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Digital Workprint

Mark Millard edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 14 revisions

The Digital Workprint is a collection of files that contain the definition, scores and scripts that make up the unchanging represenstation of a dynamic and interactive title. The workprint contains the definitions for actors, properties, messages, packages and actions that are used in the title. The workprint also identifies the scores and scripts that control the creation of the actors and the actor behavior during the running of the title. The Digital Workprint is also used to manage external references to media items used in the title and may contain some actual media items directly.

Table of Contents


This document describes an API for accessing digital workprints and the method for extending what types they can store.

Workprint Organization and Structure

A workprint is organized as a containership of workprint items. A workprint item is a fundamental unit of a workprint, a building block of the workprint structure. Any workprint item can be a container for zero or more other workprint items.

Workprint containership is generic, which simply means that there is no type discrimination on contained items. An item may contain subitems of all the same type or of all different types. While the workprint mechanism implements generic containership, however, applications can impose policy on what item types can be contained within other item types. For example, the Magic Lantern design specifies that Property items occur within Actor items. Putting a Property inside a Set is a semantic error in Magic Lantern.

The term "workprint" is often used to refer to both the file system representation and the in-memory representation of the structure. These representations store the same information, but it is often confusing when the context of the term requires a distinction.

Containership is quite apparent in the workprint file, which uses a LISP-like syntax:

        (Group group0
            (ActorSet hudForum
                (Actor speedometer Dial
                    (Property value 0.6)
                (Actor target CrossHair)

The first word after a left parenthesis is always a workprint item type. After that comes data specific to that type (for example the Actor name and type),and then a list of contained items.

In a file, there may be several items at the top level:

        (Set ... )
        (Group group0 ... )
        (Group group1 ... )

which makes this workprint look like a set of containers instead of a single container. However, it really is most appropriate to think of this as a single containership with the outermost container being the file.

In the in-memory workprint, the workprint items have the same relationship as they do in a workprint file. In the in-memory workprint it is common to picture the containership as a tree. These metaphors are equivalent, as there is an identical mapping of "is contained by" and "is a child of" relations. The tree paradigm is convenient for the in-memory workprint because it more closely reflects the implementation.

Base Class

The base class for all workprint items is MleDwpItem. The basic capabilities defined in the base class are identity, navigation, structure editing, and I/O. Identity functions are how an item describes itself. Because containership is generic, an application traversing a workprint has no idea what an item is when it encounters one. Member functions on the item allow querying the item for information to identify its type.

        virtual const char *getTypeName(void) const;
        virtual MleDwpType getTypeId(void) const;
        virtual int isa(const char *type) const;
        virtual int isa(MleDwpType) const;

The getTypeName() function returns the specific item type as a string. This is the full class name, not the truncated name used in the workprint file (e.g. MleDwpActor instead of Actor). The isa() function returns nonzero if the item is an instance of the class whose name is passed in, or an instance of a class descendant of that class. Typically, however, new item classes will subclass directly from MleDwpItem. Here is an example of the use of these functions:

        // Assume item is a pointer to some MleDwpItem.
        // See if this is an actor.
        if ( item->isa("MleDwpActor") )
            printf("Item is an actor.\n");
            printf("Item is a %s.\n",item->getTypeName());

The alternate versions of these functions use a MleDwpType which is a unique type identifier (as opposed to a string). This makes type comparison more efficient as it can be equality testing instead of string matching. It also allows the compiler to catch type misspellings. A minor disadvantage is that the type ids are not easily interpreted in a debugger.

In addition, each item can optionally be given a string name.

        const char *getName(void) const;
        void setName(const char *name);

The value that getName() returns if setName() has not been called is currently undefined. Do not assume that getName() will return NULL (or anything else) if setName() has not been called. The spaces of names beginning with "0x", "mle", "MLE", and "Mle" are reserved.

Beyond the reservation of some namespaces, the library has no policy on naming. Item subclasses and applications can define their own policy for names, such as how they are scoped and whether they must be defined.

Navigation refers to moving around the workprint structure from a given item. MleDwpItem uses a typical tree model of pointers to parent, previous sibling, next sibling, first child, and last child:

        MleDwpItem *getParent(void) const;
        MleDwpItem *getPrev(void) const;
        MleDwpItem *getNext(void) const;
        MleDwpItem *getFirstChild(void) const;
        MleDwpItem *getLastChild(void) const;

A tree of items may be traversed using recursion:

        void traverse(MleDwpItem *item)
            // Do stuff on item here for preorder traversal.
            // Get the list of children.
            MleDwpItem *child = item->getFirstChild();
            // Loop through the children.
            while ( child )
                // Recurse on child.
                // Step to the next child.
                child = child->getNext();
            // Do stuff on item here for postorder traversal.

