Releases: jtblin/kube2iam
What's Changed
- Feat/add chart by @mariusv in #287
- Setting up chart docs by @jtblin in #293
- Fix/fix readme by @mariusv in #289
- Use Alpine 3.12.1 by @hligit in #295
- Build and push docker image for arm64 by @hligit in #294
- add PR template (mainly focused on chart) by @mariusv in #296
- [helm] Add maxUnavailable option for rolling updates by @hwoarang in #291
- Bump Go to 1.16 by @ccarlfjord in #302
- Add readiness probe to helm chart by @korjek in #319
- update base image to mitigate CVE's by @pgvishnuram in #330
New Contributors
- @mariusv made their first contribution in #287
- @hligit made their first contribution in #295
- @hwoarang made their first contribution in #291
- @ccarlfjord made their first contribution in #302
- @korjek made their first contribution in #319
- @pgvishnuram made their first contribution in #330
Full Changelog: 0.10.11...0.11.0
Provide IAM credentials to pods based on annotations.
Provide IAM credentials to pods based on annotations.
PR #279 - @jhuntwork fixed a bug in IMDSv2 support where certain paths were not supported
PR #263 - @uthark updates client-go version to k8s 1.17.3 and @mwhittington21 updates go version to 1.14, adds go mod support and updates build pipeline
PR #252 - @ltagliamonte-dd adds support for resolving duplicate pod IP conflicts in the cache via calls to the API server. Turn on with --resolve-duplicate-cache-ips
Resolves #255
Add options for extra security to AWS resource grants via External ID
PR #213 - @ColinHebert - Add support for External ID as an optional annotation; defaults to
Updates to active pod detection to and docs.
- PR #203 - @rifelpet - Do not check the pod's deletionTimestamp when determining if a pod is active
- PR #199 - @SharpEdgeMarshall - Add RollingUpdate strategy to the example
- PR #197 - @stijndehaes - Update readme for eks
- PR #192 - @mgoodness - Add example overlay