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GitHub Action

Deploy CodePush


Deploy CodePush


Deploy CodePush

Releasing a new CodePush


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Deploy CodePush

uses: huextrat/deploy-codepush@v1.0.1

Learn more about this action in huextrat/deploy-codepush

Choose a version

Deploy CodePush

This action deploy a CodePush to AppCenter using the AppCenter CLI.

You will need a Full Access API token from AppCenter.


- uses: huextrat/deploy-codepush@v01
    # Required, as the AppCenter CLI requires authentication
    # Make it secure, using GitHub secrets for instance
    # Example: ${{ secrets.APPCENTER_API_TOKEN }}
    token: ''

    # Required, as the AppCenter CLI requires an app name
    # Format: <ownerName>/<appName>
    # Example: huextrat/MyApp
    app: ''

    # Deployment track you want to release the OTA to
    # If the track doesn't exist, it will be created
    # Default: Staging
    deploymentTrack: ''

    # Version of the app you want to release the OTA to
    # This is not required, as the AppCenter CLI will put the current version of the app as default
    # Still, it's highly recommended to specify the version you want to release the OTA to
    # You can use the semver format (
    # Example: >=1.0.0 <1.2.0
    targetBinaryVersion: ''

    # Provide an optional changelog for the OTA
    description: ''

    # Indicate the percentage of users that are eligible to receive this update
    # Default: 100
    rollout: ''

    # Path to the directory containing the CodePush private key
    # This is not required, but highly recommended to code sign the OTA
    # Please read:
    privateKeyPath: ''

    # Relative path to the iOS project file (.pbxproj)
    # This is not required, as the AppCenter CLI will try to find the project file by itself
    xcodeProjectFile: ''

    # Name of the build configuration to use on iOS
    # This is iOS only to override the default configuration used by Xcode
    # Example: Staging_Release
    buildConfigurationName: ''


Minimal configuration


- uses: huextrat/deploy-codepush@v1.0.1
    token: ${{ secrets.APP_CENTER_API_KEY }}
    app: "huextrat/MyApp-Android"


- uses: huextrat/deploy-codepush@v1.0.1
    token: ${{ secrets.APP_CENTER_API_KEY }}
    app: "huextrat/MyApp-iOS"
    buildConfigurationName: "Staging_Release"

Common configuration

  • targetBinaryVersion should be dynamic and not hardcoded to a specific version
  • deploymentTrack will depend on your workflow and your needs, remember that if it doesn't exist it will be created


- uses: huextrat/deploy-codepush@v1.0.1
    token: ${{ secrets.APP_CENTER_API_KEY }}
    app: "huextrat/MyApp-Android"
    deploymentTrack: "Production"
    targetBinaryVersion: ">=1.0.0"
    privateKeyPath: "./keys/CodePush.pem"


- uses: huextrat/deploy-codepush@v1.0.1
    token: ${{ secrets.APP_CENTER_API_KEY }}
    app: "huextrat/MyApp-iOS"
    deploymentTrack: "Production"
    buildConfigurationName: "Production_Release"
    targetBinaryVersion: ">=1.0.0"
    privateKeyPath: "./keys/CodePush.pem"
  • More information about code signing here