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CryoEagle edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 1 revision


Returns false when colliding with specified objects while moving with object


mp_linear_objects(Xgoal, Ygoal, StepSize, obj)
Argument Description
float Xgoal Target X position to move
float Ygoal Target Y position to move
int StepSize Pixels to move per call
Type[] obj StepSize Objects that is checked for collision

Returns: bool


This function will move with an object to a target position if an object will collide with a specified object, a function will return false.


if (mp_linear_objects(10,10,20,new []{typeof(oBrick), typeof(oGem)}) == false)
    show_message("hello world");

Above code will move with an object to X: 10, Y:10, if there will be an object named oBrick or oGem in a way function, will return false.

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