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Basic Tutorials

Ani edited this page Jan 13, 2022 · 6 revisions

This page is for quick tutorials that aren't large enough to warrant their own page. Some of these are not specific to Anamnesis, but are instead provided to assist with posing when used in conjunction with the tool.

Many of these tutorials are reproduced with permission from and contributed by Cap'n Kett.

Table of Contents

Turning An Actor Invisible

This is often done to add an extra weapon into a scene using an extra actor. Anamnesis adds a custom 'Invisible' item to the Head and Body equipment lists that, when equipped, will turn an actor invisible save for their weapon.

To achieve this, simply equip the Invisible item in both the Head and Body slots on the actor.

You can go a step further and give some body parts the illusion of floating in midair by setting the variant values of the actor and/or their equipment to an invalid number. For example, to make a helm appear to float in midair, you would leave the Head item slot as-is, but change the Head value itself to something invalid (such as 99), and the Hair value to something greater than 400.

Bear in mind that there is always a small chance that the game may crash if you use invalid values. As with all aspects of posing and character editing, you are advised to save often just in case.

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Using Race/Gender-specific Emotes

You can trick the game into thinking you're a different race for the purposes of using their specific emotes. For example, you can be in control of a male Midlander, and have the actor use feminine Miqo'te /dance, /pose, etc.

To achieve this, select the desired Data Path for the current actor in the Character tab, and use your emote prior to entering GPose.

Please note that this is not the same as forcing an animation as Anamnesis has no Animation support. Additionally, this can only be done on the player.

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Drawing a Weapon on a Carbuncle-based Actor

After converting your Carbuncle to an editable actor, using Sic with an enemy targeted, and then immediately ordering them to Heel. This will force them into battle stance. Do not allow them to actually land a hit, as you will not be able to modify them once they enter combat, and will have to start over. Once you have used Heel you have a brief period of time, roughly less than a minute, to position yourself where you want your Carbuncle to stand before it puts its weapon away.

Please note that this will not work on Scholar fairies or Chocobos.

Due to changes brought about in Patch 6.0, old methods of drawing Carbuncle weapons will no longer work as Sic is no longer a useable skill. Instead, please see Asgard's Animation FAQ for an alternative method, which can be used on all actors.

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Slowing Emotes Whilst In GPose

Emotes performed while in GPose can be slowed down to 1/4 their normal speed by enabling the Sleep status in GPose. Per the GPose instructions, this can only be applied to the player, companions, and pets.

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