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Linux Build Targets

Mark Millard edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 32 revisions

This page encapsulates the build targets for the Linux platform. The top-level Makefile for Linux can be found in the directory, $MLE_HOME/build/linux.

Table of Contents

Make Instructions

Use the following:

make <target>

where <target> is one of the supported targets listed below. For example

make sdk_install

Available Makefile Targets

The following targets are available:

Target Components Location Description
sdk Build all the SDK components for the Linux platform
studio Build all the Studio components for the Linux platform
master Build all the Mastering components for the Linux platform
rehearsal Build all the Rehearsal Player components for the Linux platform

Targets for the utility components

Target Components Location Description
libmlutil, libmlutil.a $MLE_HOME/Core/util/linux/build/libmlutil/.libs Build the library
libmlutil_clean Clean the libmlutil artifacts from the build
libmlutil_install, libmlutil.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the library into $MLE_ROOT
libmlutil_uninstall Uninstall the library from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the math components

Target Components Location Description
libmlmath, libmlmath.a $MLE_HOME/Core/math/linux/libmlmath/libmlmath/.libs Build the library
libmlmath_clean Clean the libmlmath artifacts from the build
libmlmath_install, libmlmath.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the library into $MLE_ROOT
libmlmath_uninstall Uninstall the library from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the Digital Workprint components

Target Components Location Description
libDWP, libDWP.a $MLE_HOME/DigitalWorkprint/lib/linux/libDWP/.libs Build the library
DWPChecker $MLE_HOME/DigitalWorkprint/lib/linux/DwpChecker
libDWP_clean Clean the libDWP artifacts from the build
libDWP_install, libDWP.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the library into $MLE_ROOT
DWPChecker $MLE_ROOT/bin
libDWP_uninstall Uninstall the library from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the Digital Playprint components

Target Components Location Description
libDPP, libDPP.a $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/lib/linux/libDPP/.libs Build the library
libDPP_clean Clean the libDPP artifacts from the build
libDPP_install, libDPP.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the library into $MLE_ROOT
libDPP_uninstall Uninstall the library from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the Playprint components

Target Components Location Description
libplayprint, libplayprint.a $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/runtime/linux/libplayprint/.libs Build the library
libplayprint_clean Clean the libplayprint artifacts from the build
libplayprint_install, libplayprint.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the library into $MLE_ROOT
libplayprint_uninstall Uninstall the library from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the Mastering components

DPPGen Library Targets

Target Components Location Description
libDPPGen, libDPPGen.a $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/libDPPGen/libDPPGen/.libs Build the library
libDPPGen_clean Clean the libDPPGen artifacts from the build
libDPPGen_install, libDPPGen.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the library into $MLE_ROOT
libDPPGen_uninstall Uninstall the library from $MLE_ROOT

gentables Targets

Target Components Location Description
gentables gentables $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/gentables/src Build the gentables mastering tool
gentables_clean Clean the gentables artifacts from the build
gentables_install gentables $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the gentables mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
gentables_uninstall Uninstall the gentables mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

gengroup Targets

Target Components Location Description
gengroup gengroup $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/gengroup/src Build the gengroup mastering tool
gengroup_clean Clean the gengroup artifacts from the build
gengroup_install gengroup $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the gengroup mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
gengroup_uninstall Uninstall the gengroup mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

genscene Targets

Target Components Location Description
genscene genscene $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/genscene/src Build the genscene mastering tool
genscene_clean Clean the genscene artifacts from the build
genscene_install genscene $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the genscene mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
genscene_uninstall Uninstall the genscene mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

genmedia Targets

Target Components Location Description
genmedia genmedia $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/genmedia/src Build the genmedia mastering tool
genmedia_clean Clean the genmedia artifacts from the build
genmedia_install genmedia $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the genmedia mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
genmedia_uninstall Uninstall the genmedia mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

genmakefile Targets

Target Components Location Description
genmakefile genmakefile $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/genmakefile/src Build the genmakefile mastering tool
genmakefile_clean Clean the genmakefile artifacts from the build
genmakefile_install genmedia $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the genmakefile mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
genmakefile_uninstall Uninstall the genmakefile mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

genppscript Targets

Target Components Location Description
genppscript genppscript $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/genppscript/src Build the genmedia mastering tool
genppscript_clean Clean the genppscript artifacts from the build
genppscript_install genppscript $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the genppscript mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
genppscript_uninstall Uninstall the genppscript mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

gendpp Targets

Target Components Location Description
gendpp gendpp $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/gendpp/src Build the gendpp mastering tool
gendpp_clean Clean the gendpp artifacts from the build
gendpp_install gendpp $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the gendpp mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
gendpp_uninstall Uninstall the genmedia mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

