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Robot Framework Hello World Example

  • Trying out Robot Framework - E2E test framework in Python
  • Simple sample tests for starter code including DDT (Data Driven Tests)
  • SeleniumLibrary: Selenium with chrome driver
    • read test cases from CSV
    • search google for each test keywords
    • check search result
  • SikuliLibrary: pure Sikuli sample without Selenium
    • search google and check the result using image recognition
  • see

Robotframework SeleniumLibrary Example

brew install pyenv pipenv
brew cask install chromedriver

# or upgrade
brew update && brew upgrade && brew upgrade --cask

# sync will install exactly as in Pipfile.lock
pipenv sync
pipenv shell

# or upgrade (see Update Packages)

which python
# .venv/bin/python
python -V
# Python 3.7.4

# before you run, make sure you can execute chromedriver
chromedriver --version
# ChromeDriver 91.0.4472.101 (af52a90bf87030dd1523486a1cd3ae25c5d76c9b-refs/branch-heads/4472@{#1462})

# if you got error, open it
open $(which chromedriver)
# then System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Open Anyway
# details:

# Also make sure you have latest version of Chrome

cd hello_robot
rflint google_search.robot  # lint check
robot google_search.robot   # run e2e test
open report.html

Robotframework SikuliLibrary Example on Mac


# IMPORTANT: you need Java11 to recognize image

# setup jenv
brew install --cask adoptopenjdk11
brew install jyenv
# jenv local 11
jenv versions

java -version
# openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
# OpenJDK Runtime Environment AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9)
# OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM AdoptOpenJDK-11.0.11+9 (build 11.0.11+9, mixed mode)

brew install opencv tesseract maven
# 4.5.3
tesseract --version
# tesseract 4.1.1
# ...

pipenv install robotframework-SikuliLibrary

# if the above does not not work, need to install locally
# c.f. how to install locally from the latest version on github
git clone ~/robotframework-SikuliLibrary
cd ~/robotframework-SikuliLibrary
# or git pull in here
mvn package

cd -  # back to the original directory

pipenv install -e ~/robotframework-SikuliLibrary

# you don't need the log file


# open Chrome and open "New Incognito Window" before you start.
# (for reproducibility, use incognito window of Chrome English version)
cd hello_sikuli
rflint sikuli_google_search.robot   # lint check (let's not worry about doc error)
robot sikuli_google_search.robot    # run e2e test

# Note: sometimes it failed when it try to open menu.
# in such case, please just retry.
# or try change the width of browser window size when it is not working.

open report.html

Tesseract problem fix for Mac

error message

org.sikuli.script.SikuliXception: OCR: start: Tesseract library problems: Unable to load library 'tesseract':
dlopen(libtesseract.dylib, 9): image not found
dlopen(libtesseract.dylib, 9): image not found
Native library (darwin/libtesseract.dylib) not found in resource path

error fix

cd ~/.m2/repository/net/sourceforge/tess4j/tess4j/4.4.1
mkdir darwin
jar uf tess4j-4.4.1.jar darwin
cp /usr/local/Cellar/tesseract/4.1.1/lib/libtesseract.4.dylib darwin/libtesseract.dylib
jar uf tess4j-4.4.1.jar darwin/libtesseract.dylib
jar tf tess4j-4.4.1.jar
  • then rerun mvn package and pipenv install -e ~/robotframework-SikuliLibrary

[Important] note for Mac Retina users about images for SikuliLibrary


Setup command log

pipenv --python 3.7
pipenv install robotframework docutils
pipenv install robotframework-seleniumlibrary
pipenv install robotframework-debuglibrary
pipenv install robotframework-datadriver
pipenv install robotframework-lint

Update Packages

pipenv update --outdated    # check
pipenv update               # update
pipenv clean                # remove unused packages



Robot Framework Data Driven Tests example







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