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Ani edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Anamnesis Wiki

This wiki exists as an introduction to the Anamnesis Tool, as well as its uses, capabilities, and limitations.

Please keep in mind that this program is under constant development, and likewise this wiki is also a constant work in progress, and some of the guidance provided here may become outdated as changes are made or new functions are added. We will try our absolute best to keep this wiki updated as frequently as possible.

Want to translate the wiki into your language? Come have a chat with us on Discord!

What’s on the Wiki?

Many topics are covered in this wiki, with more to be added as the project evolves. Here’s a quick rundown of the many categories:

Setup and Usage

How to get the tool set up on your machine and tweaking the settings to your personal tastes.

Editing and Posing

How to modify your actors' appearances and pose them for your beautiful screenshots!

Tutorials and Resources

Guides and resources provided by the development team, as well as experienced users, to teach you how to use the tool.

Help and Troubleshooting

Where to go if something's gone wrong!

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