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Vašek edited this page Feb 10, 2019 · 3 revisions


Returns the point where the two given lines intersect


line_in_line(p1, p2, p3, p4, tolerance)
Argument Description
Vector2 p1 The first point of the first line
Vector2 p2 The other point of the first line
Vector2 p3 The first point of the other line
Vector2 p4 The other point of the other line
double tolerance Tolerance of the positions difference - default = 0.001, not required

Returns: Vector2?


If the two given lines intersect, this function returns the intersection point. Otherwise, this function returns null.


Vector2? pos = line_in_line(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(0, 10), new Vector2(10, 0));

if (pos.HasValue)
    Vector2 point = pos.Value;

This function will set point to 5, 5.

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