Git. [GH-1109]
  • Runners: Run Waypoint operations remotely. Runners are standalone processes that run operations such as builds, deploys, etc. remotely. [GH-1167] [GH-1171]
  • AWS Lambda: Add support for building and deploying AWS Lambda workloads [GH-1097]
  • Dockerless image builds: Waypoint can now build, tag, pull, and push Docker images in unprivileged environments without a Docker daemon. [GH-970]
  • cli: New waypoint fmt command will autoformat your waypoint.hcl files [GH-1037]
  • config: timestamp function allows you to avail the current date and time in your Waypoint configuration. [GH-1255]
  • ui: Add ability to create a project from the browser UI [GH-1220]
  • ui: Add ability to configure a project's git settings from the browser UI [GH-1057]
  • ui: Add ability to input a waypoint.hcl configuration from the browser UI [GH-1253]


  • cli: Require confirmation before destroying all resources [GH-1232]
  • cli: Can specify the number of deployments to prune for up and release. [GH-1230]
  • cli: Support and render new documentation subfields [GH-1213]
  • plugin/docker-pull: doesn't require Docker if no registry is configured and entrypoint injection is disabled [GH-1198]
  • plugin/k8s: Add new probe configuration options [GH-1246]
  • plugin/k8s: plugin will attempt in-cluster auth first if no kubeconfig file is specified [GH-1052] [GH-1103]
  • server: Prune old deployments and jobs from server memory. This limits the number of deployments and jobs to 10,000. The data for the old entries is still stored on disk but it is not indexed in memory, to allow data recovery should it be needed. [GH-1193]


  • core: default releasers initialize properly when they use HCL variables [GH-1254]
  • cli: require at least one argument [GH-1188]
  • plugin/aws/alb: clamp alb name per aws limits [GH-1225]
  • ui: output failed build errors in logs [GH-1280]

0.2.4 (March 18, 2021)



  • builtin/k8s: Include user defined labels on deploy pod [GH-1146]
  • core: Update -from-project in waypoint init to handle local projects [GH-722]
  • entrypoint: dump a memory profile to /tmp on SIGUSR1 [GH-1194]


  • entrypoint: fix URL service memory leak [GH-1200]
  • builtin/k8s/release: Allow target_port to be int or string [GH-1154]
  • builtin/k8s/release: Include name field for service port release [GH-1184]
  • builtin/docker: Revert #918, ensure HostPort is randomly assigned between container deploys [GH-1189]

0.2.3 (February 23, 2021)



  • builtin/docker: Introduce resources map for configuring cpu, memory on deploy [GH-1116]
  • internal/server: More descriptive error for unknown application deploys [GH-973]
  • serverinstall/k8s: Include option to define storageClassName on install [GH-1126]


  • builtin/docker: Fix host port mapping defined by service_port [GH-918]
  • builtin/k8s: Surface pod failures on deploy [GH-1110]
  • serverinstall/nomad: Set platform as nomad at end of Install [GH-1129]
  • builtin/aws-ecs: Fix nil check on optional logging block [GH-1120]

0.2.2 (February 17, 2021)



  • builtin/aws/ecs: Add config option for disabling the load balancer [GH-1082]
  • builtin/aws/ecs: Add awslog driver configuration [GH-1089]
  • builtin/docker: Add Binds, Labels and Networks config options for deploy [GH-1065]
  • builtin/k8s: Support multi-port application configs for deploy and release [GH-1092]
  • cli/main: Add -version flag for CLI version [GH-1049]


  • bulitin/aws/ecs: Determine load balancer and target group for pre-existing listeners [GH-1085]
  • builtin/aws/ecs: fix listener deletion on deployment deletion [GH-1087]
  • builtin/k8s: Handle application config sync with K8s and Secrets [GH-1073]
  • cli/hostname: fix panic with no hostname arg specified [GH-1044]
  • core: Fix empty gitreftag response in config [GH-1047]

0.2.1 (February 02, 2021)


  • Uninstall command for all server platforms: Use server uninstall to remove the Waypoint server and artifacts from the specified -platform for the active server installation. [GH-972]
  • Upgrade command for all server platforms: Use server upgrade to upgrade the Waypoint server for the specified -platform for the active server installation. [GH-976]


  • builtin/k8s: Allow for defined resource limits for pods [GH-1041]
  • cli: server run supports specifying a custom TLS certificate [GH-951]
  • cli: more informative error messages on install [GH-1004]
  • server: store platform where server is installed to in server config [GH-1000]
  • serverinstall/docker: Start waypoint server container if stopped on install [GH-1009]
  • serverinstall/k8s: Allow using k8s context [GH-1028]


  • builtin/aws/ami: require []string for aws-ami filters to avoid panic [GH-1010]
  • cli: ctrl-c now interrupts server connection attempts [GH-989]
  • entrypoint: log disconnect messages will now only be emitted at the ERROR level if reconnection fails [GH-930]
  • server: don't block startup on URL service being unavailable [GH-950]
  • server: UpsertProject will not delete all application metadata [GH-1027]
  • server: increase timeout for hostname registration [GH-1040]
  • plugin/google-cloud-run: fix error on deploys about missing type [GH-955]

0.2.0 (December 10, 2020)


