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Java2D Studio Product Build Instructions

Mark Millard edited this page Dec 30, 2021 · 7 revisions

This page describes how to build the Magic Lantern Java2D Studio distribution package.

Table of Contents

Eclipse Product Build Instructions

The first phase for building the Magic Lantern Java2D Studio distribution package is to build the Eclipse product components. The product components are defined by the java2dstudio.product file found in the plugin.

ℹ️ Note: Use the java2dstudio_linux.product file to build a target distribution for the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit platform.

In the "Exporting" section (lower right-hand corner of the dialog panel) select the "Eclipse Product export wizard". In the Export wizard, change the "Root directory" to MagicLantern. Set the "Directory" in the "Destination" section to $MLE_HOME/build/InstallBuilder/Java2D/stage.

The wizard should look something like the following image:

Eclipse Product Wizard for Magic Lantern Java2D Studio

Select "Finish" to generate the Eclipse product components. The components will be built under $MLE_HOME/build/InstallBuilder/Java2D/stage/MagicLantern.

Modifying the config.ini File

The Eclipse Product export wizard creates a default config.ini file for the Magic Lantern Java2D Studio destribution package. This configuration file needs to be modified to remove error messages reported when Magic Lantern Java2D Studio is first invoked by the end user. The error messages are reported because both org.eclipse.update.configurator and org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator are installed by the product. As a consequence they are both trying to install plugins, and for some plugins, they attempt to install the same ones more than once.

To workaround this issue, the following property, org.eclipse.update.reconcile=false, needs to be added to the default config.ini file generated by the Eclipse Product export wizard.

Note: There is a a bug in the Eclipse 3.7 product wizard that doesn't allow custom configuration file generation. Therefore, the default config.ini file must be modified by hand after the Eclipse product has been staged.

InstallBuilder Build Instructions


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