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Loading and Saving Pose Files

Ani edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 20 revisions

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Obtaining Pose Files

Pose files for use with Anamnesis can be found in multiple places, including but not limited to:

Anamnesis has full backwards compatibility with Concept Matrix pose files (.cmp). This means any pose files you downloaded for use in Concept Matrix will work with Anamnesis from the get-go.

When saving pose files, ensure they go into the user Poses folder- by default, this is in your Documents/Anamnesis folder. This can be changed to any folder you wish by changing the path in the Settings flyout.

❗️ Note: Don't put poses in the Anamnesis program or AppData folders, especially the Built-In Poses folder, as these folders get replaced with tool updates, so anything you put in there will be deleted!

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Loading a Pose File

Loading pose (.pose) files must be done whilst in GPose- the Enable button will not become active until the tool detects that you are in GPose.

To load a pose file, select your pose view of choice, enter GPose, and freeze motion in the GPose menu- by default this is 1 on your keyboard (in the row of numerical keys and NOT the numpad), or Left Trigger/L2 on controller:

From here, simply select the actor you wish to pose from you actor list on the left, then click the Load button to bring out the Load flyout:

      The developers would like to sincerely apologise for the less than stellar appearance of this screenshot, and advise that a clearer image will be used in future.

The left column of this flyout contains your file sources, which are predetermined folders containing specific types of files:

  • Anamnesis Poses folder (1), which contains .pose files
  • Anamnesis Built-In Poses folder (2), which contains .pose files based off existing in-game emotes, provided by Cap’n Kett
  • Concept Matrix Pose (Matrix Saves) folder (3), which contains .cmp files
  • Desktop (4), for those who like to save files to the Desktop before sorting them into folders

You can hover over any of these buttons to check what the current path is if need be. Additionally, you can use the regular Windows Explorer browser to manually navigate to a file you have saved outside these predetermined folders by clicking the ... button (5).

Once you have selected your source folder, simply browse the files in the right column, which lists the folders and files within those source folders. You can further refine how files appear in this list with the following options:

  • Creating new folders within the tool (6)
  • Flattening the folder hierarchy (7), which will show all files within all folders and hide the folders temporarily- this is a cosmetic change, and no actual changes to your folders will be made
  • Changing the sorting mode (8) between 'By Name A-Z' and By Date 'Newest to Oldest'

Once you have selected the desired appearance file, simply click the 🗸 Load button (9).

💡 Tip: The built-in poses can act as a good starting point to making your own poses!

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Advanced Loading Options

      The developers would like to sincerely apologise for the less than stellar appearance of this screenshot, and advise that a clearer image will be used in future.

All bones and rotations are loaded when you use the standard Load function. Rotations form the basis of posing, and are usually all that is needed. However, .pose files include all transform information, including bone positioning and scaling.

By default, all pose elements are selected, but can be checked on or off as needed. The developers suggest leaving these on at all times, unless you know what you're doing.

To load only specific portions of a pose (for example, the hands from one pose file and the legs from another), select the bones by either clicking and dragging to select them in GUI View, or holding CTRL and clicking the bones in Matrix View, and checking the Include Selected Bones Only box before loading the pose file- the Load button will change to say Load # Bones to reflect this.

🛠 This section is currently being rewritten due to fundamental changes within the tool. Your patience is appreciated.

💡 Tip: Many pose creators have released packs of pose resources for advanced loading purposes, such as hands. Try loading the rotation of these as part of your own screenshots!

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Saving a Pose File

Poses made in Anamnesis will be saved in the .pose file format, and are easily saved by simply pressing the Save button to bring out the Save flyout, giving your file a name, and clicking the 🗸 Save button.

Alternatively, you can bring up Windows Explorer to save your pose file by clicking on the ... button.

❗️ Note: Anamnesis cannot save files in the .cmp format for use in Concept Matrix. You will not be able to load .pose files in Concept Matrix.

🛠 This section is currently being rewritten due to fundamental changes within the tool. Your patience is appreciated.

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Advanced Saving Options

Much like with loading a pose file, you have the freedom to select which elements of your pose you would like to save. This allows for creating pose assets to be reused in multiple poses, such as hand poses, leg stances, etc.

To save only specific portions of a pose (for example, the hands from one pose file and the legs from another), select the bones by either clicking and dragging to select them in GUI View, or holding CTRL and clicking the bones in Matrix View, and checking the Include Selected Bones Only box before saving the pose file- the Save button will change to say Save # Bones to reflect this.

Again, by default, all pose elements are selected, but can be checked on or off as needed. It is still advisable that you leave them all checked, however.

🛠 This section is currently being rewritten due to fundamental changes within the tool. Your patience is appreciated.

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