dumpgroup Targets

Target Components Location Description
dumpgroup dumpgroup $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/dumpgroup/src Build the dumpgroup mastering tool
dumpgroup_clean Clean the dumpgroup artifacts from the build
dumpgroup_install dumpgroup $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the dumpgroup mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
dumpgroup_uninstall Uninstall the dumpgroup mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

dumpscene Targets

Target Components Location Description
dumpscene dumpscene $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/dumpscene/src Build the dumpscene mastering tool
dumpscene_clean Clean the dumpscene artifacts from the build
dumpscene_install dumpscene $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the dumpscene mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
dumpscene_uninstall Uninstall the dumpscene mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

dumpmedia Targets

Target Components Location Description
dumpmedia dumpmedia $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/dumpmedia/src Build the dumpmedia mastering tool
dumpmedia_clean Clean the dumpmedia artifacts from the build
dumpmedia_install dumpmedia $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the dumpmedia mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
dumpmedia_uninstall Uninstall the dumpmedia mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

dumpdpp Targets

Target Components Location Description
dumpdpp dumpdpp $MLE_HOME/DigitalPlayprint/master/linux/dumpdpp/src Build the dumpdpp mastering tool
dumpdpp_clean Clean the dumpdpp artifacts from the build
dumpdpp_install dumpdpp $MLE_ROOT/bin Install the dumpdpp mastering tool into $MLE_ROOT
dumpdpp_uninstall Uninstall the dumpdpp mastering tool from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the Runtime Engine components

Currently there is a single Makefile target for building the Magic Lantern Runtime Engine for multiple Magic Lantern mastering targets: rehearsal, inventor, and runtime.

rehearsal Targets

Target Components Location Description
libmlert, libmlert.a $MLE_HOME/Core/mlert/linux/rehearsal/libmlert/.libs Build the libmlert library
libmlert_clean Clean the libmlert artifacts from the build
libmlert_install, libmlert.a $MLE_ROOT/lib/mle/rehearsal Install the libmlert library into $MLE_ROOT
libmlert_uninstall Uninstall the libmlert library from $MLE_ROOT

runtime Targets

Target Components Location Description
libmlert, libmlert.a $MLE_HOME/Core/mlert/linux/runtime/libmlert/.libs Build the libmlert library
libmlert_clean Clean the libmlert artifacts from the build
libmlert_install, libmlert.a $MLE_ROOT/lib/mle/runtime Install the libmlert library into $MLE_ROOT
libmlert_uninstall Uninstall the libmlert library from $MLE_ROOT

inventor Targets

Target Components Location Description
libmlert, libmlert.a $MLE_HOME/Core/mlert/linux/inventor/libmlert/.libs Build the libmlert library
libmlert_clean Clean the libmlert artifacts from the build
libmlert_install, libmlert.a $MLE_ROOT/lib/mle/inventor Install the libmlert library into $MLE_ROOT
libmlert_uninstall Uninstall the libmlert library from $MLE_ROOT

Targets for the Title components

role Targets

Currently there is a single Makefile target for building the Magic Lantern roles for multiple Magic Lantern mastering targets: rehearsal, inventor, and runtime.

inventor Targets

Target Components Location Description
roles, libivroles.a $MLE_HOME/Parts/roles/inventor/build/linux/ivroles/.libs Build the libivroles library, Mle2dRole.a $MLE_HOME/Parts/roles/inventor/build/linux/MleIv2dRole/inventor/.libs Build the Mle2dRole library, Mle2dImageRole.a $MLE_HOME/Parts/roles/inventor/build/linux/MleIv2dImageRole/inventor/.libs Build the Mle2dImageRole library, Mle3dRole.a $MLE_HOME/Parts/roles/inventor/build/linux/MleIv3dRole/inventor/.libs Build the Mle3dRole library
roles_clean Clean the libroles artifacts from the build
roles_install, libivroles.a $MLE_ROOT/lib Install the libivroles library into $MLE_ROOT, Mle2dRole.a $MLE_ROOT/lib/mle/inventor Install the Mle2dRole library into $MLE_ROOT, Mle2dImageRole.a $MLE_ROOT/lib/mle/inventor Install the Mle2dImageRole library into $MLE_ROOT, Mle3dRole.a $MLE_ROOT/lib/mle/inventor Install the Mle3dRole library into $MLE_ROOT
roles_uninstall Uninstall the libivroles library from $MLE_ROOT

mediaref Targets

set Targets

stage Targets

actor Targets

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