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Runtime Engine Library

Mark Millard edited this page Nov 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

The Magic Lantern Software Development Kit provides a runtime engine to facilitate title execution. In fact, if a title is not using the Magic Lantern Runtime Engine, then it is not a Magic Lantern title. The Runtime Engine controls the lifecycle of the title.

The execution model that contols the sequencing of Magic Lantern titles is a cyclic process repeated once per frame. Each actor, role, set, and stage receives control of the processor, in that order. By default, on each frame, all of the actors execute before any of the roles; all of the roles execute before any of the sets, etc. This scheduling order is not strict, however, since an actor may explicitly pass control to its role and that role may explicitly pass control to its set. Programmers can also reorder or augment the scheduling.

The idea behind tha actors-then-roles-then-sets-then-stage ordering is that first the interactivity is computed (actors), then the presentation is computed (roles), then the various resource controllers gain control (sets), then the entire frame presentation is created (stage).

The Runtime Engine Library povides support for:

  1. Interface and base classes for Actor, Role, Media Reference, Set, Stage and Prop title components,
  2. Event dispatching,
  3. Scheduling of title execution,
  4. Reading and processing the Digital Playprint.

Table of Contents


The Runtime Engine Library API documentation can be found in the form of Javadoc and Doxygen HTML pages. The Javadoc pages correlate to the Java version of the API while the C++ version of the documentation is generated using Doxygen.

API for Java Packages

API documentation for the Java packages are not currently available online. To generate the Javadoc using the Eclipse project for the Runtime Engine Library, simply follow these instructions:

  1. In the com.wizzer.mle.runtime project, select javadoc.xml in the Package Explorer view.
  2. Right-click the resource and select Open Javadoc Wizard... from the context menu. This action will bring up the Javadoc Generation dialog.
  3. Make sure the Javadoc command: field points to the javadoc.exe executable in your environment.
  4. Select the Next>, button, accepting the the default configuration.
  5. Again, select the Next>, button, accepting the the default configuration.
  6. Finally select the Finish button.
  7. The Javadoc HTML will be generated in the project's doc directory.

API for C++ Libraries

API documentation for the C++ libraries is not yet available.

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