Extract valid or partially valid domain names and IPs from malicious or invalid URLs.
Keep in mind that the algorithm is not that perfect, there might be false positives.
Tested on Kali Linux v2023.1 (64-bit).
Check the testing URLs here and the results here.
Made for educational purposes. I hope it will help!
Future plans:
- detect IPv6 addresses.
Open your preferred console from /src/ and run the commands shown below.
Install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the script:
python3 domain_extractor.py
Extract hosts from the results:
jq -r '.[].hosts[]' results.json | sort -u -f | tee -a hosts.txt
Extract URLs with valid or partially valid hosts from the results:
jq -r '.[] | if (.hosts != []) then (.original) else (empty) end' results.json | sort -u -f | tee -a valid_urls.txt
Extract URLs with no valid nor partially valid hosts from the results:
jq -r '.[] | if (.hosts == []) then (.original) else (empty) end' results.json | sort -u -f | tee -a invalid_urls.txt
Domain Extractor v3.0 ( github.com/ivan-sincek/domain-extractor )
Usage: python3 domain_extractor.py -f file -o out
Example: python3 domain_extractor.py -f malicious_urls.txt -o results.json
Extract valid or partially valid domain names and IPs from URLs
File with URLs you want to extract data from
-f <file> - malicious_urls.txt | etc.
Output file
-o <out> - results.json | etc.