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drewmccluskey edited this page Feb 12, 2019 · 2 revisions


This will delete state of current used mouse buttons


Argument Description
mouse_clear button Which button to check if is in current state

Returns: bool


This function will clear the state of any mouse buttons currently being used, so when you are using mouse_check_button(button); and held your selected button and then use mouse_clear(button); for that button, mouse_check_button(button); should return false, for returning true again the button must be released and then pressed again.


if (keyboard_check(Keys.R))

if (mouse_check_button(MouseButtons.mb_right))
    Position.X += 5;

This code will move your object to the right when you hold down the right mouse button but when you press R on the keyboard the moving object will stop until you release the right mouse button and press it again.

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