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Debugging Moving Teapot Title on Linux Platform

Mark Millard edited this page Nov 8, 2019 · 8 revisions

This page provides information on how to debug the Magic Lantern mtea title on the Linux platform.

Table of Contents

Using Eclipse IDE

To debug the mtea title using the Eclipse IDE, you must first create a C/C++ Application Debug Configuration. Open up the "Debug Configurations" wizard using the "Run->Debug Configurations..." pull-down menu. Select the "New launch configuration" icon in the upper left-hand corner of the wizard.

Fill in the wizard information as follows:

Main Tab Configuration

In the Main tab, select the Project, "MlePlayers", and C/C++ Application, "src/player". See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Debug Configurations Main Tab

Arguments Tab Configuration

In the Arguments tab, set the Program arguments to "mtea.dwp". Also specify the Working directory to "/home/msm/Projects/Github-MagicLantern/mle-titles/Titles/mtea/src". See Figure 2 below:

Figure 2: Debug Configurations Arguments Tab

Note that the /home/msm/Projects/Github-MagicLantern path will have to be adjusted to the location of your Working directory for the mtea title source.

Environment Tab Configuration

In the Environment tab, add two new environment variables:

  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH - /opt/MagicLantern/lib:/opt/MagicLantern/lib/mle/rehearsal:/usr/local/lib
  • MLE_WORKPRINTS - /home/msm/Projects/MagicLanternStudio

See Figure 3 below for the configuration:

Figure 3: Debug Configurations Environment Tab

Remaining Tab Settings

You may leave the remaining tab configurations (Debugger, Source and Common) at their default settings.

Launch Debug Configuration

Use the Debug button in the wizard to launch a debug session. This should bring up the Debug perspective where you can set breakpoints and begin debugging the title.

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