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The Character Tab

Ani edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 7 revisions

In the Character tab you will find tools for the manipulations of character, from here referred to as 'actors'`.

Table of Contents


The Character Tab is split into distinct categories on the one tab to allow for easy actor editing. Each category will be covered in detail below, but to familiarise yourself with the layout of the tab, we have:

  1. The Customize Panel, which covers the basic physical appearance of an actor as they appear in the in-game character creator
  2. The Equipment Panel, which covers the gear that an actor has equipped as well as dyes
  3. The Actor Panel, which covers the basic character information that all in-game actors share
  4. The Model Panel, which covers the physical aspects of an actor model
  5. The Extended Appearance Panel, which covers the in-game model shader parameters that changes how a model renders, allowing greater freedom of control over things like colour
  6. The Load button, which loads user-made character appearances from a variety of sources
  7. The NPC button, which loads NPC and Monster appearances
  8. The Save button, which allows users to save custom character appearances for use in the tool

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Customize Panel


Allows you to select a race and sub-race for your actor, as well as feminine or masculine body types, and child, adult or old models.

❗️ Note: Not all combinations are valid! For example, you cannot make a child version of a Viera or Hrothgar, as there are no children of these races in-game.

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Allows you to pick a skin tone from the options you can use in-game. For tones outside of this range, please see the section on Extended Appearance.

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Allows you to pick an eye shape using the +/- buttons or by inputting the number. You can also pick a colour from the options you can use in-game. For colours outside of this range, please see the section on Extended Appearance.

❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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Allows you to pick options from the Facial Features section of the character creator, such as scars, face markings.

❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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Face Paint

Allows you to pick options from the Face Paint section of the character creator, as well as a colour from the options you can use in-game.

❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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Allows you to pick a mouth shape using the +/- buttons or by inputting the number. You can also use the checkbox to toggle lipstick, and pick a colour from the available in-gme colours. For colours outside this range, please see the section on Extended Appearance.

❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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Allows you to pick from the hairs available for your race and gender, toggle highlights, and to pick a base colour and highlight colour from the colours you can use in-game. For colours outside this range, please see the section on Extended Appearance.

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Allows you to input your desired height by using the slider, a value from 1-100 based on the character creator, or a value in centimetres (cm).

❗️ Note: These are estimates based on the minimum and maximum heights of vanilla, unscaled models. This does not take your mods or racial scaling settings into account.

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Bust Size

Allows you to input your desired bust size by using the slider, or a value from 1-100 based on the character creator.

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Tail Size


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❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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❗️ Note: Numbers displayed here may not line up exactly with their counterparts in-game.

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Equipment Panel


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Actor Panel


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Model Panel


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Extended Appearance Panel

Don’t use this. Please. Free Yuki from her eternal torment.

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Character File Loading/Saving

These buttons are used to load and save .chara files, or load Concept Matrix .cma/.json or in-game .dat files.

The functions of these buttons have been covered in greater detail on the Loading and Saving Character Files page.

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