Pacman for the terminal.
Has most of the game elements from the original game:
- Ghosts go through 'shuffle' and 'chase' (💡) periods where they ignore/target pacman.
- Ghosts flee pacman when frightened.
- Ghosts slow down in the tunnel and when freightened.
- When eaten, ghost eyes trace a path back to the ghost house.
- Two 'fruit' bonuses on every level.
- Cornering.
Pacman is animated with ascii symbols and the ghosts rendered with different ghostly unicode emoticons (Pinky 👺, Blinky 👹, Inky 👻, Clyde 🎃); Unicode has symbols for most of the fruit bonuses (🍒,🍓,🍑,🍎,🍇,🚀,🔔,🔑), but not for the ghosts themselves.
Controls are on the arrow keys.
% cargo run
- Steven Goodwin's C version of the game.
- Sound assets from Dale Harvey's JS version
- Marquee text by ChatGPT 3.5
- The Pac-Man Dossier