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An Explanation of the Tool's Settings

Ani edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 9 revisions

This page will go in depth to detail the various settings available in the tool, which are available in a flyout that can be opened by clicking on the gear button (⚙️) in the top left of the tool.

Table of Contents



This dropdown contains a list of available translations of the tool. By default, the tool is distributed in English, and new languages are being added where possible.

Please take into consideration that only the English translation is provided by the developers, and all other translations are submitted by volunteers, and as such we cannot verify their accuracy.

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Always on top

Toggling this will allow you to keep the Anamnesis window on top of all other windows, including the game window, regardless of which state it's running in.

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Mini mode

Mini Mode is a feature for those who have little screen real estate. It minimises the tool into a simple button of the Anamnesis logo which can be moved around as needed and, when clicked on again, will expand the window back to its original size.

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Window size

This dropdown contains a selection of window scale options that optimally display the tool. Alternatively, however, you can resize the tool manually by clicking and dragging the bottom-right corner of the tool to your desired size. Selecting 1 in the dropdown will reset the tool to its default size.

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Window translucency


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Window Opacity

This setting allows you to change the transparency of the tool, which may be useful for those with smaller screen sizes, or single-monitor setups.

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Wrap rotation sliders


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Override system theme


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Light Mode

By default, the tool uses dark (Zodiark) mode, but can be changed to use light (Hydaelyn) mode.

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Default author name


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Show file extensions


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Use Windows file browser


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These fields show where your character (.chara), pose (.pose), and scene (.scene) files are kept, and can be updated by clicking on the applicable ... button to the right of the field. By default these are set to Documents/Anamnesis, and are automatically generated for you when you launch the tool for the first time, though you can change these to whichever folder you wish after the first launch.

You can access these folders manually as you would with any other regular folder on your computer, simply by going to your Documents folder (assuming you have not changed the default directory).

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External Tool Support

Use Penumbra Redraw

Penumbra’s actor refresh can conflict with Anamnesis. To prevent this, you can opt to use Penumbra’s redraw instead. Note that you may need to bind a macro to force refreshes in this instance within the game or another Dalamud plugin, using /penumbra redraw for a universal redraw, or /penumbra redraw <t> to refresh a specific targeted actor.

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