  • Application config syncing with Kubernetes (ConfigMaps), Vault, Consul, and AWS SSM; Automatically sync environment variable values with remote sources and restart your application when those values change. [GH-810]
  • Access to Artifact, Deploy Metadata: registry and deploy configuration can use artifact.* variable syntax to access metadata from the results of those stages. The release configuration can use artifact.* and deploy.* to access metadata. For example: image = artifact.image for Docker-based builds. [GH-757]
  • template Functions: templatefile, templatedir, and templatestring functions allow you to template files, directories, and strings with the variables and functions available to your Waypoint configuration.
  • path Variables: you can now use path.project,, and path.pwd as variables in your Waypoint file to specify paths as relative to the project (waypoint.hcl file), app, or pwd of the CLI invocation.
  • Server snapshot/restore: you can now use the CLI or API to take and restore online snapshots. Restoring snapshot data requires a server restart but the restore operation can be staged online. [GH-870]


  • cli/logs: entrypoint logs can now be seen alongside app logs and are colored differently [GH-855]
  • contrib/serverinstall: Automate setup of kind+k8s with metallb [GH-845]
  • core: application config changes (i.e. waypoint config set) will now restart running applications [GH-791]
  • core: add more descriptive text to include app name in waypoint destroy [GH-807]
  • core: add better error messaging when prefix is missing from the -raw flag in waypoint config set [GH-815]
  • core: align -raw flag to behave like -json flag with waypoint config set [GH-828]
  • core: waypoint.hcl can be named waypoint.hcl.json and use JSON syntax [GH-867]
  • install: Update flags used on server install per-platform [GH-882]
  • install/k8s: support for OpenShift [GH-715]
  • internal/server: Block on instance deployment becoming available [GH-881]
  • plugin/aws-ecr: environment variables to be used instead of 'region' property for aws-ecr registry [GH-841]
  • plugin/google-cloud-run: allow images from Google Artifact Registry [GH-804]
  • plugin/google-cloud-run: added service account name field [GH-850]
  • server: APIs for Waypoint database snapshot/restore [GH-723]
  • website: many minor improvements were made in our plugin documentation section for this release


  • core: force killed waypoint exec sessions won't leave the remote process running [GH-827]
  • core: waypoint exec with no TTY won't hang open until a ctrl-c [GH-830]
  • core: prevent waypoint server from re-registering guest account horizon URL service [GH-922]
  • cli: server config-set doesn't require a Waypoint configuration file. [GH-819]
  • cli/token: fix issue where tokens could be cut off on narrow terminals [GH-885]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: task_role_name is optional [GH-824]

0.1.5 (November 09, 2020)



  • plugin/google-cloud-run: set a default releaser so you don't need a release block [GH-756]


  • plugin/ecs: do not assign public IP on EC2 cluster [GH-758]
  • plugin/google-cloud-run: less strict image validation to allow projects with slashes [GH-760]
  • plugin/k8s: default releaser should create service with correct namespace [GH-759]
  • entrypoint: be careful to not spawn multiple url agents [GH-752]
  • cli: return error for ErrSentinel types to signal exit codes [GH-768]

0.1.4 (October 26, 2020)



  • cli/config: you can pipe in a KEY=VALUE line-delimited file via stdin to config set [GH-674]
  • install/docker: pull server image if it doesn't exist in local Docker daemon [GH-700]
  • install/nomad: added -nomad-policy-override flag to allow sentinel policy override on Nomad enterprise [GH-671]
  • plugin/ecs: ability to specify service_port rather than port 3000 [GH-661]
  • plugin/k8s: support for manually specifying the namespace to use [GH-648]
  • plugins/nomad: support for setting docker auth credentials [GH-646]


  • cli: server bootstrap shows an error if a server is running in-memory [GH-651]
  • cli: server connection flags take precedence over context data [GH-703]
  • cli: plugins loaded in pwd work properly and don't give PATH errors [GH-699]
  • cli: support plugins in $HOME/.config/waypoint/plugins even if XDG path doesn't match [GH-707]
  • plugin/docker: remove intermediate containers on build [GH-667]
  • plugin/docker, plugin/pack: support ssh accessible docker hosts [GH-664]

0.1.3 (October 19, 2020)



  • install/k8s: improve stability of install process by verifying stateful set, waiting for service endpoints, etc. [GH-435]
  • install/k8s: detect Kind and warn about additional requirements [GH-615]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: support for static environment variables [GH-583]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: support for ECS secrets [GH-583]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: support for configuring sidecar containers [GH-583]
  • plugin/pack: can set environment variables [GH-581]
  • plugin/docker: ability to target remote docker engine for deploys, automatically pull images [GH-631]
  • ui: onboarding flow after redeeming an invite token is enabled and uses public release URLs [GH-635]


  • entrypoint: ensure binary is statically linked on all systems [GH-586]
  • plugin/nomad: destroy works [GH-571]
  • plugin/aws: load ~/.aws/config if available and use that for auth [GH-621]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Allow cpu parameter for to be optional for EC2 clusters [GH-576]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: don't detect inactive cluster as existing [GH-605]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: fix crash if subnets are specified [GH-636]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: delete ECS ALB listener on destroy [GH-607]
  • plugin/google-cloud-run: Don't crash if capacity or autoscaling settings are nil [GH-620]
  • install/nomad: if -nomad-dc flag is set, dc1 won't be set [GH-603]
  • cli: contexts will fall back to not using symlinks if symlinks aren't available [GH-633]

0.1.2 (October 16, 2020)


  • plugin/docker: can specify alternate Dockerfile path [GH-539]
  • plugin/docker-pull: support registry auth [GH-545]


  • cli: fix compatibility with Windows versions prior to 1809 [GH-515]
  • cli: waypoint config no longer crashes [GH-473]
  • cli: autocomplete in bash no longer crashes [GH-540]
  • cli: fix crash for some invalid configurations [GH-553]
  • entrypoint: do not block child process startup on URL service connection [GH-544]
  • plugin/aws-ecs: Use an existing cluster when there is only one cluster [GH-514]

0.1.1 (October 15, 2020)

Initial Public Release