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Working with To fix

Maning Sambale edited this page Oct 17, 2015 · 7 revisions

To-fix is a QA tool and tasking manager for OpenStreetMap. Systematic issues in the map geometries and inconsistent tags are processed regularly and loaded into to-fix as simple tasks that can be quickly cycled through and corrected by mappers if possible.


  • Unconnected major: Unconnected geometries in motorable roads
  • Unconnected minor: Unconnected geometries in paths and tracks
  • Impossible oneway: Oneways with no corresponding entry or exit
  • Broken polygons: Unclosed areas
  • Highway intersects highway: Highways that overlap without an intersection
  • Highway intersects water: Highways that overlap with water features without an intersection


  • After signing in using your OSM id, you can configure the OSM editor to use. It is recommended to use JOSM.
  • If using JOSM, try the to-fix josm plugin for direct editor integration.


  • Once an area has been improved on OSM, mark the issue as Fixed to remove it from the queue
  • If you feel the area is unclear and would like a different issue, hit Skip
  • You can also add a note to get clarity from contributors on the ground
  • If the issue was incorrectly marked as an error, hit Not an error to remove it from the queue

Fixing common issues

Impossible oneways

Incorrectly tagged oneways and direction can break routing if it results in a oneway trap from where it is not possible to exit to the main road network.

Reverse incorrect oneway Verify the direction from the cars or road marking from the imagery and reverse the one way untitled

Further reading

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