A simple NFT minting and trading project for Crypto starters to learn Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle and other stuffs. We implement the ERC721, Non-Fungible Token Standard contracts. Just upload an image, you can mint your owned NFT art collectable. What's more amazing is that you can trade them with others to earn ETH in our concise and easy to use marketplace.
— A frontend project based on Vue3 + Vite + ElementPlus + Web3.js.packages/truffle
— Truffle project with Solidity(>=0.8) and Openzeppelin.
The following image is the screenshot of Marketplace which list all available selling NFTs, you can buy it with ETH assets.
And, this following image is the screenshot of My Collection. We can mint new NFT here. My owned nfts are listed in My Collection section. Besides, the NFTs I am selling are also listed in the On Sale section below. Notice, you wouldn't see anything if you haven't connected your wallet (For example, 🦊 MetaMask).
To build and run this project, you need to have the following installed on your environment:
- Node.js (> 12)
- Yarn (> 1.22.0)
- Truffle (> 5.4.0)
- Solidity (> 0.8)
- Ganache (> 2.5.0, OPTIONAL)
Besides, we are using the following services:
- Infura - https://infura.io/
- NFT.Storage - https://nft.storage/
Firstly, install dependencies for all packages.
yarn install
Secondly, create a .env
file under packages/truffle
and fill required environment variables.
cd packages/truffle
cp .env.example .env && vim .env
- infura.io project id, you can find in projectSETTINGS > GENERAL > KEYS
, visit: infura.io.HD_WALLET_SECRET
- your HD wallet BIP39 mnemonic.
Then, we compile and deploy smart contracts to Ethereum testnet.
truffle deploy --network ganache --reset
If you are going to deploy contracts to Ganache, Ganache must be listening on port 7545 as specified in the truffle config file.
Lastly, open a second terminal window, create a .env
file under packages/dapp
and fill required environment variables.
cd packages/dapp
cp .env.example .env && vim .env
- NFT.Storage API key, you can create new API key when you logined, visit: NFT.Storage.VITE_IPFS_GATEWAY
- IPFS gateway base url, only support Path resolution style, default is https://ipfs.io/ipfs/.
Finally, start your frontend.
yarn run dev
Now, open http://localhost:8000 to see the app.
After you setup this project manually, then you can run some tests.
Start the truffle development console:
cd packages/truffle
truffle develop
Then, Execute truffle test.
truffle(develop)> test
The Kick-Ass NFT project is under the MIT license.