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GitHub Action

Auto Action


Auto Action


Auto Action

Generate releases based on semantic version labels on pull requests, and other pull request automation tools


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Auto Action

uses: terradatum/auto-action@v1.0.7

Learn more about this action in terradatum/auto-action

Choose a version

Auto Action

Build and Release Release date auto-release npm license


In general the workflow is:

  1. auto changelog
  2. auto version
  3. Use the version from step 2 to bump the version in your package file (e.g. package.json, or pom.xml, etc.)
  4. Publish the artifact
  5. Push the new tag
  6. auto release


  1. auto shipit (which takes care of all the steps above)


If your project uses npm, this action will attempt to run auto using npx. If that fails, it will go looking in the $PATH for a binary. If it finds neither, it will not run.

- uses: terradatum/auto-action@master
    # Choose one of the commands below.
    # Setup Commands
    # * info: Determine the environment and check if auto is set up correctly
    # Pull Request Interaction Commands
    # * label: Get the labels for a pull request. Doesn't do much, but the return
    # value lets you write you own scripts based off of the PR labels! * comment:
    # Comment on a pull request with a markdown message. Each comment has a context,
    # and each context only has one comment. * pr-check: Check that a pull request has
    # a SemVer label * pr-status: Set the status on a PR commit * pr-body: Update the
    # body of a PR with a message. Appends to PR and will not overwrite user content.
    # Each comment has a context, and each context only has one comment.
    # Release Commands
    # * version: Get the semantic version bump for the given changes. Requires all PRs
    # to have labels for the change type. If a PR does not have a label associated
    # with it, it will default to `patch`. * changelog: Prepend release notes to
    # ``, create one if it doesn't exist, and commit the changes. *
    # release: Auto-generate a github release * shipit: Context aware publishing.
    #  1. call from base branch -> latest version released (LATEST)
    #  2. call from prerelease branch -> prerelease version released (NEXT)
    #  3. call from PR in CI -> canary version released (CANARY)
    #  4. call locally when not on base/prerelease branch -> canary version released
    # (CANARY)
    # * latest: Run the full `auto` release pipeline. Force a release to latest and
    # bypass `shipit` safeguards. * canary: Make a canary release of the project.
    # Useful on PRs. If ran locally, `canary` will release a canary version for your
    # current git HEAD. This is ran automatically from "shipit".
    #  1. In PR: 1.2.3-canary.123.0 + add version to PR body
    #  2. Locally: 1.2.3-canary.1810cfd
    # * next: Make a release for your "prerelease" release line. This is ran
    # automatically from "shipit".
    #  1. Creates a prerelease on package management platform
    #  2. Creates a "Pre Release" on GitHub releases page.
    # Calling the `next` command from a prerelease branch will publish a prerelease,
    # otherwise it will publish to the default prerelease branch.
    # Default: shipit
    command: ''

    # The repo to set status on. Defaults to looking in the package definition for the
    # platform. (global)
    repo: ''

    # The owner of the GitHub repo. Defaults to reading from the package definition
    # for the platform (global)
    owner: ''

    # The url to GitHub Enterprise API (global)
    github-api: ''

    # Plugins to load auto with. If running the binary distribution, the default
    # plugin is 'git-tag', if running from 'node_modules', then it's 'npm'. (global)
    plugins: ''

    # Report what a command will do but do not actually do anything. (changelog,
    # release, shipit, latest, next, canary)
    # Default: false
    dry-run: ''

    # Branch to treat as the 'master' branch. (changelog, release, shipit, latest)
    base-branch: ''

    # Tag to start the CHANGELOG notes from. Defaults to latest tag. (version,
    # changelog, release)
    from: ''

    # Make auto publish prerelease versions when merging to master. Only PRs merged
    # with "release" label will generate a "latest" release. Only use this flag if you
    # do not want to maintain a prerelease branch, and instead only want to use
    # master. (shipit)
    only-graduate-with-release-label: ''

    # Only bump version if 'release' label is on pull request. (version, shipit)
    only-publish-with-release-label: ''

    # The name to use with git. Defaults to package definitions for the platform.
    # (changelog, release)
    name: ''

    # Git email to commit with. Defaults to package definition for the platform
    # (changelog, release)
    email: ''

    # Use the version as the tag without the 'v' prefix. WARNING: some plugins might
    # need extra config to use this option (ex: npm). (changelog, release)
    # Default: false
    no-version-prefix: ''

    # Git revision (tag, commit sha, ...) to start release notes from. Defaults to
    # latest tag. (changelog)
    to: ''

    # Override the default title of the CHANGELOG entry.
    title: ''

    # Depending on the command:
    #  * changelog: message to commit to the changelog
    #  * next: Message used when attaching the prerelease version to the PR
    #  * canary: Message to comment on PR with for canary release
    #  * pr-body: Message to post to PR Body
    #  * comment: Message to post to comment
    message: ''

    # The pull request the command should use. Detects PR number in CI (defaults to
    # last merged PR). (canary, label, pr-status, pr-check, pr-body, comment)
    pr: ''

    # Version number to publish as. Defaults to reading from the package definition
    # for the platform. (release)
    use-version: ''

    # Publish a prerelease. (release)
    pre-release: ''

    # Build number to use to create the canary version. Detected in CI env. (canary)
    build: ''

    # Force a canary release, even if the PR is marked to skip the release (canary)
    force: ''

    # A string label to differentiate this status from others. (pr-status, pr-check,
    # pr-body, comment)
    context: ''

    # URL to associate with this status. (pr-status, pr-check)
    url: ''

    # Specify a custom git sha. Defaults to the HEAD for a git repo in the current
    # repository. (pr-status)
    sha: ''

    # State of the PR. ['pending', 'success', 'error', 'failure']. (pr-status)
    state: ''

    # A description of the status. (pr-status)
    description: ''

    # Edit an old comment. (pr-body)
    edit: ''

    # Delete an old comment. (pr-body)
    delete: ''

    # The working directory
    # Default: ${{ env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE }}
    workingDirectory: ''

The action's configuration will always override the .autorc settings, with the exception of those options which are exclusive to .autorc and not available via the command line.

Make sure to read the auto documentation.

Make Latest Release

If your project is already published then you need to make sure that your last release is tagged and that it's the Latest Release on GitHub.

To tag your last release find that last commit where you bumped the version and run the following commands with your version number.

git tag v1.2.3
git push --tags

Then on GitHub go to your project's releases and click Draft a new release. In the Tag version field enter the version number you just tagged and click Publish release.

Now your github project is set up to use auto.

Basic Usage

Expects correct setup with an .autorc and correct values in your package control file (e.g. package.json or pom.xml).

  - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: auto shipit
    uses: terradatum/auto-action@master
      GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}

Advanced Usage

  - name: Checkout
    uses: actions/checkout@v2
  - name: auto release
    uses: terradatum/auto-action@master
      GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}
      name: Kathy Baz
      command: release
      plugins: |




This project is released under the MIT License.