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Animation FAQ

Ani edited this page Jan 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

This is a raw Q&A provided by AsgardXIV and will be formatted to match the rest of the wiki in the near future.

Table of Contents

When should I apply animations?

After entering GPose but before pausing animations or enabling posing.

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How do I make this work?

  1. Once you have entered GPose, click Enable to turn on the animation system. This will override FFXIVs animation system.
  2. Enter the animation ID you want to play (For example Eat Pizza is 8048)
  3. Click Apply, the animation should play almost immediately

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The animation only played once and the character froze

This is normal and is a limitation of how FFXIV handles animations for NPCs. We apply the same behavior to players to make the experience consistent.

To make the animation loop, enter the loop time in the Repeat After field. This is the number of seconds you want to elapse before the animation is retriggered.

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Can I make a character draw/hold/equip their weapon?

Yes! Click Draw Weapon

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Can I make a character put away their weapon?

Yes! Click Reset

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Can I layer animations?

Yes! You apply an animation which changes the state, then apply a compatible animation on top.

For example, you can sit by applying animation 642 and then wave while sitting by applying the upper body wave animation 681

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I applied an animation but nothing happened or my character is jittering in place

There are a few reasons this can happen.

  1. You have animation frozen in GPose or Posing enabled in Anamnesis. In this case the character may do nothing or just snap to the first frame of the animation. Reenable animation and disable posing and then apply again

  2. You applied 2 incompatible animations on top of one another. This typically causes the character to stutter in place. Click Reset to get back to the idle pose and then try again.

  3. The animation you are trying to apply is not compatible with the character. This typically causes the character to stutter. Some animations are race or weapon specific. For example, animation 5739 (Giving Massage) can only be played on Elezen Females.

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Can I pause an animation at a specific time?

Yes! You can use the default GPose controls (Target character and press 2) to freeze an animation in place. This will stop the replay timer and the pose will remain in place until you unpause.

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Something else went wrong

  1. First, always try Reset on the character with an issue to get them back to a default state.
  2. If that fails, click Disable and all animation overrides will be removed and control will be handed back to the FFXIV engine.

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Where can I find animations?

Animations are listed in the ActionTimeline sheet that is embedded in the game. This can be viewed in tools like Godbert.

The most comprehensive list of which timelines do what has been provided by Sayo and can be found here.

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