Project Contents
- Analyze data from raid logs generated by the ARC DPS tool.
- Extracting data from GW2 Wingman webpage developed by Johannes Pfau.
- Understanding of results by analyzing fails and kills on each boss.
- Apply Big Data techniques and learn throughout the whole process.
- Getting data from ARC Dps tool as .zevtc files (log files).
- Parsing .zevtc files to csv/json using Elite Insights tool from GitHub user baaron4.
- Web Scraping data of different bosses from GW2 Wingman website.
- Working with Microsoft Excel and CSVed to get usefull and clean .csv files for data management.
- Use of Jupyter Notebooks, Python and Pandas for data analysis.
- Use of pandas to read JSON files and sort boss information.
- Use of python libraries to create KPIs: Matplotlib, Seaborn...
- Main connection to MongoDB.
- Secondary connections to SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- Construction of a data modelling system within SQLite.
- Data analysis with both databases: MongoDB and SQLite.
- Graphs and KPIs development.
- Gather all the information about the project.
- Written in LaTeX as it deploys a clean PDF file.
- You can find the complete documentation file here.