Or the root of a tree can be found by iteration:

        // Start with the local item.
        MleDwpItem *root = item;
        // Loop while there is a parent.
        while ( root->getParent() )
            root = root->getParent();  // Become the parent.
        // Root is now the top of the tree.

Convenience functions could be defined to perform common operations like this. At this time, however, such functions are not included in the item base class.

Structure editing allows insertion and removal of children on an item.

        void insertChild(MleDwpItem *child,MleDwpItem *beforeChild = NULL);
        void removeChild(MleDwpItem *whichChild);

The routine insertChild() makes a linkage for a new subitem. The new item will be placed before the optionally indicated existing subitem in the subitem list, or at the end if omitted. The routine removeChild() removes the linkage for a subitem. Note that removeChild() does not delete the subitem.

Workprint IO Handling

I/O routines convert between the in-memory workprint and the workprint file. Reading is done from a MleDwpInput object, which abstracts away whether the source of the workprint is a file, a pipe, a memory buffer, etc. For the purposes of this document, input is assumed to come from a file. The code to set up a MleDwpInput object to use a file looks like:

        #include "mle/DwpInput.h"
        MleDwpInput *in = new MleDwpInput; // Create the input object.
        in->openFile(filename);            // Open a file, filename is a char *.

openFile() returns zero if the file was opened successfully, nonzero in the case of an error.

Reading a DWP

The routine to read an item from an input object is a static member function on MleDwpItem:

        static MleDwpItem *read(MleDwpInput *in,MleDwpItem *parent = NULL);

The read() routine returns a pointer to the item it reads, NULL if an item could not be read (which is typically the end of file condition). An optional side effect is to make the item that was read the child of an item whose pointer is passed in. A succinct way to read in a workprint after setting up the input object is:

        // Assumes MleDwpInput object has been created and initialized.
        MleDwpItem *root = new MleDwpItem; // Create a root item.
        // Loop while we can read items.
        while ( MleDwpItem::read(in,root) )

Writing a DWP

Writing is done through a MleDwpOutput object, the dual of MleDwpInput. The output object abstracts away whether the output is to a file, a pipe, a memory buffer, etc. For the purposes of this document, output is assumed to go to a file. The code to set up a MleDwpOutput object to use a file looks like:

        #include "mle/DwpOutput.h"
        MleDwpOutput *out = new MleDwpOutput; // Create the output object.
        out->openFile(filename);              // Open a file, filename is a char *.

openFile() returns zero if the file was opened successfully, nonzero in the case of an error.

The routine to write an item to an output object is a regular member function on the MleDwpItem (not a static member function like read()):

        virtual int write(MleDwpOutput *out);

The write() routine writes the item to the output and returns nonzero on an error. The workprint just read in the example above could be written out by:

        // Assumes MleDwpOutput object has been created and initialized.

This would add one level of hierarchy to the workprint by putting the root item in the file. To preserve identical structure, the code would be:

        // Assumes MleDwpOutput object has been created and initialized.
        // Loop over all the children.
        MleDwpItem *item = root->getFirstChild(); // Get the first child.
        while ( item )
            item = item->getNext();

It is likely that convenience API will be written to take care of the details of reading and writing workprint files. For the present, however, this is how that should be accomplished.

Finding Items in a Workprint

Items of a particular type or name can be found by traversing the workprint and using the appropriate identity member functions to match data. However, because this is a common operation, a helper class called MleDwpFinder has been created to do this.

A finder is created, configured, executed, and queried. Creation is typically done by allocation on the stack. Configuration is accomplished either during construction or by member functions:

        void setType(MleDwpType type);
        void setName(const char *name);
        void setCallback(int (*cb)(MleDwpItem *,void *),void *data);
        void setFindAll(int findAllFlag);

A search for item(s) of a particular item type is done by calling setType() with the class type. The class type for any item is the static member variable typeId on the item class, e.g. MleDwpProperty::typeId. Omitting the call or passing NULL means that type will be disregarded in the find execution.

A search for item(s) of a particular name is done by calling setName() with the name. Omitting the call or passing NULL means that the name will be disregarded in the find execution.

The application can set up its own discrimination function and pass that in by calling setCallback(). The function should take an item pointer and client data, and return nonzero if the item matches the find criteria. Omitting the call or passing NULL for the function pointer means that no application-specific discrimination will be done.

These configurations may be done in combination, in which case an item must pass all activated criteria in order to be found. For example, if both type and name are specified, only items that match both type and name will be returned. The criteria are applied in the order - type, name, application callback - and testing is terminated when any one fails. So if type and application callback are active, only items of the right type will be passed to the callback.

