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IDE Build Environment for Android Studio

Mark Millard edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 1 revision

This page discusses how to build the Magic Lantern IDE for Android titles using Eclipse and Ant.



This section identifies dependencies for building the Magic Lantern IDE.

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio C++ v6.0 is installed with Service Pack 6 applied or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is installed with Service Pack 2 applied.
  2. Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers, version 3.7 (or later)
  3. Apache Ant, version 1.8.0
  4. Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK), version 1.6.0_16


These instructions assume the following

  • The dependencies above are installed under a Windows drive labeled "M" (e.g. M:).
  • The Magic Lantern software has been downloaded into the "M:\projects\MagicLantern" directory and the MLE_HOME environment variable is set to "M:\projects\MagicLantern".
  • You already know how to use the Eclipse IDE
  • You already know how to create and use Ant build scripts

Environment Variables

MLE_HOME Environment Variable

Set the variable MLE_HOME to reference the home of the Magic Lantern source. This document assumes that it is set to "M:\projects\MagicLantern".

MLE_ROOT Environment Variable

Set the variable MLE_ROOT to reference the root directory where the Magic Lantern components will be installed. This document assumes that it is set to "M:/projects/MagicLantern".

Note that this variable uses the UNIX-style path delimiter ('/').

MLE_WORKPRINTS Environment Variable

Set the variable MLE_WORKPRINTS to the root directory where Magic Lantern Digital Workprints can be located. This document assumes that it is set to //M/projects/MagicLantern.

The Magic Lantern Studio assumes that the Digital Workprints will be located under the $MLE_WORKPRINTS/workprints directory.

Note that this variable uses a canonical path style for the drive (i.e. //M/).


This section discusses how to build the Magic Lantern IDE components targeting the Android platform. The Magic Lantern IDE is comprised of the following components:

Component Description Location
com.wizzer.mle.runtime The Magic Lantern Runtime Engine $(MLE_HOME)\Core\mlert\android\com.wizzer.mle.runtime
com.wizzer.mle.math The Magic Lantern Math Library $(MLE_HOME)\Core\math\android\com.wizzer.mle.math The Magic Lantern Core Parts Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\base\android\ The Magic Lantern Core Actor Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\actors\android\ The Magic Lantern Core Property Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\props\android\ The Magic Lantern Core Role Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\roles\android\ The Magic Lantern Core Media Reference Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\mediaref\android\ The Magic Lantern Core Set Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\sets\android\ The Magic Lantern Core Stage Library $(MLE_HOME)\Parts\stages\android\
com.wizzer.mle.codegen The Magic Lantern Code Generation Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\tools\java\com.wizzer.mle.codegen The Magic Lantern Core Studio Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Utility Framework Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Digital Workprint Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Digital Playprint Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Branding Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Core Android Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Android Help Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Android Branding Plug-in $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Core Feature $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\ The Magic Lantern Android Feature $(MLE_HOME)\Studio\plugins\

Build the Core util Library for Tools

These instructions build the Core util libraries for the Magic Lantern Studio tools.

  • Visual Studio 2005 Solution : "$MLE_HOME\Core\util\win32\build\msvc8\mleutil.sln"
  • Visual Studio v6.0 Workspace: "$MLE_HOME\Core\util\win32\build\msvc6\MleUtil.dsw" (Obsolete)

The library components that are built include

Library Directory Location Component
util.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
utild.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)

These libraries are required by the Digital Workprint Reader below.

Build the Core math Libraries

These instructions build the Core math libraries for the Magic Lantern Studio tools.

  • Visual Studio 2005 Solution: "$MLE_HOME\Core\math\win32\build\msvc8\mlmath.sln"
  • Visual Studio v6.0 Workspace: "$MLE_HOME\Core\math\win32\build\msvc6\mlmath.dsw" (Obsolete)

The library components that are built for the Magic Lantern Studio include

Library Directory Location Component
mlmath.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" Magic Lantern Studio (Floating-point Release)
mlmathd.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" Magic Lantern Studio (Floating-point Debug)

These libraries are required by the Digital Workprint Reader below.

Build the Digital Workprint Libraries

These instructions build the Digital Workprint libraries for the Magic Lantern Studio tools.

