Dedicated worklog management for JIRA
- Works offline
- Synchronization with JIRA
- Dynamic log editing
- Works on Windows, Linux and Mac
- Supports Basic authorization (username / pass) + OAuth2
- Wiki how to use the tool -
Builds for WT4-basic-1.9.2
- Build for MacOS
- Build for Windows
- Build Linux Debian - Raise a ticket if binary is needed
- All builds archive -
- Tips how to set-up to JIRA
- Having trouble installing ? Tips on how to install on MacOS or Windows
Some people from my company iTo are using this tool as well, so we use specially baked app with OAuth connection.
Builds for WT4-iTo-1.9.2
(Note: Builds for iTo have 'WT4-iTo' in its app name)
- iTo Build for MacOS
- iTo Build for Windows
- All builds archive -
- How to set-up to JIRA
- Having trouble installing ? Tips on how to install on MacOS or Windows
There are experimental early access builds for testing. New upcoming things, though might not be too stable, use it at your own risk!
- No builds as of yet!
Track issues / feature requests -
This app serves me as a sandbox for trying out various java stuff that I find interesting. As a side effect app was born that is being used for easier time tracking. Feel free copying / contributing / using code for your own pleasure.
- CalendarFX - Most amazing calendar that lets display logs and modify them. Very very cool.
- JFoenix - Material designs for JavaFX! Amazing!
- Kotlin - Most of the app is converted to kotlin, once got used to it, never want to look back.
- RXJava Very cool programming paradigm
- Dagger2 - Essential for making object graph. Loved it every bit.
- JavaFX - Great components and quite easy to assemble with after burner.
- Google material design - Icons for easier use and clear purpose!
- jOOQ
- TornadoFX - Lightweight UI framework for JavaFX
- Java8
Version changelog can be found here -