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CryoEagle edited this page Dec 26, 2018 · 7 revisions


Returns whether the given input is a string.


Argument Description
object n The variable to check

Returns: bool


This function returns if the input variable is a string or not. If so, it returns true, if not, returns false.


string var = "Hello, World!";
if (is_string(var))
    string message = "var is a string!";

The above code checks to see if var is a string, and because it is, sets the variable message to "var is a string!". This can be used to make sure a variable is a string before printing it, and if not, converting it into a string.

Example 2:

int str = 80;
if (is_string(str)) // str is now of type int so this won't be hit
    string strConverted = sstring(str); // will cast (int)str to (string)strConverted
    draw_text(0, 0, str); // we can then draw the string

The above code checks if str is a string, and if so, draws the text on the screen. If not, it will convert str to a string and then draw it.

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