  • Visual Studio 2005 Solution: "$MLE_HOME\DigitalWorkprint\lib\win32\build\msvc8\DWPAccess.sln"
  • Visual Studio v6.0 Workspace: "$MLE_HOME\DigitalWorkprint\lib\win32\build\msvc6\DWPAccess.dsw" (Obsolete)

The library components that are built for the Magic Lantern Studio include

Library Directory Location Component
DWPBase.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP Base library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPBased.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP Base library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWPType.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP Type library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPTyped.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP Type library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWPModel.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP Model library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)
DWPModeld.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP Model library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug)
DWP.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Release) In VC6 build, this library contains the DWPBase.lib, DWPType.lib, DWPModel.lib Release libraries
DWPd.lib "$MLE_HOME\lib\tools" DWP SDK library, Magic Lantern Studio (Debug) In VC6 build, this library contains the DWPBased.lib, DWPTyped.lib, DWPModeld.lib Debug libraries

The executable components that are built for the Magic Lantern SDK include

Executable Directory Location Component
DWPChecker.exe "$MLE_HOME\bin" DWP Validation tool, Magic Lantern Studio (Release)

These libraries are required by the Digital Workprint Reader below.

** Build Digital Workprint Reader**

This section describes how to build the native, DWP Reader component used by the Android Studio.

  • Visual Studio 2005 Solution: "$MLE_HOME\Studio\plugins\\src\win32\build\msvc8\JavaDWP.sln"
  • Visual Studio v6.0 Workspace: "$MLE_HOME\Studio\plugins\\src\win32\build\msvc6\JavaDWP.dsw"

The library of components that are built include

Executable Directory Location Component
DwpReader.dll "$MLE_HOME\Studio\plugins\\os\win32\x86" Magic Lantern Digital Workprint Reader (Release)

Build Plugins for Eclipse IDE

This section describes how to use Eclipse to build the Magic Lantern IDE for the Android Platform.

Each component provides an Eclipse project to facilitate building the component in Eclipse. To build a component, use the following instructions:

  1. From the main Eclipse toolbar, select the "File->Import..." menu entry. This will display the Import dialog.
  2. Select the "Existing Projects into Workspace" entry found under the General category.
  3. Select the "Next>" button in the Import dialog. The dialog should now be displaying the "Import Projects" page.
  4. Select a directory to search for existing Eclipse projects. Use the the "Browse..." button.
  5. The "Projects:" widget should now be showing you list of existing projects that are rooted in the directory specified in the above step. Select the project(s) of interest.
  6. To wrap-up the import, select Finish. The project will now be added to your Eclipse Workspace.

By default, Eclipse will build the component when the project is imported.

Build Android Runtime Engine Libraries

This section describes how to build the Android libraries for the Runtime Engine and title parts.

The library of components that are built include

Library Component Directory Location Jar Description File
com.wizzer.mle.runtime Core Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Core\mlert\android\com.wizzer.mle.runtime mlert.jardesc
com.wizzer.mle.math Math Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Core\math\android\com.wizzer.mle.math mlmath.jardesc Parts Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\base\android\ parts.jardesc Actors Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\actors\android\ actors.jardesc Media Reference Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\mrefs\android\ mrefs.jardesc Properties Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\props\android\ props.jardesc Roles Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\roles\android\ roles.jardesc Sets Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\sets\android\ sets.jardesc Stages Runtime Engine Library $MLE_HOME\Parts\stages\android\com.wizzer.mle.partsstages stages.jardesc

To build the Java archive, JAR, file for each component, do the following:

  1. In Eclipse, open the Jar Description File (e.g. mlmath.jardesc) for the corresponding component by double-clicking on the resource in the Package Explorer view. This will bring up the "JAR Export" wizard.
  2. Select the "Next>" button which will display the "JAR Packaging Options" dialog page.
  3. Deselect the "Save the description of this JAR in the workspace" button.
  4. Select the "Finish" button. The corresponding component JAR will be generated and placed in $MLE_HOME/lib/android-10.

Ant Build Environment

This section describes how to use the Ant build scripts to build the Magic Lantern IDE for the Android Platform.

Update PATH Environment Variable

Building Android outside Eclipse involves using the command line or shell.

Make sure that the "tools" and "platform-tools" folder of the Android SDK installation directory are part of your PATH environment variable.

Create Ant Build Scripts

The Eclipse project generation wizard does not create the required Apache Ant build.xml file. You can generate it from the command line.

To create the Ant build.xml script for the following Magic Lantern projects:


  • cd $MLE_HOME/Core/math/android/com.wizzer.mle.math
  • execute "android update project --path ."


  • cd $MLE_HOME/Core/mlert/android/com.wizzer.mle.runtime
  • execute "android update project --path ."

  • cd $MLE_HOME/Parts/base/android/
  • execute "android update project --path ."
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