An orthogonal configuration option is to specify whether the find execution terminates after finding an item that meets the criteria or finds all the items that match. The routine setFindAll() selects finding all items if nonzero is passed, termination after the first matching item in depth first preorder traversal otherwise (the default).

As a convenience, the constructor for MleDwpFindItem can be used to do some common configurations:

        MleDwpFinder(MleDwpType type = NULL,const char *name = NULL,
            int findAll = 0);

The effect of passing type, name, or findAll flag is the same as calling the respective configuration function. User discrimination functions cannot be specified in the constructor.

Finding is executed by a member function on the finder:

        MleDwpItem *find(const MleDwpItem *item);

A pointer to the place in the workprint to begin the search for matching items is passed to the find() function. The first item found, NULL if none, is returned by this function as a convenience. After the find has been executed, the finder may be queried to extract the items found.

        int getNumItems(void) const;
        const MleDwpItem **getItems(void) const;

The number of items found is returned by getNumItems(). An array of the item pointers found can be obtained by calling getItems(). The array returned is in memory allocated by the finder object and will be deallocated when the finder is destroyed.

Here is an example that finds the Group item named group0 in a workprint:

        // Assume root is the workprint root item.
        // Create and configure the finder.
        MleDwpFinder finder(MleDwpGroup::typeId,"group0");
        // Execute and retrieve the found item.
        MleDwpItem *group = finder.find(root);

and here is an example that prints the names of all the Actor items in a workprint:

        // Assume root is the workprint root item.
        // Create and configure the finder.
        MleDwpFinder finder(MleDwpActor::typeId,NULL,1);
        // Execute the finder.
        // Loop over the items found.
        int numItems = finder.getNumItems();
        MleDwpItem **items = finder.getItems();
        for ( int i = 0; i 

Creating Workprint Item Types

Creating new workprint item types is done by subclassing. The minimal workprint item class has no data of its own, acting only as a container for other items. This minimal class still needs to implement the basic identity functions, however, to be able to describe itself properly. There are macros in MleDwpItem.h that make this easy:

        MLE_DWP_HEADER(<class name>);
        MLE_DWP_SOURCE(<class name>,<superclass name>);

The new class should be a descendant of MleDwpItem, and the MLE_DWP_HEADER() macro should be placed in the class definition. The unquoted name of the new class is the argument to the macro. The MLE_DWP_SOURCE() macro should be placed in the class implementation, normally the .c++ file. The arguments to this macro are the unquoted names of the new class and the immediate superclass of the new class.

For example:

        #include "mle/MleDwpItem.h"
        class MinimalItem : public MleDwpItem
        #include "MinimalItem.h"

This defines a new workprint item called MinimalItem. There are several ways to activate this item. If this is a new basic system item type, then you can add it to the workprint library initialization function. Edit Dwp.cpp and add the header file and a call to MinimalItem::initClass() in mleDwpInit(). Alternatively, you can simply call the initClass function in every application that uses this type. The last method is to create a dynamic shared object (DSO), and let the code be loaded automatically when an item of that type is encountered. To do this, add to your Makefile targets and add the rule:
        $(LD) $(LDDSOOPTS) -o $@ $?

The workprint library is capable of reading in things it doesn't know about, so DSO loading probably shouldn't be needed very often.

Putting data for an item into the workprint requires adding two more member functions:

        virtual int readContents(MleDwpInput *in);
        virtual int writeContents(MleDwpOutput *out);

The readContents() and writeContents() functions read and write any data specific to this type of item. Nonzero should be returned if there was an error. This is everything in a workprint file except the item type and any contained items. For example:

        (Actor foo MyActor
            (Property fuel 10.0)

The Actor readContents() and writeContents() is responsible for transcribing the actor name (foo) and the actor type (MyActor). These routines do not need to worry about anything else - the system will take care of reading or writing the item type and invoking the transcription of the Property subitem.

MleDwpInput and MleDwpOutput are abstract i/o objects that provide services to help with transcription of data. A string, int, float, or char can be read or written. Here are the i/o routines for MleDwpActor:

        int MleDwpActor::readContents(MleDwpInput *in)
            char buffer[MLE_DWP_INPUT_BUFSIZE];
            // Read the actor name.
            if ( in->readString(buffer) )
                in->reportError("Actor couldn't read name");
                in->skip();  // Try to skip to the end of this item.
                return 1;
            // Read the actor class.
            if ( in->readString(buffer) )
                in->reportError("Actor couldn't read class");
                in->skip(); // Try to skip to the end of this item.
                return 1;
            return 0;
        int MleDwpActor::writeContents(MleDwpOutput *out)
            // Write the actor name.
            // Write the actor class.
            return 0;

Note that you must supply your own buffer for string reading. Also, strings that may have embedded spaces or special characters should be written with writeFancyString() instead of writeString(). The special characters in the workprint are '(' (open paren), ')' (close paren), '#' (hash), newline, and double quotes.

Large input lists can be handled with an input table mechanism. This is simply a table-driven sequence of reads. One additional type provided with the table is a MleDwpToken which will return an error if the input does not match the supplied string.

        // This is a member function for MleDwpInput.
        int readTable(const MleDwpInputTable *table,int n);

The table definition is:

        // This is the enumeration for table driven input.
        typedef enum
        } MleDwpInputType;
        // This is the element type for table driven input.  An array of this
        //   structure may be passed to the input lexer.
        struct MleDwpInputTable
            MleDwpInputType type;
            void *ptr;

Typical usage is to create a static array of MleDwpInputTable with initialized data, with the last element having a MleDwpInputEnd. This example shows how a new item might implement its readContents() function using readTable(), where its input syntax has the string "test", an int, a float, and a string.

        int MinimalItem::readContents(MleDwpInput *in)
            int d;
            float f;
            char s[MLE_DWP_INPUT_BUFSIZE];
            static MleDwpInputTable table[] = {
                MleDwpInputToken, "test",
                MleDwpInputInt, &d,
                MleDwpInputFloat, &f,
                MleDwpInputString, s,
            if ( in->readTable(table) )
                // The table handler will have already called reportError().
                return 1;
            // Store away the input parameters here.
            return 0;

If an unrecoverable error is discovered on read, the reading routine should report the error using the reportError() member function on the input object and try to skip over the object using skip().

Writing the contents of an item is quite a bit easier than reading. Some attention should be paid to formatting, however. The member functions adjustIndent() and writeTerminal() on the output object should be used to provide neat transcription. adjustIndent() changes the indentation level by its integer argument (usually either +1 or -1), which takes place after every writeTerminal(). Items are automatically preindented to their level of containership, so short items might not require any additional formatting.

Digital Workprint Items

Magic Lantern provides multiple workprint items for constructing a Digital Workprint. The following table identifies the collection of available components.

Item Description Component
Actor The basic unit of action and presentation within a title. DwpActor
ActorDef A type definition for an Actor. It is used primarily for authoring Actors and defines the Properties of an Actor. DwpActorDef
ActorSet Not implemented yet.
ActorTemplate Not implemented yet.
Boot The first scene loaded from the Digital Workprint. DwpBoot
Container Not implemented yet.
Converter A Media Reference conversion engine. Not implemented yet.
**DSOFile ** DwpDSOFile
EnumDef Not implemented yet.
File Not implemented yet.
FileType Not implemented yet.
Group A collection of Actors. DwpGroup
GroupRef A reference to a Group DwpGroupRef
HeaderFile A reference to a header file (C/C++ target) DwpHeaderFile
Include A reference to another Digital Workprint to include. DwpInclude
Limits Not implemented yet.
MediaRef A Media Reference DwpMediaRef
MediaRefSource A reference to a Media's source asset content. DwpMediaRefSource
MediaRefTarget A reference to a Media's target asset content. DwpMediaRefTarget
Property A Property DwpProperty
Scene DwpScene
Set DwpSet
SourceFile DwpSourceFile
Stage DwpStage

Digital Workprint SDK

The Digital Workprint SDK is comprised of C++ libraries and tools. The libraries are used to build tools for authoring and processing Digital Workprints. The Magic Lantern Rehearsal Player uses the SDK to play back a title without mastering the title to a particular target. The Magic Lantern mastering tools use the SDK to generate Digital Playprints for specific target platforms.

The libraries can be built as a Dynamic Link Library, DLL, or as a collection of staic libraries. The following table describes these components:

Library Type Component
DWPBase.lib static library DWP Base library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPBased.lib static library DWP Base library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWPType.lib static library DWP Type library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPTyped.lib static library DWP Type library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWPModel.lib static library DWP Model library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPModeld.lib static library DWP Model library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWP.lib static library DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release) In VC6 build, this library contains the DWPBase.lib, DWPType.lib, DWPModel.lib Release libraries
DWPd.lib static library DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug) In VC6 build, this library contains the DWPBased.lib, DWPTyped.lib, DWPModeld.lib Debug libraries
DWP.dll dynamic link library DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWP.lib dynamic link library symbols DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPd.dll dynamic link library DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWPd.lib dynamic link library symbols DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)


Magic Lantern provides the following tools for manipulating the Digital Workprint:

  • DWPChecker.exe, a validation tool for checking the syntax of a Digital Workprint

API Documentation

The documentation for the Digital Workprint SDK programming interface can be found on the Wizzer Works project web site (DWP API).

The API documentation can also be generated by downloading the source and running Doxygen on the MleDoxyfile found in $MLE_HOME/DigitalWorkprint/lib/common/doc.

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